IQ tests

Take your own IQ Test Keep in mind that this is an online test and not a professional administered test, which would probably be more accurate and maybe even give you a better score [grin].

Intelligence Quotient

Read more About IQ results and what they really mean.

UPDATE: Since someone pointed it out to me, that their disclaimer seems to suggest that their score is on comparison to other tests taken by online people and isn’t necessarily accurate. Do a google search and you can probably find better tests. I have taken “real” ones in college, administered and scored by psychologists as part of one of my psych classes. My averages were a higher than this test, but might have been skewed by one test that I scored a 168 on. Dunno if that was an anomaly, or if I just had too much caffeine that day, or what. I’m also good at taking tests; some really brilliant people aren’t. Either way, your mileage may vary, these things really don’t mean diddly-squat, etc. Etc.
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nBeast road trip to Virginia

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So this weekend, my girlfriend Stephanie and I are driving to Luray, Virginia for NBeast, the New Beetle East car show. Luray is in central Shenandoah Valley in north west Virginia, In the Appalachian Range between the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains. Aside from being a beautiful landscape, the valley was also has Civil War and Revolutionary war sites.

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Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows

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Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is what I feel when we’re together,
Brighter than a lucky penny,
When you’re near the rain cloud disappears, dear,
And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
That’s how this refrain goes, so come on, join in everybody!
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is sure to come your way
When you’re in love to stay.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is what I feel when we’re together,
Brighter than a lucky penny,
When you’re near the rain cloud disappears, dear,
And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
That’s how this refrain goes, so come on, join in everybody!
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is sure to come your way
‘Cause you’re in love, you’re in love,
And love is here to stay!

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General News

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I haven’t blogged about anything personal for a while, so I’d better catch up. This past weekend I started work on the walkway from the patio to the parking area. I got most of the channel dug out where they sand and pavers will go. Still a bit more to dig out, then sand and laying pavers. I’ll be happy to get this done, and to move on to the insulation stuff I need to do before it gets too cold.
Stephanie has started Winter Club recently, which means in addition to skating in the mornings at Fishers, she skates on Tuesdays, & Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons at the Coliseum.
Next weekend (October 23& 24th) is nBeast, a volkswagen car show in Virginia. We’ll be driving Phoebe down for the show. Should be a lot of fun.
I’m kind of sad that a lot of my friends who are bloggers, like Lori B. and Melissa, haven’t blogged much lately. I miss hearing from them.

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Vacation Update: New Patio Work

So far… I rented a 60 lb. jack hammer, and with a great deal of help from my friend Kathy, we broke up the 6 foot by 9 foot patio and the set of cement stairs at my back door. I discovered that a 60 lb. jack hammer is pretty damned heavy.

Yesterday, I loaded much of the concrete that has the feature of Solid Crawl Space Encapsulation from Seepageseal, into my truck and took it to a cement recycling place and unloaded it. The cement guy who helped me unload asked me on a date. It’s the truck.

Anyway, I also bought the pavers that will go in the patio. I originally bought 24″ pavers, but after some reflection, I realized they were going to be too heavy for me to move around by myself, so I cancelled the delivery and bought 16″ ones instead. Coordinating that caused much running back and forth between Menard’s stores on two different sides of town. The pavers and sand will arrive today. I will also be digging out the trench area for the patio today, and hopefully getting started on putting the sand in place.

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Labor Day Weekend Update

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So on Friday it rained, so a couple of us from work spent our last summer hours Friday at Union Jacks, drinking. Otherwise I would have mowed the lawn.
Later Stephanie and I went to Target and ate out at Colorado Steakhouse because we had zoo book coupons. I had a really great prime rib there, and the Caesar salad was awesome, too. I like my Caesars to have a lot of the anchovy flavor and lots of cheese, and this had both. The steak was a great cut of meat; thick and juicy even though I had it done medium-well. They had a mild horseradish sauce for dipping that really enhanced the flavor. The complimentary bread there is a very sweet biscuit, and it, too was addictive. Not quite like a Red Lobster cheese biscuit, but close. I’ve had uneven luck eating out at some chain steak house restaurants. At both Lone Star and Texas Roadhouse, I’ve had a really great steak on one visit, and on the next a very tough, stringy or unflavorful mess when ordering the same cut. We’ll see on my next visit to Colorado Steakhouse whether they can duplicate the amazing prime rib.
On Saturday, Stephanie and I ran a ton of errands all day that including dropping off several large pieces of furniture at the Salvation Army and paying bills. On Sunday, we washed my truck and her Honda, dropped off some recycling, and went to see The Notebook at the cinema grill for Stephanie’s friend Aleata’s birthday. It was a nice Hallmark-greeting type movie. Stephanie cried, and then I cried because she did. 🙂
On Monday, we drove up to Ikea in Schaumberg, Illinois. It was basically a day-long adventure, and we both ended up with lots of stuff. Apparently, it was “Everyone go to Ikea on Labor Day” day, because the enormous parking lot was completely full and the place was PACKED. Not just busy, but “crowded gay bar, spill a drink on yourself trying to squeeze through the crowd” type packed. Only not with gay people but also with heterosexual people with strollers and the small children that come with them.
If you know me very well, you know I have serious phobia of crowds. I’m not too concerned about small spaces, but I avoid lke the plague any situation where I’m required to sit/stand closer to people than regular personal space requires. Conseco Fieldhouse doesn’t seem to bother me much, but I can’t go to Deer Creek Music Center (I know I’m supposed to call it by the newer corporate name, but I don’t always remember it) the Hoosier Dome (ditto on the name) or that Indianapolis staple, The Indy 500. That’s the reason why I don’t see many concerts and don’t bother to see who’s coming to town for what show.
I was in full-on panic attack mode all day at Ikea. I couldn’t think; I couldn’t focus on the merchandise because I was so overwhelmed by the people. And the place was loud, too. Everything echoed, so babies crying and people discussing seemed to be at double volume. My heart was racing and I kept feeling dizzy like I was going to pass out. And yet, the prices on stuff were so good, and we had driven so far to get there, that I wasn’t about to leave.
Stephanie had a rug and a chair picked out that she really wanted. I wanted to look at something that would work for a china cabinet, and a TV/multimedia cabinet that would work well when I (someday) get a larger-screen TV. I also wanted to look at curtains. I ended up getting the curtains, but didn’t see anything that would work for the other two items. Stephanie got her chair and rug, and I got a couple of rugs and other assorted cool stuff as well. In all, it was a successful trip, but I think if we go again, it should be on a weekday when most people are at work. That would be pretty cool.

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Directions to L.A. Cafe, courtesy of my friend Ian, who’s 40 today

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Q: How do you get to “L.A. Cycle CafĂ©?”
A: That’s a good question, I’m glad you brought that up. I would also like to thank you for coming and remind you of my service in the 82nd Airborne Division piloting a swift chute.
You may take Zionsville Road and take a left at HWY 334 (At the light)  quick right, then another left on Oak (Same as 334) Remain on 334 for a few miles until you get to Whitestown Road and take a right. You’ll stay on the road until you get to Whitestown just before a four-way stop LA Cycles will be on the Left. Orange and Black abounds with a few Harley-Davidsons, the biggest one is mine.
If you see Japanese motorcycle there you’re in the wrong place.

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Bigotry and anti-gay hate at the Republican National Convention

Pastor Donnie McClurkin will be performing at the Republican National Convention. Among other things, McClurkin thinks homosexuality is a “curse,” that it’s caused by men raping small children, that being gay is a choice, that it can be cured, and most explosively, that gays are trying to “kill our children.”
He’s come to those conclusions through his personal experience. He was molested by an uncle as a child, and believes his homosexual feelings came as a result of that.
While I’m sorry about what happened to McClurkin as a child, he’s blaming the wrong people. Homosexuality is not caused by being molested as a child. I was not molested, and neither were the vast majority of gay people. And most molested children do not turn out to be gay. Most gay people are not in the least interested in children. Most child molesters molest children of the opposite sex. Almost all children who are molested, nearly 90% are girls molested by adult men.
The numbers just don’t support what he’s saying here.
And if we truly want to get serious about children being molested, we need to looking at adult heterosexual males.

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