Weekend Update 2004-02-23

Date on Friday night. News about it later. Saturday night I went to a very fun party at Troy’s (beautiful) house and had a great time, and got complimented on how good I looked, which made me feel great. I had some great conversations, and also meet Troy’s foreign exchange student Frederick, a German kid who really seems to dislike America and won’t hesitate to tell you about it. Which is entertaining in and of itself. I left with spirits lifted.

Dyeing my hair — it will be bleaching obviously, rather than dyeing (that’s Stacy’s department) and instead of grabbing a box in drug store, I’m getting an appointment at a Salon. Let the professionals do it.

My library is finally moved, and for the first time ever, all my books are in the same room, on the same bookcase, and organized well. Strangely, I have way more non-fiction than fiction. That really surprised me. I like the organization I did, but not how I have them sitting on the shelves. That will require some creative thinking on my part, but I’ll have to let it stew for a while. I’m also surprised that I don’t have more empty space on the bookcases. I thought I’d have more room for knick-knacks and decor than I do. I think I need to do some more thinning out of books I don’t need. That’s much easier to do when I can stand back and look at all the books in context.

I went furniture shopping, but didn’t come up with anything good. I need to replace both the couch and the chair, and I’m debating the best way to do it. I’d rather have both pieces match, but I’m nervous about spending that kind of money all at once. Replacing the chair is the priority, really, because that’s where I’m going to sit most of the time. I want more of a club chair than a big cushy overstuffed thing. And I tried a bunch of them out in the store, but the comfortable ones weren’t cool looking, and the cool ones weren’t comfy. The ideal couch and chair were at Eddie Bauer’s, but the price tag was way out of my league.

On the furniture plus side, I recovered my ottoman. I had an old one that I covered with a sheet a long time ago, but it was looking shabby and I had covered the wooden legs as well. So I took off the old sheet, got real upholstery fabric from JoAnn’s, took off the wooden legs, and recovered the ottoman with a brown textured fabric, then replace the legs. It looks great and for a thrown together Sunday afternoon project it went astonishingly well.

And I moved the dining room table into the dining room, along with the chairs that go with it. I know that’s jumping the gun since I’ll be painting in there, but I couldn’t stand having a totally empty room. I need to do something about the work room, though. It’s pretty disorganized. I need a workbench.

Continue ReadingWeekend Update 2004-02-23

Weekend Update 2004-02-17

Kathy helped me finish the baseboards on Saturday. They didn’t come out as neat as I would have liked, and I was upset about it, but she helped talk me down. Then we moved all of my living room furniture in. The bookcases are partially moved in, and the rest will be finished later this week. By next weekend, I’ll be done.

Continue ReadingWeekend Update 2004-02-17

Power Out

I was doing a weekend recap when my power went out here at home. It was only out for an hour and a half, but that was long enough for me to realize I don’t have my emergency procedures down. I have camp lanterns, but the batteries were dead, I don’t have a battery radio, and I only have one regular phone line. That will all change this afternoon.

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Living Room progress

I’ve got all the baseboards stained, and 2/3rds of them completely finished. I just have one more coat of polyurethane to put on the last set of baseboards, then I have to install them. Then the living room is done; potentially on Saturday.
And then the migration into the room occurs. I’m already planning that. I’m very excited.

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Weekend Update 2004-02-09

So, this weekend I learned how to use my miter saw and Kathy helped me cut the baseboards for the living room. Then we went out Saturday night to a open mike concert that was quite fun. We saw DJ and Chi and Tracy and hung out listening to some great music. I ended up buying some CDs. Then Kathy and I went downtown briefly to meet her family. Her mom and mine look a lot a like; it’s very odd.
Sunday I did some trim work around the ceiling in the living room that was not as successful as I would have liked. I’ll have to redo it later, but for now, I’m leaving it, because I was very grumpy about it. Hopefully no one will notice the flaws. I got some of the baseboards stained. More to be done tonight and throughout the week. I’m hoping to nail the baseboards in place by Saturday, and then begin the move into the room. I can’t wait. I saw The Hours, it was very interesting. And, as always, I enjoyed The L-Word.

Continue ReadingWeekend Update 2004-02-09

Happy Groundhog Day

Apparently, the critter saw his shadow, though. Stupid groundhog.
I got three coats of polyurethane on the floor over the weekend. Looks pretty good. There are some things I wish I’d done better, but oh well. Now it’s on to the baseboards, which I’m planning on purchasing this evening, if possible.

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It’s been a long week

I haven’t posted much, because I’ve been swamped at work, and because home hasn’t been exactly easy either. Tuesday, I got home from work, and discovered that my furnace wasn’t working. I called the repair guy, and he got there a few hours later, but the problem was the ignition component, and he didn’t have one for a furnace as old as mine available in his truck. So he had to order the part from the warehouse and come back Wednesday to install it. So I and the cats and dog slept in the spare bedroom with two spaceheaters. It got down to 35 degrees in the house, and I could see my breath.
He thought it would be Wednesday morning, but it turned out to be 3:30 p.m before he came back. I never got to work that day, because it took so long for him to come.
But Wednesday night, I was able to get the second coat of stain on the living room floor, which looks amazing. Tonight I’m going to put on the first coat of polyurethane, followed by two more coats tomorrow.

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Weekend Update 2004-01-26

I finished sanding the edges of the floor in the living room, and did the full-scale cleanup of sawdust required. I hoped that I’d have enough time to start staining the floors, but that was overly ambitious. The edger sander was really hard to control — I was exhausted when I finished Saturday, and today I have stiff sore muscles all over my body. But the floor looks great. I’m hoping to put a coat of stain on the floor tonight. If I can come up with a strategy for keeping the cats out of the room while it’s drying.

Other than that, I didn’t do much. I’ve been trying to read the Ramayana, but I haven’t got very far. It’s not boring, but it’s very complex with lots of characters, places, geography that all sound somewhat alike, so you have to pay attention or you get lost easily. It’s a book that requires an uninterrupted Saturday, not one that you can pick up for an hour or two and put down again. And lately the only free time I’ve had to read is an hour or two at a time snatched from here and there around the other things I’ve been doing. It’s frustrating, because I miss being able to sit down and get completely mesmerized by a book.

I caught an interesting show on BBC America called “Life Laundry.” It’s a home improvement type show similar to HGTV’s “Clean Sweep” where they tackle helping people with severe clutter problems get organized. What’s better about the BBC show is that they take everything out of the house and put it on the lawn. Then the homeowners go through every scrap of paper, every object, and try to justify why they need to take it back in the house. Everything discarded goes in the “car boot” (garage) sale, or gets donated to charity. Or if it’s just trash, it goes into a giant green mechanical bin called “The Crusher” that smashes everything to bits. Which is fun. I wish I had one.

The interesting part of the show is watching the homeowners going through their stuff — because in almost every episode they nearly have a nervous breakdown at the idea of parting with their things. And the host holds their hand and counsels them on why the object has such importance to them. In most cases, whatever caused the breakdown was an object that had some attachment to an emotional event in their lives; like one woman who had never gotten over her divorce 7 years before. When she finally let go of stuff from her marriage — boy did she have a ball throwing stuff out.

Then when they take back the items that they really need back into the house, the show redoes their interior to make the rooms organized and beautiful. I like this show a lot. It made me mentally go through all my stuff and ask myself why I keep some of the things I do.

Continue ReadingWeekend Update 2004-01-26

Chihuahua/Shih Tzu Mix dog is Smallest in World

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According to this article… A British woman is claiming to be the owner of the world’s smallest dog. Tiny Tim is still a puppy but his owner Mandy Marks said he has not grown since he was 4 weeks old. At four inches tall at the shoulder, he is the smallest dog on record. If your dog has long and thick fur, you should look for an effective brightening shampoo for dogs.

A Chihuahua/Shih Tzu mix dog, often referred to as a “ShiChi” or “ChiTzu,” is a hybrid breed that results from the crossbreeding of a Chihuahua and a Shih Tzu. Here are some characteristics and information about this mixed breed:

Size: ShiChi dogs are typically small in size, as both Chihuahuas and Shih Tzus are small breeds. They usually weigh between 5 to 15 pounds (2.3 to 6.8 kg) and stand about 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) tall at the shoulder.

Appearance: The appearance of Chihuahua/Shih Tzu mixes can vary widely depending on the genetics inherited from their parent breeds. They may have a rounded head with a short to medium-length snout, floppy ears, and expressive, round eyes. Their coat can be long and silky, like the Shih Tzu, or shorter and smoother, like the Chihuahua, if you lost one of these dogs due to an accident or illness, getting a pet cremation jewellery can be great for this.

He’s cute, but he doesn’t have anything on my Chihuahua/Shih Tzu mix! My little one has become a big part of our lives, and when we travel, finding trustworthy care is a priority. When you’re unable to take your dog on holiday, finding a dependable boarding kennel is the next best thing, and this resource can help ensure your pet is in good hands.

Hi mom!
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