Graphic Design Stuff

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This is one of those areas of graphic design that I always thought was really cool: antique seed packets. A while back I had an option to design a landscaping website for a friend (it didn’t work out) but this was one of my plans, to create a design like this. Another cool example of this is the art for the Squirrel Nut Zippers CD “Perennial Favorites.”
The seed packet site really makes me want to go put some more MiracleGro on my flowerbeds.

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Change of Scenery

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It’s been pointed out to me, and probably rightly so, that I write a lot about our Stupid President. Well yes. And I write a lot of mean things. Well yes. And the person pointing this out mentioned it not because she likes the Stupid President (she doesn’t) but because she was concerned about how upset I am all the time about the Stupid President. And I guess that’s true, so now I will only write about how Stupid the President is on Mondays. The rest of the time, I will write about my life, and other funny and interesting stuff. Because despite how Stupid the President is, life is still something to be enjoyed at least 6/7ths of the time. The other 1/7th of the time, you should all be mad at the Stupid President.
And so, here’s something funny: How to kill your computer and other electronics.

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Indianapolis Star News Coverage

So I’m persuing the Indy Star website, because I just can’t bring myself to actually subscribe to the paper, and I ran across this little gem of an article. It’s about coffee mugs. The author of the article is comparison shopping coffee mugs. Indianapolis is an urban city of over a million people. We have a larger population than San Francisco. Check out their paper sometime. The Indy Star is lame. Lame, lame lame. Shut up about the mugs, dude. Just shut up. Jesus.

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You Were Watching What?

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So I’m reading my friend Lori’s website, and she has this post about the Amber Alert System:

So, i’m watching the sunday night repeat of The Practice on channel 6 and the tv goes freaky – buzzing and making weird noises…then at the top of the screen there’s an announcement about a Civil Alert for all of Indiana from 12:00 till 5:00am – what the hell? A little while later, there’s a box in the corner that says it’s an Amber Alert – go to the Indy Star website – nothing…go to the Channel 6 website nothing… you’d think the damned channel that announces something like this would have the info on their website!!! So i track down the Amber Alert page – apparently there’s something happening in Gary, Indiana…

And the first thing that popped into my head was that maybe the problem wasn’t the Amber Alert system at all. Maybe the buzzing and weird noises were happening because the TV was objecting to Lori watching “The Practice” on a Sunday night, when “The Sopranos” and “Six Feet Under” are on. I didn’t even realize that “The Practice” was still on TV. Hollywood really must be out of ideas.

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Debunking conspiracy theorists’ paranoid fantasies about Sept. 11

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11, and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they ‘hate our freedoms.'”

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The “Rescue” of Private Jessica Lynch

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Interesting article on how Jessica Lynch was “rescued” when she wasn’t actually a prisoner, from Iraq doctors that were giving her excellent care, in a staged event where the U.S. soldiers had blanks in their guns. Nice.What do you want to bet this never makes mainstream news?
Interesting how Clinton got slammed as a liar when Bush seems to do nothing but.

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