Vacation (?)

I’ve working on the house all week. So far — there’s a new outside water spigot. There’s lighting and an outlet on the back hallway. There’s some initial mudding and taping on the living room walls. Spike is going to the vet today to get neutered, and the electrician is coming back to wire the lighting and outlets in the living room. Then more mudding/taping/sanding in the living room, and hopefully, at the end of the weekend, priming the finished walls.
Then the only things left to do in the living room will be:
priming and painting the ceiling
painting the walls
repairing the floor
sanding and finishing the floor
baseboards and trim around the windows
move everything into the room

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Weekend Update 2003-03-31

Kathy did most of the work finishing the drywall in the living room while I stressed out as everything when haywire for me all week long. (You can interpret “stressed out” as “threw temper tantrums”). The wall around the fireplace is brick with a thick layer of plaster over it — plaster that’s in bad shape and needed to be covered. I also needed to put up drywall around the fireplace to match up the edges of the drywall on the other two walls. All this would make more sense if I ever get my pictures organized and up on the site. [grin].

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Weekend Update 2003-03-23

I dug up the brick pathway in front of my house this weekend, and moved the bricks to the side of the house so I can use them in the path in the back yard. I also uncovered part of the sidewalk and started work on the flowerbed on the side of the house. Kathy and I started to put drywall up around the fireplace, but I need a better masonry bit to pre-drill for the masonry screws. When I get that, I’ll have all of the drywall finished. I’ll stop by Lowe’s to get that tonight. I’m also going to buy a wheel-barrow to move stuff around in the yard.

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Weekend Update 2003-03-17

I pruned and cut back all the dead flowers in the beds from last year, raked the back yard and neighbor’s yard, seeded the backyard, dug up the gravel in what will be the new flower bed on the northwest corner of the house, finished the laundry that will go to goodwill, bought 5 sheets of drywall with my brother Gary and brought them to my house.
Over on the north side of 22nd Street, they pulled a backhoe up and completely demolished a house on Sunday in less than six hours. It was pretty wild. I have photos.
On the less stressful, more pleasant side, Kathy and I took Spike for a walk along the canal Friday night. He loved it. I also have to take some photos of him with his brand new bed. Also, Kathy and I had a great dinner at Ruby Tuesdays Saturday night. And I saw Chicago with my friend Melissa at a Saturday Matinee, which was cool. I’ve been singing the soundtrack ever since.

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Weekend Update 2003-03-10

I fixed the wall above the window in the living room, and I put smaller sections of drywall on the two walls that Kathy and I started, so I have two walls finished. Now I just have two living room walls left to put drywall on, and the corner surrounding the fireplace, as well. I think I need about two sheets of drywall for that, and perhaps three for the back entry hall… maybe a little more. So if I can get six sheets of drywall, I should have enough for everything. I’ll still need to get wood for the baseboards in the living room… but we’ll see when that rolls around. I don’t have a mitre saw yet, so I can’t do baseboards anyway, yet. I think when April rolls around, I’ll know better how far I’ll be in regards to having the party I want to have. But I think I can do it. I’m feeling better about things, after Sunday getting some stuff done. Tonight I’m going to the gym, and after that, I want to get some more stuff done.

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Weekend Update 2003-03-03

So this weekend I spent Saturday stripping wallpaper off the walls in the living room, and doing some cleaning in the living room and throughout the house. I finished two walls, have two to go. I felt kind of funny/ill all day, dunno why.
Saturday night Kathy and I went out to the final evening of Utopia, which is now closed. Kim Archer was singing, and Jess Curtis, and others. It was an interesting evening, but I have to say, I didn’t really feel all that sad about the closing. It was a decent club, but I’ve kind of moved on in a lot of ways from going out all the time. And I have to say it was never as much fun as going to the Ten. The crowd at the Ten is just more fun and accessible and doesn’t seem to be made up of people who would blow you off if you spoke to them. The crowd at Talbott Street seems pretty snotty too, come to think of it. Interesting — Talbott Street used to have a website up, but when I searched for it to link to, it’s no longer there. Hmmmm.
Sunday I went shopping for stuff to help organize my house. Then later Kathy came over and we put up two sections of drywall. Then we accidentally bumped the good hammer, and it fell through the hole in the floor down into the crawl space. So Kathy figured out how to fish it out of the hole while I took a break to relax and ummm… de-stress. Then we showered, and she gave me a backrub, and when I fell asleep, she did her laundry and also washed all my dishes, so when I came downstairs, all my dishes were done. Isn’t that the coolest thing? She’s pretty thoughtful.

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Living Room Update

Kathy and I have made further progress on the living room. I’m now optimistic, whereas before I was depressed by the amount of work. She has been a great help. I should have photos up sometime of the work.
I’m at home because of Presidents Day, which is also when I conveniently scheduled a dentists appointment. So by the end of the day, my teeth should be even more perfect than they were previously. What sucks is that I have to go out in all this goddamned snow. Seriously, what the fuck is up with the weather? Yes it’s winter, but this a bit much.

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Living Room Update

So this past weekend, Kathy and I got some work done on the living room. Also, I had a legal-sized, four drawer file cabinet delivered so I can finally sort out and organize all my financial and legal paperwork and generally get my life in order. It was a pretty good weekend.

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