Fall TV Schedule, Revised

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  • Post category:Television

I reworked my fall tv schedule to highlight new shows as well as show I’m planning on watching. I also linked all the new shows to their websites and linked all the shows I’m planning on watching as well. Next, I’m going to put a tiny pink triangle next to shows that have gay or lesbian characters. Just for fun!
UPDATE: I counted it all up, and it comes out to 30 1/2 hours of TV per week, give or take. Scary. I’m going to have to streamline.

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Top Ten Conservative Idiots, Number 120

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Oops, forgot to link to this yesterday, on my designated “say shitty things about the retard in the oval office” day. So here it is, the list. Last week, little Georgie held his very own press conference with out any extra help from the grownups. They don’t let him do that very often (only 9 times so far, compared to Clinton’s 22 at this stage, and Bush senior’s 80+) because he tends to say really stupid shit when he’s not reading from a script that someone else wrote. And true to form, he did so at this press conference, too, blaming the crummy economy on the media for putting “The March to War” on their graphics back in the spring. Of course it has nothing to do with his dumbass tax cuts or the 70 billion+ that we’re spending on a unnecessary and illegal war.

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Samuel Pepys’ Weblog (Diary)

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  • Post category:Brain Food

Samuel Pepys was an English gentleman who lived in the mid 1600’s, whose well-known and beloved diary serves as an excellent history of his era. Pepys was a practical man of business but also had a wide-ranging appetite for knowledge. His classical and mathematical education was the basis from which he explored the arts and sciences and he was an accomplished musician. This site presents his diary in weblog form, with annotations and links to reference information that helps bring the gentleman and his age to life.

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The Appendix: a Colorful Guide

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Appendix DiagramThe appendix (A) is a small worm-like pouch attached to the large bowel (B) right after the small intestine (C). The function of the appendix is uncertain and there seems to be no long-term problems in living without it.

Which is a darn good thing, because I’m going to be living without mine after Thursday, August 14. Unless they accidentally kill me on the operating table, or something, in which case, you’ll have to fight amongst yourselves for my stuff, because I have no will and testament. Heh. I guess that’s not very funny, is it?

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Federal Marriage Discrimination Constitutional Amendment

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First of all, I don’t believe such a thing will actually pass and become law in the United States. The amount of work it takes to pass an amendment is phenomenal, and I really believe the anti-gay hate-mongers like George Bush just don’t have the numbers. But if, on the off-chance it did pass, I would definitely leave the country. Not sure whether I’d go to Canada or Europe, but I wouldn’t stay here.

That being said, here’s why the Right-wing is supporting a constitutional amendment — basically because they know the the “Defense of Marriage Act” that they passed in 1996 is unconstitutional, and will be overturned as soon as a state passes a gay-marriage law and gay couples begin suing to get their marriages recognized.

The only thing that will prevent gay marriage at this point is an amendment. And if the government “codifies” anti-gay hatred into the United States Constitution, then, as much as I love that beautiful document, I won’t be able to call it mine anymore. Talking to a marriage counselor before having a marriage would be a great decision. Click here to learn more. Call Cynthia Lissau, M.S., LPC, LMFT couples counseling Roanoke. You may consider seeking the assistance of therapy mesa az if you and your partner are struggling with various relationship issues.

Those who decided to end their marriage should consider hiring divorce attorneys. Make sure to hire experts like Dallas divorce lawyers to be fully prepared for all the family law proceedings. A professional lawyer like this Winnetka divorce lawyer can provide expert legal assistance.

Considering the Vatican’s stance on the issue, I guess my decision to leave the Catholic Church after the priest abuse scandals was the right one.

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The Magdalene Sisters Documentary

I wrote a few months back about the Magdelene Laundries – In Mid-20th Century Ireland (until the last one closed in 1996), the Catholic Church ran commercial laundries, run by nuns, that were essentially prisons for wayward girls, who were deposited there by their families when they became pregnant, got in trouble or otherwise upset society.

The story of these prisons is now being told in a British documentary, Sex in a Cold Climate by Steven Humphries, and was then made into an award-winning (but denounced by the Catholic Church, big surprise) movie, The Magdalene Sisters by Peter Mullens, which is currently playing in the United States. I happened to run across an interesting article about the movie in Slate, and it occurred to me that, had I been born a few years earlier and in the wrong country, I would have been one of those girls.

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American Rhetoric

A have a few of my favorite speeches here on my own site: [Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy] but here’s a website that has everything… AmericanRhetoric.com. Tons of the best speeches ever delivered in the United States. I wonder a bit about a site that has more speeches by Georgie boy than by Bill Clinton. But there’s lots of great stuff here, so I can overlook them including some crap.

My favorite part of the site is the page on Rhetorical Figures of Speech which illustrates examples of figures of speech using clips from various speeches. I know that I tend to use Epithetons too much. Also, hyperbole. Although hyperbole is much more fun when used in gesture form than in verbal form:

Party at the Pumpkin House

I’ve always loved Personification: Figure which represents abstractions or inanimate objects with human qualities, including physical, emotional, and spiritual; the application of human attributes or abilities to nonhuman entities.

Bear Wearing PantsAnd the best kind of personification has always been anthropomorphism: attributing human qualities to animals. Like having bears wear pants. That’s so cool. Anthropomorphism also figures into one of my favorite quotes of all time: “I mock you with my monkey-pants!”

My second favorite figure of speech: Anadiplosis: Figure of repetition that occurs when the last word or terms in one sentence, clause, or phrase is/are repeated at or very near the beginning of the next sentence, clause, or phrase. “They call for you: the general who became a slave; the slave who became a gladiator; the gladiator who defied an Emperor. Striking story.” — delivered by Joaquin Phoenix (from the movie Gladiator)

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