SciFi / Fantasy / SCA / D&D Jokes
Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology
Beyond the Final Frontier lies Bab 5
Could be a Hologram
Could be a figment of your imagination
Could be a mutation
Cross my hearts and hope to regenerate
Do you know where your towel is?
Dragon fodder
ELF: The Other White Meat
Free Mars Now!
He’s dim, Jed
How much is that in Federation Credits?
I am very interested in the future because I plan to spend the rest of my life there.
I don’t remember volunteering for this "Ring" business
I have no use for adventures — they’re nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things and
make you late for dinner
If there is anything in the universe more important than my ego, I want it taken
out and shot immediately.
I’ll have some of what that gentlebeing on the floor is drinking
It’s not my damn planet, Monkey Boy
Live wrong and preposterously
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup
My parents went to Sol 3 and all I got was this stupid human
Not all who wander are lost
Of course I’m in a bad mood — someone just dropped a house on my sister
Old Gallifreyan riddle — which came first the future or the past?
On my planet we laugh occasionally
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Reality corrupts. Absolute reality corrupts absolutely
Reality is just one option
Reality is the opiate of the people
Save the universe — collect all five
So much for the old code against killing
Sometimes I feel like a figment of my own imagination
Spending a year dead for tax purposes
There is a very fine line between reality and fantasy — and I’d just as soon obscure
Time paradoxes will have given me a headache
Anachronists do it knightly
Anfractous: n. Full of twists and turns. Torturous. See Game’
Any excuse to wear a sword is a good excuse
Are we all being disintegrated, or is it just me?
Arrant Fool
Bards are beautiful
Berserkers do it without thinking
Better Living through Alchemy
Buggeth Off
Chivalry is alive and well in the SCA
Concealed broadsword
Crossbows don’t kill people. Quarrels kill people
Even barbarians like chocolate chip cookies
Follow me to the current Middle Ages
Gamers make better lovers — They know how to handle themselves in the dark
Have you hugged your Wench today?
Have you oppressed your peasants today?
Heralds do it with their companions
I like the Knight life
I thought YOU silenced the guard!
If it’s not Scottish, it’s crap
Imperious Rex
Knight Errant
Lady of the Knight
Live by the sword — Die by the crossbow
Maiden in Distress
Maybe if we attack, it will get confused, and make a mistake
Merde Occureth
Never, EVER, throw a fireball in a closed room.
Never trust a smiling game master
No Quarter
No, seriously, how much damage did I take?
Oh Regrettable Knight!
Peace through superior swordplay
Practice save government — use kingdoms
Retired Barbarian
SCA – medieval re-creation and recreation
Shameless Hussy
So many monsters, so little time
SSDA — same s***, different age
Surely you Joust?
Take a journey through time, join the SCA
The Game Master is Not God. God is one of my little NPC’s.
The King is a fink
Those spurs are, I must say, a provocative addition to your wardrobe.
Umm… Can I UN-cast that Fireball? I think it made him mad
Unprincipled Rake
Uppity Wench
What guard?
Waste a Knight with me
You bash the Balrog, I’ll climb a tree