Glare Ice

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I carved a truck out of a block of ice this morning and drove it to work. I’m quite proud of my sculpting skills. It looks just like a red Ford Ranger with a silver shell cap.

We’ve been managing to keep up with things a bit better lately. Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that I hired a landscape company to come rake up the leaves at our house and at the rental. Cheating, I know! But the feeling of happiness I get when I look out at our clean lawn was worth it. Okay, maybe that was a pricey indulgence, but I feel so much better. We had the gutters cleaned at both houses, and we have a guy re-roofing the garage at the rental house. We also recently started to have our fireplace reworked so it will use a vent-less gas log.

We still have to knock out all our Christmas cards and wrap presents. But I spent all day last Friday puttering around the house getting stuff put away in the basement, and getting the recycling boxes broken down and loaded in the truck.

And we still have more organizing in the guest room to do. We’re not clear of clutter by a long shot – but I feel a lot better now than I did a few weeks ago.

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Sick of the Weather

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I realize I’m just being whiny given that we has such a mild November and December, but I’m sick of the snow and cold. I just can’t seem to get warm, and I have this constantly runny nose that just won’t stop. Plus we’re going to get a bunch of snow dumped on us tonight, which will either be good, (snow day!) or bad (slogging to work in snow).

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A Rather Blustery Day

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I had to run around this morning gathering stuff we had on the front porch from the neighbors yards, and bringing in the flag pole and some of our outdoor decorations before they blew away. The cats were all jumpy because the wind was howling. Seems like tomorrow might be a good day to stay indoors, light the fireplace, make some hot chocolate, organize our stuff and start Christmas decorating.

A Rather Blustery Day
A Rather Blustery Day
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Rain, rain, go the hell away

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Flood Indianapolis 2005
Flood Indianapolis 2005

As another 1.5 inches of rain fell on Indianapolis yesterday, neighborhoods like Frog Hollow (I love that name!) and Ravenswood, which were already battling flood waters are hit hard again. The city closed 12 streets, mainly in these neighborhoods and along Fall Creek and in a neighborhood on the southside near Troy and Harding streets which are flooded and impassable. The river is expected to crest this afternoon. UPDATE: Emergency crews are evacuating people from 78th and Keystone area due to the White River flooding. 16 people were rescued by boat from their homes. The attached photo show the level of water in that area. Emergency personnel also evacuated people from the Ravenswood areas.

According to the Indianapolis Star:

Before changing to snow Thursday, 2.66 inches of rain had fallen in the Indianapolis area since Sunday. That’s on top of 6 inches last week. So far this month, 9.04 inches of rain has fallen; normal for the entire month is 2.48 inches.

Indiana rivers were already higher than normal due to the heavy snows in December and ice storms in January.

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