10:00a.m. – Every Breath You Take: Identity, Attention, Presence and Reputation Panel Notes (SXSWi 2007)

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Moderator: Christian Crumlish Pattern Detective, Yahoo!
Christian Crumlish Pattern Detective, Yahoo!
Kaliya Hamlin Super Hero, Identity Woman
Mary Hodder CEO, Dabble
George Kelly Contra Costa Newspapers
Ted Nadeau Founder, Dot Line Inc
Identity panel

No real notes – too busy listening to take them.
Look up internet identity workshop may 14-16, 2007

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Panel Notes Bad, Food Tasty (SXSWi 2007)

The notes I took for the last three panels are pretty bad, so I don’t know that they’re worth uploading. The grids panel was pretty visual, and there’s a website that covers it. I also went to “ruining the user experience” which wasn’t particularly great, and a panel on “tags to riches” that was completely worthless to me. It was about career paths in the web tech field, and there was nothing in it that I didn’t already know. I ended up leaving and hanging out on the balcony of the convention center to just decompress. Going to a panel for every scheduled time is quite a bit to take in in a single day.
tags to riches panel
I think I ended up going to completely different panels than I planned to at the start of the day; dunno how that happened. I think I’ll stick to my original plans more tomorrow; I think I would have been happier with my choices today if I had done that.
For dinner we just started driving around and ended up away from the convention center at a local bar and grill on Congress called Docs Motorworks Bar and Grill that was great. Mexican food in an old gas station setting; inexpensive and very tasty, with a nice crowd of people.
We’re hanging out to decompress; tonight we’re going out to at least one party – The Frog Design SXSW Opening Party.

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11:30a.m. – Influence of Art in Design Panel (SXSWi 2007)

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Influence of Art in Design
Moderator: Dan Rubin, Creative Dir – Webgraph Inc (Superfulous Banter)
Dan Rubin, Creative Dir – Webgraph Inc
Patrick Haney – Not a Sausage
Anton Peck, Web Designer – MultiAd Inc
Erik Sagen – Erik Sagen Designs
Glenda Sims, Sr Systems Analyst – UT Austin
Dave Shea – mezzoblue.com

influence of art in design panel

Rough Panel Notes:
Sims – talking about technologies in museums to enhance the experience – without letting the tecnology get in the way of viewing the piece. Art piece based on the skin color of 20 individuals – the interactive piece online allows you to compare your skin tone and submit it – making a personal connection to the art.
Dave Shea – 1826 photo, the first photo ever taken. Sociological impact of photography: suggested that they would replace paintings. 20th century – photograpy accepted as an art form. – two kinds: photos as journalism/ photos as art. Trends: 1970s: snapshot aesthetic. Now – staged with lighting. Demand for fine art photography is still pretty non-existent. Commercial photography is what affects web design the most.
Commercial trends – digital. Costs are going down, so quality is better – digital SLRs. Quality amateur photography is a upswinging trend, because people have access to better tools. – Flickr, istockphoto.
Sagen – Popculture’s influence on design – pop culture can reflect and influence a way of life. Influenced by art and film. Pop art – Jasper Johns & Warhol. Benday screen. Lichetenstein – comics influenced his art.
Another current pop artist – Tom Wilson – Biff from back to the future, uses childhood toys as inspiration to paint. Evokes feelings of nostalgia. Try using movies as sketch pieces for artwork, or visit an art museum.
Peck – Michelangelo quote – I saw the angle in the marble and carved until I set him free. Starting with a digital photo and used photoshop as a medium to create.
Rubin – Music as an influence. Music affects productivity, pace, mood, memories, block distractions. Types of music relates to types of work? Panelists say no. But – look at history of music, and periods of art… they feel like they go together. Impressionists – Debussy, Revel. Pollock – Jazz. Change your music to take you out of your comfort zone. Listen to historical types of music.
Haney – Inspiration screen shots on flickr. notre dame stained glass – theology design influenced by the piece of art. Shea – photography drives color of site. Architecture is also an inspiration. Starry night -gets him in the mood.
Inspirability book – interviews with 40 designers on what gives them ideas.
Which art forms are most inspirational? shea – print media. sagen – illustration. peck – tatoos. Haney – print. Rubin – architecture. Sims – rt you can get inside. Hicks – movie typography, open credits animations.
What is your Dream design project? Sagen – film storyboarding. Haney – designing a house. peck – digital bob ross. Shea – wokring on my own stuff, with technical aspects. Sim – do what google books is doing, only for art. Rubin – furniture design, architecture.

experimental design – how much of web work is? Early web was, but now is more practical.
Drugs – is that cheating? Perhaps just breaking down barriers? Can be done without them. Music – drinking and drugs breaks down stage fright. Figuring out the keys to unlocking that creativity without it.
Music + studies – not specific, but some related to music therapy. Celebrities & playlists.
Silence as an inspiration? – John Cage. Peck – music without a vocal track.
World Cultures – what do you draw from? Peck – all kinds of stuff.

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10:00a.m. – Emerging Social and Technology Trends (SXSWi 2007)

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10:00a.m. – Emerging Social and Technology Trends (SXSWi 2007)
Moderator: Laura Moorhead, Sr Editor Culture – Wired
Laura Moorhead Sr Editor Culture, Wired
Andrew Blum Contributing Editor, Wired
Robert Fabricant Exec Creative Dir, Frog Design
Eliot Van Buskirk Columnist/Blogger, Wired News
Peter Rojas Engadget
Daniel Raffel Product Mgr, Yahoo!
Emerging trends panel

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SXSW Friday

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The plane trip wasn’t bad, aside from the fact that I forgot gum on the first leg and thus had a headache from my ears popping, and I managed to spill Starbucks on myself because the cup lid was borked. Nice.
We got in around lunch, checked into the hotel, went to the Irowworks BBQ (highly recommended – definitely eat there), and then got in the long, long line to register.
Ironworks BBQ
Internet celebrities we saw in line – Ernie Hsuing from little.yellow.different, and Garrett Dimon. In all, one of the largest collections of geeks and nerds I’ve ever seen congregated in one spot. And not coincidentally, one of the largest collections of snarky, funny t-shirts, too. I feel right at home.
More geeks, more lines.
After registering, we had a free beer in the beer tent, and spotted Shaun Inman, and Andy Budd hanging out there.
After registering we met up with our co-workers from New Jersey and went to dinner at Sullivan’s. There weren’t too many parties on the schedule last night, so we called it a night pretty early. We have a full plate today…
Panels I’m interested in:
10:00AM A Decade of Style (19AB)
10:00AM Better than 1,000 Words: Video on the Web (12AB)
11:30AM After the Brief: A Field Guide to Design Inspiration (18ABCD)
02:00PM Kathy Sierra Opening Remarks (18ABCD)
03:30PM Grids Are Good and How to Design with Them (18ABCD)
04:05PM Beautiful Algorithms: Design from Nature and Mathematics (10AB)
05:00PM High Class and Low Class Web Design (18ABCD)
05:00PM Mapping: Where the F#*% Are We Now? (Ballroom F)
And parties that caught my eye:
frog design SXSW Opening Party
AMODA Digital Showcase
BuzzFeed + Ze Frank + Juiceboxxx SXSW Party

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SXSW anticipation

I’ve been busy getting prepared for the South by Southwest conference, and the closer it gets, the more excited I am. I am hugely lucky that we’re being sent by work – our whole web design team from both Indianapolis and New Jersey is going – which means I don’t have to foot the bill (yay!). Of course I’ll learn a lot that applies to my job, but I’ll also get a lot out of it that applies to my personal hobbies (like this website) as well. For one thing, some of the biggest, most high-profile bloggers will be there, along with the biggest website designers and developers. Also the folks who develop the content management software I use will be there, and I’ll get a chance to talk to them. And the SXSW film and music conferences are going on, too, so there will be lots of creative people converging in a small area.

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My Superhero Logo Shirt

Because our team of designers at work is headed to the SXSW Conference in March, I decided I needed a reworked and updated shirt with my URL on it to wear to Austin. So I redesigned my lightning bolt logo and put together a newer t-shirt design with it for my Cafe Press Redbubble store, and while I was at it, I reworked the two shirts I have for sale, too.

You can check out the new designs here, or through my new ad on the right column of my site.

Electrasteph Logo Shirt

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John Edwards is using Act Blue for Fundraising

That’s pretty cool that John Edward’s campaign website collects contributions by connecting to ActBlue, the website that raises money for democratic candidates. I used Act Blue to solicit campaign contributions during the last election, and found them to be well organized and easy to set up. I like Edward’s website as well; very nicely done.

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