Anti-Gay Christians Burn Flag at Bloomington Business

According to the Indiana Daily Student:

About 25 members of the Old Paths Baptist Church protested Monday afternoon outside The Inner Chef, chanting anti-gay slogans, burning a gay pride flag and brandishing signs with messages like “Fags Die, God Laughs.”
Bobb Easterbrook, a clerk at the store, was the only person working there at the time.
Bloomington police officers responded to the scene but only to prevent it from getting out of hand, said Bloomington Police Department Sgt. Mick Williams. He said police did intervene, stopping protestors when they began burning the New Glory, a gay-pride variation of the American flag that features rainbow colors as the stripes.
John Lewis, pastor of the Old Paths church, said his group burned the flag there because it believes gay people will burn in hell.
“The elite city of Bloomington harbors an elitist, faggot business called The Inner Chef which openly and unabashedly claim they are against God Almighty,” Lewis said. “… We were there to cry against it. We burned the flag, and we will do it again.”
Lewis said he plans to research the legality of burning the flag and intends to burn the flag legally the next time his group protests.
This protest came less than a month after two minors stole and burned a version of the New Glory that had been hanging outside The Inner Chef’s storefront. The minors admitted to stealing the flag Oct. 8 because they thought it was “unpatriotic.”

Burning a gay flag is the equivalent of burning a cross on someone’s lawn. It’s intended to intimidate and harrass.

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Political Compass, revisited

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I posted a link to this site back in 2003, but I thought I should mention it again. The Political Compass site measures where you fall on the political landscape, based on your answers to fiscal questions as well as social liberty questions. Rather than place you on a scale, though, it puts you on an axis. Very interesting.

And here’s where I landed back in 2003. It’s funny, because at the time, I was bitching about people calling me a hard-core lefty, and Scott’s encountering the same thing recently.

Political Compass 2003

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Celebrating Fitzmas

You know, Fitzmas — the holiday where DOJ Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald (pictured) indicts White House officials for outing a CIA officer in retaliation for their lies about WMD being exposed. Reuters is predicting that it will occur this week, so we should be prepared. Americablog readers give their ideas for this brand-new holiday:

  • I’m thinking of a pinata filled with little bottles of booze in honor of our president.
  • Fitzmas carolling! Get a group of friends and go from door to door reciting the constitution.
  • I’m thinking of carving some “Republicans behind bars” pumpkins. They’re already that nice orange jumpsuit color!
  • For our Jewish friends, shouldn’t we have a Fitztival of Lights?
  • I hope there is an indictment under every Fitzmas tree.
  • Fitzmas caroling in front of the White House?
  • I want some Fitzmas cookies so I can bite the head off some neocons.
  • I will do the Whoopee dance in my front yard in front of all my neocon Republican neighbors.
  • I have champagne chilling. Balloons and a dozen pink flamingos and Happy Fitzmas signs ready for the front yard.
  • As for me, I’m planning a party and am going to make Fitzmas Carols booklets from the best on the Kos diary here
  • How bout a contest for best Fitzmas Shrub?
  • How about a game of Pin the Balls on the Donkey?
  • On the frist day of Fitzmas my true love brought to me, a Chicago White Sox victory.
  • I just bought a bottle of 1989 Chateau Lynch-Bagnes, Pauillac. I was going to save it for a very special occasion. This would qualify perfectly. And what is really the topper is that the wine is . . . French.
2022-03-15 Update:
I really got down in the weeds for some of these blog posts, didn’t I? Oh well. I do the same on Facebook today. It’s really too bad Fitzmas never caught on. Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald would have a ball.

Context: As special counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, Fitzgerald was the federal prosecutor in charge of the investigation of the Valerie Plame Affair, which led to the prosecution and conviction in 2007 of Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff Scooter Libby for perjury and obstruction of justice.

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Congress to give MORE corporate welfare to Oil companies

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Despite the fact that oil companies made record profits last year, AND the fact that they just got a huge present of tax cuts in the recent “energy” bill, AND the fact that oil companies were throttling their refinery production to boost prices (and profits) before Katrina hit, the house is still considering throwing out the baby with the bathwater and looking at a bill to handout more to oil companies.
John Edwards keeps pointing out that our country doesn’t reward work, it rewards wealth. People who work hard are forced to work harder, while people who sit back on their accumulated money just keep sitting back and accumulating.
UPDATE: This bill came down to a vote in the House, and the Republicans held the vote open (unethical) so they could twist arms and force people to change their votes. It ended up as a shouting match on the floor of the house, with Democrats shouting “SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!” You can see the excitement on video here. The Republicans ended up getting the vote 212 to 210. So not only is our economy going to spiral further downward as oil companies rake in bucks, we’ll have new refineries to pollute our environment, too. Wonderful.

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Bush Polls Hit New lows

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According to a CBS News Poll:
Right direction- 26%
Wrong track – 69%
All – 37%
Reps. – 79%
Dems. – 14%
Inds. – 29%
All – 58%
Reps. – 13%
Dems. – 84%
Inds. – 64%
Overall – 37%
Terrorism – 46%
Iraq – 32%
Economy – 32%
Hurricane Katrina – 45%
Recent hurricanes – 46%
Yes – 32%
No – 65%
Better – 10%
Worse – 54%
Same – 34%
There’s lots more interesting data there, go and read it.

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Rove’s about to be indicted

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Karl Rove is suddenly not appearing at major White House events (like the Miers announcement) and his lawyer has changed his statements from last Friday’s “Karl is not a target of the investigation” to “no comment.” Also swirling around the blogosphere are rumors that indictments are about to be handed down, and prosecutor Fitzgerald’s office has mentioned that the would mail people a few days ahead of public announcements if that person were going to be indicted.
Steph rubs her hands together in anticipation…

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Patricia Miller’s failed Orwell plot

Regarding Indiana’s proposed Orwellian plan to criminalize “unauthorized reproduction”:
State Sen. Patricia Miller, R-Indianapolis, issued a one-sentence statement this afternoon saying: “The issue has become more complex than anticipated and will be withdrawn from consideration by the Health Finance Commission.”
Scott was lamenting yesterday that we look even more like hicks now that the entire country reacted with horror to this idea… but I think it was a very Good Thing. However creepy and dystopian the idea was, it wasn’t a dumb-ass, igner’nt idea… just a totally fascist idea. While that’s not great, what it did do was expose the right-wing, conservative (radical) Republican party for what it really is, which more people really need to catch onto, not just those of us who pay attention to the news every day.

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The Tom Delay Corruption Scandal

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Salon Magazine writes a very readable, informative article on how wide-spread the corruption scandal really is.
It’s pretty amazing to read, because you start to understand how many GOPers and how much money is involved, and how much campaign finance laws have been flattened by the government machine; enough that had it not been for the corruption and illegality, the Republican’s wouldn’t have taken control of the Congress. Truly scary.

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