I have a policy that I can fly…

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Jason Kottke has a funny post about some security holes in friendster’s software that can be hacked to gather people’s names and addresses… when presented with the information, Friendster replied “We have a policy that we’re not being hacked.” If only life worked that way.

“We have a policy that we’re not being hacked.” That’s my new favorite thing right there. No longer do I need to acknowledge any deficiencies in my life; policy will take care of that. I have a policy that I’m fabulously wealthy. I have a policy that I can dunk a basketball. I have a policy that I’m the the life of the party. I have a policy that I’m dating Nicole Kidman *and* Gwyneth Paltrow. I. Feel. So. Free. You really should try this for yourself. I have a policy that it’s great.

I have a policy that all the monkeys in the world are my secret army. I have a policy that I can control people’s thoughts with my mind. I have a policy that you will send me some money using the tip boxes on the left side of my page.