Recent Photos

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Lupines (Texas Blue Bonnets)
Texas Blue Bonnets that I grew from seed, from a seed packet I bought in Austin while at SXSWi 2007.
Radishes that we grew from seed. They are tasty, but very strong.
Department of Redundancy Department
Department of Redundancy Department
Truth and Lies
I so want to see what’s in these boxes.
Advertising Mural + Graffiti = sadness
Normally, graffiti doesn’t bother me much, but don’t mess up cool old advertising.

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Me vs. Squirrels: The Battle Royale

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The squirrels used to just be my dog’s nemeses – and I got a huge kick out of watching their skirmishes in the yard. But lately the squirrels decided to take it up a notch. Not content with the corn cobs I was giving them, they decided they need to get into the bird food, too.

Curse you, Squirrels!

Curse you, Squirrels!

One of my neighbors was telling me she came by one day, and there were three squirrels – one inside the container, throwing food out to the other ones. Later that day, one of the squirrels was in the plastic food bag, peeking his head out. Comic, sure. Adorable, yes. But I had to clean up the mess every evening, and the dog barked at the porch all day long.

I had to do something about it!

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“I’m the prettiest cat in the house.”
I'm so pretty.
“I’m the prettiest cat in the house.”
My blog.
“My blog.”
I see you looking at my blog.
“I see you looking at my blog.”
“Paparazzi. Back off.”
Caturday? Noes!
“Caturday? Noes!”
Pile o' Monkey
“When is Monkey Day?” (Silly kids. Every day is monkey day.)

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Big Things Photos – Back up and Running

My “Big Things” photo galleries are back up and running, finally, after some coding goofiness. In going through all the new photos, I realized I have hundreds of new ones to put online; I’m further behind on this project than I thought. But I have much easier ways to get them online, so that’s good.

I’ll point new things as I get them on the site.

Mr. Bendo
Mr. Bendo

Big Things in Indianapolis

Indianapolis’ Lost Big Things

Big Things In Indianapolis — Inflatables

Big Things Around Indiana

Big Things in Muncie, Indiana

Big Things Around the U.S.A.

2001 Midwest Big Things Road Trip

2004 Visit to Dinosaurland in Virginia

2005 Big Things In Louisville, Kentucky

Coming soon: 332 new “Big Things” photos, including our Big Things Road Trip to Kansas, and this summer, our Route 66 Roadtrip to California.

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