My Sister’s House
My sister Stacy lives in England, and this is her house. Apparently, her husband Roger just got a new job, and they’re moving, so they’re selling to move to a new place.
My sister Stacy lives in England, and this is her house. Apparently, her husband Roger just got a new job, and they’re moving, so they’re selling to move to a new place.
I didn’t get a change to blog about the July 4th weekend, because I was so busy last week working on the Brady Games website. It seems to be up and running well.
Most of the weekend we did stuff around Stephanie’s house; just summer cleaning and organizing. We did go to David and Garrett’s house and enjoyed the Low-Country Boil, and then went to Massachusetts Ave. to watch the fireworks. I have photos; I’ll try to get them up soon.
This weekend, we went to the monthly lesbian pitch-in at Mia and Ria’s house, which was especially fun because Julie brought her Republican friend to the pitch-in. I don’t think the woman knew what hit her when we started to talk politics. It’s nice to know how well-informed other women are about current issues.
Saturday, Stephanie had a skating exhibition to skate in, and I spent time working on my dad’s website. In the evening, we caught up on Big Brother and the Amazing Race, which we hadn’t seen during the week.
Sunday I spent the morning digging out fence posts and working outside, while Stephanie was at a chorus event. And then we went to a Fever game, which we lost. Sad.
Jason Kottke has a funny post about some security holes in friendster’s software that can be hacked to gather people’s names and addresses… when presented with the information, Friendster replied “We have a policy that we’re not being hacked.” If only life worked that way.
“We have a policy that we’re not being hacked.” That’s my new favorite thing right there. No longer do I need to acknowledge any deficiencies in my life; policy will take care of that. I have a policy that I’m fabulously wealthy. I have a policy that I can dunk a basketball. I have a policy that I’m the the life of the party. I have a policy that I’m dating Nicole Kidman *and* Gwyneth Paltrow. I. Feel. So. Free. You really should try this for yourself. I have a policy that it’s great.
I have a policy that all the monkeys in the world are my secret army. I have a policy that I can control people’s thoughts with my mind. I have a policy that you will send me some money using the tip boxes on the left side of my page.
Friday, Stephanie and I went to Girl’s Game Night and had fun. It was nice to see Lori, whom I haven’t seen in a while, and her friend Kat was fun.
Saturday was busy because Stephanie had a skating competition downtown, and she had a compulsory event in the morning (she won second place) and a freestyle event in the evening (she won first). I got to meet Stephanie’s coach Tara, who seems really cool, and I got to see her compete, which was exciting. In between the two events, we went to Stephanie’s friend Elizabeth’s house for a cookout, which was really excellent. I got to meet Joe and see Stephanie’s other friends again, and I also got to meet Elizabeth’s family.
Sunday we went to see Fahrenheit 9/11, which was excellent. I’d really like to see it again, although it sort of put me in a blue funk the rest of the afternoon.
I’m so happy; I got to spend the evening with Stephanie last night. Turns out she’s not at all a figment of my imagination. 🙂 I feel like I should have little cartoon blue birds flying around my head this morning.
UPDATE: There; an appropriate bluebird of happiness, just for this post. 🙂
This is the dinner that David and Garrett cooked out last year on Fourth of July weekend. It was an amazing meal, and I think I’ve been talking about it all year since.
They’re doing it again this year, and I can’t wait.
The eastern caravan stayed the night in Texarkana, Texas last night. Their destination today is Sweetwater, Texas, a town that really has a ball when the caravan comes through. Yesterday, they stopped in Memphis, Tennessee to see the pyramid, and stopped a couple of times to deal with a running board problem that Stephanie was having.
Phoebe’s been giving Stephanie a heck of a time; on the trip to Nashville, the passenger-side window got stuck down (common problem with automatic windows on the Beetle) and when they left on the trip yesterday, one of the headlights went out. Which means they’ll make a video of how to change a headlight when they get to the car show. On the plus side, I can tell Phoebe apart from the other black Beetle in the caravan when I look at the webcams.
Before she left for Roswell, I helped Stephanie put on some custom runningboards for the Beetle. They’re not real running boards, but a ribbed rubber mat cut to the size of the section under the door, made to mimic the look of the old-fashioned first edition VW Bug. They’re attached with double-sided automotive tape, and apparently the one on the passenger side, that we worked on after it got dark, was coming loose. Steph will fix it sometime before the car show. It’s a very cool look; you’re just not supposed to install them in the dark.
Hey, look, it’s my girlfriend leaving Nashville in her Beetle!
Lisa and Spacepod are driving behind Stephanie, who’s driving Phoebe. You can also see all the cars on the caravan on the graph at the bottom of the main page.
Hmmm. This is pretty cool; I can keep tabs on my girlfriend even when she’s hundreds of miles away. 🙂
You can also see still photos they put online; Stephanie and Phoebe are in them, too. 🙂
UPDATE: More pictures of my girl on the webcam, here’s one, and here’s another.
And here’s a great shot of Phoebe… you can see her retro wheels. She’s so cute.
Lisa Linn’s webcams for the New Beetle caravan roadtrip to Roswell are up and are broadcasting their trip now. I think they’re at lunch at the moment, so it’s broacasting a review of the shots so far. Sometime later this evening or tomorrow morning, you’ll be able to see my girlfriend Stephanie join the caravan.