Weekend Update 2004-02-09

So, this weekend I learned how to use my miter saw and Kathy helped me cut the baseboards for the living room. Then we went out Saturday night to a open mike concert that was quite fun. We saw DJ and Chi and Tracy and hung out listening to some great music. I ended up buying some CDs. Then Kathy and I went downtown briefly to meet her family. Her mom and mine look a lot a like; it’s very odd.
Sunday I did some trim work around the ceiling in the living room that was not as successful as I would have liked. I’ll have to redo it later, but for now, I’m leaving it, because I was very grumpy about it. Hopefully no one will notice the flaws. I got some of the baseboards stained. More to be done tonight and throughout the week. I’m hoping to nail the baseboards in place by Saturday, and then begin the move into the room. I can’t wait. I saw The Hours, it was very interesting. And, as always, I enjoyed The L-Word.

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Happy Groundhog Day

Apparently, the critter saw his shadow, though. Stupid groundhog.
I got three coats of polyurethane on the floor over the weekend. Looks pretty good. There are some things I wish I’d done better, but oh well. Now it’s on to the baseboards, which I’m planning on purchasing this evening, if possible.

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It’s been a long week

I haven’t posted much, because I’ve been swamped at work, and because home hasn’t been exactly easy either. Tuesday, I got home from work, and discovered that my furnace wasn’t working. I called the repair guy, and he got there a few hours later, but the problem was the ignition component, and he didn’t have one for a furnace as old as mine available in his truck. So he had to order the part from the warehouse and come back Wednesday to install it. So I and the cats and dog slept in the spare bedroom with two spaceheaters. It got down to 35 degrees in the house, and I could see my breath.
He thought it would be Wednesday morning, but it turned out to be 3:30 p.m before he came back. I never got to work that day, because it took so long for him to come.
But Wednesday night, I was able to get the second coat of stain on the living room floor, which looks amazing. Tonight I’m going to put on the first coat of polyurethane, followed by two more coats tomorrow.

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Weekend Update 2004-01-26

I finished sanding the edges of the floor in the living room, and did the full-scale cleanup of sawdust required. I hoped that I’d have enough time to start staining the floors, but that was overly ambitious. The edger sander was really hard to control — I was exhausted when I finished Saturday, and today I have stiff sore muscles all over my body. But the floor looks great. I’m hoping to put a coat of stain on the floor tonight. If I can come up with a strategy for keeping the cats out of the room while it’s drying.

Other than that, I didn’t do much. I’ve been trying to read the Ramayana, but I haven’t got very far. It’s not boring, but it’s very complex with lots of characters, places, geography that all sound somewhat alike, so you have to pay attention or you get lost easily. It’s a book that requires an uninterrupted Saturday, not one that you can pick up for an hour or two and put down again. And lately the only free time I’ve had to read is an hour or two at a time snatched from here and there around the other things I’ve been doing. It’s frustrating, because I miss being able to sit down and get completely mesmerized by a book.

I caught an interesting show on BBC America called “Life Laundry.” It’s a home improvement type show similar to HGTV’s “Clean Sweep” where they tackle helping people with severe clutter problems get organized. What’s better about the BBC show is that they take everything out of the house and put it on the lawn. Then the homeowners go through every scrap of paper, every object, and try to justify why they need to take it back in the house. Everything discarded goes in the “car boot” (garage) sale, or gets donated to charity. Or if it’s just trash, it goes into a giant green mechanical bin called “The Crusher” that smashes everything to bits. Which is fun. I wish I had one.

The interesting part of the show is watching the homeowners going through their stuff — because in almost every episode they nearly have a nervous breakdown at the idea of parting with their things. And the host holds their hand and counsels them on why the object has such importance to them. In most cases, whatever caused the breakdown was an object that had some attachment to an emotional event in their lives; like one woman who had never gotten over her divorce 7 years before. When she finally let go of stuff from her marriage — boy did she have a ball throwing stuff out.

Then when they take back the items that they really need back into the house, the show redoes their interior to make the rooms organized and beautiful. I like this show a lot. It made me mentally go through all my stuff and ask myself why I keep some of the things I do.

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Weekend Update 2004-01-20

Dan and Kathy helped me sand the hardwood floor in my living room. I still have to sand the edges of the floor, then stain and polyurethane it, then cut and place the base boards, and stain and polyurethane those. Then the living room will be done, and I’ll be able to move my furniture in. Then there will be a giant party, which will feature loud music and dancing.

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Weekend Update 2004-01-06

Over the long New Years weekend, my friend Cate, who was in from Germany, came over and we went to Dan and Doug’s New Years party (photos soon!) along with Kathy and had a good time. Cate and I went to the Catholic supply store downtown and got religious medals (I know, I know, I was just saying below that I’m not a fan of the Catholic church. I still like the saints, though. They never did anything to me.) and went to the 62nd Street antique mall. It was great to see Cate again, and I hope it’s not two years before I see her again. I’m hoping to visit my sister in England, though, and if so, maybe Cate and I can hang out in London.

I went to see House of Sand and Fog with Melissa. Deeply depressing. If you see this, do it on a bright sunny day, not a dark gloomy one like we did.
And I did more painting in my living room. I also read ALOT. I finished Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, and read Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown, the guy who wrote the DaVinci Code.

Middlesex was excellent. Angels and Demons was good, but not off the charts good. If you liked the DaVinci Code, you’ll enjoy this. I had it figured out well before the end, though, and it basically followed the same formula the other: Langdon as hero, girl as intrepid side-kick, a race against time to solve a puzzle, with an anonymous, unknown bad guy who turns out to be someone familiar to you in a wild twist at the end of the book. The appeal for me is the idea of clues to mysteries hidden in plain sight, amongst objects you see every day, with a scavenger hunt like puzzle attached. And I love the idea of secret societies, unusual iconography, etc.

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Living Room floors repaired

Mullin Remodeling did an excellent job repairing the damaged floors in my living room and foyer. They came on Tuesday, swiftly tearing up the burned section of the living room floor and replacing the plank flooring. In the foyer, they also took care of a problematic area where an old furnace intake vent had left its mark. The repairs have made a world of difference, and I can’t wait to share photos once I catch up on everything else I need to do.

Now that the floors are in good shape, I’ve got a bit of work ahead to bring the living room back to life. I’ll need to sand the older section of the floor to blend it seamlessly with the new planks. After that, there’s painting the floors, cutting and placing the baseboards, staining and finishing them, and finally moving my library back into the room. I’m estimating that this will take four or five weekends to complete, but it’s worth the effort to make the space feel fresh and welcoming again.

This project has got me thinking about the potential for more extensive residential home additions in the future. Enhancing the living space by possibly adding a sunroom or expanding the living area could not only increase the functionality of my home but also boost its value. Residential home additions are a great way to customize your home to better suit your needs, and seeing how well the floor repairs turned out, I’m more inspired than ever to explore these possibilities.

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Xmas presents

My dad gave me a compound mitre saw for Xmas. It’s very cool. Plus, I get a brad nailer free as a bonus. That’s really cool! Now I have everything I need to do the baseboards in the living room, and I can do crown moulding, too. Excellent. The carpenters are coming tomorrow to repair the hardwood floors in the living room. Which means I better get stuff ready tonight.

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New Photos

In the house section of my site, I added up to date pictures of my living room including the electric work, mudding and taping, painting the ceiling and painting the walls. Other photos I added to the house section: some photos of the flowerbeds in the front yard from various times this summer, pictures of my basement that I took a while back, more photos of the fence around Talbott Street’s parking lot. Also, a picture of my new aquarium.
Update: I ended up taking down photos of my house after someone used them to stalk me, sadly.
Sigh. I still have to put up Amy’s Birthday photos, some kick-ass pics from Halloween (featuring Mike Pullen as the Gorton’s fisherman and Dan and Doug as the Skipper and Gillian), pictures of the last Mutual Friends softball game of the season, and five days worth of photos from the “painting my house” series, and a bunch of photos of Drusilla, who actually came downstairs and explored this morning.

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The House Next Door to Me

Is for sale at $29,900. [ Link redacted ]I hope that the neighborhood buys it, because if someone just buys it as an investment, they might be a crappy owner.

UPDATE: – The people who ended up buying the houses gutted it, then left it sitting for months before selling it again. Now (March, 2005) it’s owned by a really nice guy who’s got people working on it every day and it’s really shaping up.

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