How To Write A Recommendation Letter That You Don’t Really Mean

by Uri Dub


Having to write letters of recommendation for people with very dubious qualifications can cause serious legal troubles in a time when laws have eroded the confidentiality of business letters. In most states, job applicants have the right to read the letters of recommendations and can even file suit against the writer if the contents are negative. Seeking redress for unjust termination is another critical aspect that individuals may need to consider, ensuring fair treatment and due process in employment matters, particularly when facing legal challenges related to termination.


Here is an arsenal of statements that can be read two ways: You are able to state a negative opinion of the ex-employees poor work habits, while allowing the ex-employee to believe that it is high praise. When the writer uses these, whether perceived correctly or not by the ex-employee, the phrases are virtually litigation-proof.

1. To describe a person who is extremely lazy:
“In my opinion,” you say as sincerely as you can manage, “you will be very fortunate to get this person to work for you.”

2. To describe a person who is totally inept:
“I most enthusiastically recommend this candidate with no qualifications whatsoever.”

3. To describe an ex-employee who had problems getting along with fellow workers:
“I am pleased to say that this candidate is a former colleague of mine.”

4. To describe a candidate who is so unproductive that the job would be better left unfilled:
“I can assure you that no person would be better for the job.”

5.To describe a job applicant who is not worth further consideration:
“I would urge you to waste no time in making this candidate an offer of employment.”

6. To describe a person with lackluster credentials:
“All in all, I cannot say enough good things about this candidate or recommend him too highly.”

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Hickbonics/English Dictionary

Author Unknown

HEIDI – (noun):

Complete sentence. Remainder of greeting.
Usage: Heidi, Hire yew?"

BARD – (verb):
Past tense of the infinitive "to borrow."
Usage: "My brother bard my pickup truck."

JAWJUH – (noun):
The State north of Florida. Capitol is Lanner.
Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck."

BAMMER – (noun):
The State west of Jawjuh.Capitol is Berminhayum.
Usage: "A tornader jes went through Bammer an’ left $20,000,000 in improvements."

MUNTS – (noun):
A calendar division.
Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I ain’t herd from him in munts."

THANK – (verb):
Ability to cognitively process.
Usage: "Ah thank a’ll have a bare."

BARE – (noun):
An alcoholic beverage made of barley, hops, and yeast.
Usage: "Ah thank ah’ll have a bare."

IGNERT – (adjective):
Not smart. See "Arkansas native."
Usage: "Them Bammer boys sure are ignert!"

RANCH – (noun):
A tool used for tight’nin’ bolts.
Usage: "I thank I left my ranch in the back of that pickup truck my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago."

ALL – (noun):
A petroleum-based lubricant.
Usage: "I sure hope my brother from Jawjuh puts all in my pickup truck."

FAR – (noun):
A conflagration.
Usage: "If my brother from Jawjuh don’t change the all in my pickup truck, that thing’s gonna catch far."

TAR – (noun):
A rubber wheel.
Usage: "Gee, I hope that brother of mine from Jawjuh don’t git a flat tar in my pickup truck."

TIRE – (noun):
A tall monument.
Usage: "Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise, I sure do hope to see that Eiffel Tire in Paris sometime."

RETARD – (verb):
To stop working.
Usage: "My grampaw retard at age 65."

FAT – (noun), (verb):
a battle or combat; to engage in battle or combat.
Usage: "You younguns keep fat’n, n’ ah’m gonna whup y’uh."

RATS – (noun):
Entitled power or privilege.
Usage: "We Southerners are willin’ to fat for are rats."

FARN – (adjective):
Not domestic.
Usage: "I cuddint unnerstand a wurd he sed…must be from some farn country."

DID – (adjective):
Not alive.
Usage: "He’s did, Jim."

EAR – (noun):
A colorless, odorless gas: Oxygen.
Usage: "He can’t breathe…give ‘im some ear!"

BOB WAR – (noun):
A sharp, twisted cable.
Usage: "Boy, stay away from that bob war fence."

JEW HERE – (noun) and (verb):
Usage: "Jew here that my brother from Jawjuh got a job with that bob war fence cump’ny?"

a contraction.
Usage: "Is Bubba smart?" "Nah…haze ignert. He ain’t thanked in yars."

SEED – (verb):
past tense of "to see".

VIEW – contraction: (verb) and pronoun.
Usage: "I ain’t never seed New York City…view?"

GUBMINT – (noun):
A bureaucratic institution.
Usage: "Them gubmint boys shore is ignert.

Continue ReadingHickbonics/English Dictionary

Politically correct cat definitions

My cat does not barf hairballs; he is a floor/rug redecorator.
My cat does not break things; she helps gravity do its job.
My cat does not fear dogs; they are merely sprint practice tools.
My cat does not gobble; she eats with alacrity.
My cat does not scratch; he is a furniture/rug/skin ventilator.
My cat does not yowl; he is singing off-key.
My cat is not a “shedding machine;” she is a hair relocation stylist.
My cat is not a “treat-seeking missile;” she enjoys the proximity of food.
My cat is not a bed hog; he is a mattress appreciator.
My cat is not a chatterbox; she is advising me on what to do next.
My cat is not a dope addict; she is catnip appreciative.
My cat is not a lap fungus; he is bed selective.
My cat is not a pest; she is attention deprived.
My cat is not a ruthless hunter; she is a wildlife control expert.
My cat is not evil; she is badness enhanced.
My cat is not fat; he is mass enhanced.
My cat is not hydrophobic; she has an inability to appreciate moisture.
My cat is not lazy; he is motivationally challenged.
My cat is not underfoot; she is shepherding me to my next destination, the food dish.

Continue ReadingPolitically correct cat definitions

Dictionary of Evaluation Comments

Author Unknown

Some of you might like to know what the supervisor is really saying in all those glowing employee work performance evaluations s/he keeps cranking out.

Active Socially:
Drinks heavily.

Alert To Company Developments:
An office gossip.

Approaches Difficult Problems With Logic:
Finds someone else to do the job.

Not too bright.

Character Above Reproach:
Still one step ahead of the law.

Is still able to get work done if supervisor helps.

Conscientious And Careful:

Consults With Supervisor Often:
Pain in the ass.

Demonstrates Qualities Of Leadership:
Has a loud voice.

Deserves Promotion:
Create new title to make him/her feel appreciated.

Enjoys Job:
Needs more to do.

Exceptionally Well Qualified:
Has committed no major blunders to date.

Expresses Self Well:
Can string two sentences together.

Gets Along Extremely Well With Superiors And Subordinates Alike:
A coward.

Paid too much.

Hard Worker:
Usually does it the hard way.

Indifferent To Instruction:
Knows more than superiors.

Is Unusually Loyal:
Wanted by no-one else.

Judgement Is Usually Sound:

A Keen Analyst:
Thoroughly confused.

Keen Sense Of Humor:
Knows lots of dirty jokes.

Maintains Professional Attitude:
A snob.

Meticulous In Attention To Detail:
A nitpicker.

Not A Desk Person:
Did not go to college.

Of Great Value To The Organization:
Turns in work on time.

Quick Thinking:
Offers plausible excuses for errors.

Requires Work-Value Attitudinal Readjustment:
Lazy and hard-headed.

Should Go Far:

Slightly Below Average:

Spends Extra Hours On The Job:
Miserable home life.

Stern Disciplinarian:
A real jerk.

Strong Adherence To Principles:

Tactful In Dealing With Superiors:
Knows when to keep mouth shut.

Takes Pride In Work:

Takes Advantage Of Every Opportunity To Progress:
Buys drinks for superiors.

Unlimited Potential:
Will stick with us until retirement.

Uses Resources Well:
Delegates everything.

Uses Time Effectively:
Clock watcher.

Very Creative:
Finds 22 reasons to do anything except original work.

Well Organized:
Does too much busywork.

Will Go Far:
Relative of management.

Zealous Attitude:

Continue ReadingDictionary of Evaluation Comments

Job Advertisment Glossary

Author Unknown

If you’re old, fat or ugly you’ll be told the position has been filled.

Female Applicants must be childless and heterosexual (and remain that way).

We don’t pay enough to expect that you’ll dress up; well, a couple of the real daring
guys wear earrings.

We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors.

Anyone in the office can boss you around.

Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want and do it.

We have no time to train you.

You’ll be six months behind schedule on your first day.

We have no quality control.

We’ve filled the job; our call for resumes is just a legal formality.

You’re walking into a company in perpetual chaos.

You’ll have the responsibilities of a manager, without the pay or respect.

You’ll need it to replace three people who just left.

Some time each night and some time each weekend.

Continue ReadingJob Advertisment Glossary

Jewish English or ‘Hebonics’

Author Unknown

The Encino School Board has declared Jewish English a second language. Backers of the move say the district is the first in the nation to recognize Hebonics as the language of many of America’s Jews. Here are some descriptions of the characteristics of the language, and samples of phrases in standard English and Jewish English.

Samples of Pronunciation Characteristics

Jewish English or "Hebonics" hardens consonants at the ends of words.
Thus, "hand" becomes "handt."

The letter "W" is always pronounced as if it were a "V".
Thus "walking" becomes "valking"

"R" sounds are transformed to a guttural utterance that is virtually impossible to spell in English. It’s "ghraining" "algheady"

Samples of Idiomatic Characteristics

Questions are always answered with questions.
Question: "How do you feel?" Hebonics response: "How should I feel?"

The subject is often placed at the end of a sentence after a pronoun has been used at the beginning: "She dances beautifully, that girl."

The sarcastic repetition of words by adding "sh" to the front is used for emphasis" mountains becomes "shmountains" turtle becomes "shmurtle".

Sample Usage Comparisons

Standard English Phrase

Hebonics Phrase

"He walks slow"

"Like a fly in the ointment he walks"

"You’re sexy"

(unknown concept)

"Sorry, I do not know the time"

"What do I look like, a clock?"

"I hope things turn out for the best"

"You should BE so lucky"

"Anything can happen"

"It is never so bad, it can’t get worse"

Continue ReadingJewish English or ‘Hebonics’

Computer Definitions

Author Unknown

Someone who’s clueless. From the WWW message "404, URL not found." Meaning that the document you’ve tried to access can’t be located. "Don’t bother asking him; he’s 404."

The average IQ needed to understand a PC.

Alpha Geek:
The most knowledgeable, technically proficient person in an office or workgroup. "Ask Mark, he’s the alpha geek."

when a technology is overtaken in the market by inferior but better marketed competition as in "Microsoft betamaxed Apple right out of the market"

Blowing Your Buffer:
Losing one’s train of thought. Occurs when the person you are speaking with won’t let you get a word in edgewise or has just said something so astonishing that your train gets derailed. "Damn, I just blew my buffer!"

To take note of a person for future reference (a metaphor borrowed from web browsers). "I bookmarked him after seeing his cool demo at Siggraph."

CGI Joe:
A hard-core CGI script programmer with all the societal skills and charisma of a plastic action figure.

Chip Jewelry:
A euphemism for old computers destined to be scrapped or turned into decorative ornaments. "I paid three grand for that 6100/66, and now it’s nothing by chip jewelry."

Chips and Salsa:
Chips=3D hardware, salsa=3D software, i.e.: "Well, first we gotta figure out if the problem’s in your chips or your salsa."

Cobweb Site:
A Web site that hasn’t been updated for a long time. A dead web page.

A badly written or profoundly useless Java applet. "I just wasted 30 minutes downloading this stinkin’ crapplet!"

Dead Tree Edition:
The paper version of a publication available in both paper and electronic forms, as in: "The dead tree edition of the San Francisco Chronicle…"

Disk Crash:
A typical computer response to any critical deadline.

Dropped carrier:
Losing contact/ignoring a person. Example: "I think you’re a doofus!" "That’s okay, I dropped your carrier hours ago!"

Dorito Syndrome:
Feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction triggered by addictive substances that lack nutritional content. ("I spent six hours surfing the Web, and now I’ve got a bad case of Dorito Syndrome.")

Ego Surfing:
Scanning the Net, databases, print media, and so on, looking for references to one’s own name.

The state of your wallet after purchasing a computer.

Apple’s new Macs that make you say "Gee, three times faster than the computer I bought for the same price a Microsecond ago."

Graybar Land:
The place you go while you’re staring at a computer that’s processing something very slowly (while you watch the gray bar creep across the screen). "I was in graybar land for what seemed like hours, thanks to that CAD rendering."

What your computer becomes after spilling your coffee on it. (pronounced "gooey")

Hard Drive:
The sales technique employed by computer salesmen, esp. after a Syntax Error.

I/O Error
Ignorant Operator. Used by tech support in attributing problems not necessarily caused by the computer. Takeoff on Input/Output error.

It’s a Feature:
From the adage "It’s not a bug, it’s a feature." Used sarcastically to describe an unpleasant experience that you wish to gloss over.

JIP (Jargon Interface Protocol): When someone knows the technical meaning of acronyms such as http, tcp/ip, csu/dsu, etc. Example: They’re plugged into the JIP.

The standard way to generate computer errors.

Keyboard Plaque:
The disgusting buildup of dirt and crud found on computer keyboards. "Are there any other terminals I can use? This one has a bad case of keyboard plaque."

Legacy Media:
The traditional media, such as radio and television, but particularly newspapers. Term can describe Web sites that conform to traditional newspaper standards.

Link Rot:
The process by which links on a Web page become obsolete as they sites they’re connected to change location or die.

The physical world (as opposed to the virtual) also "carbon community" "facetime" "F2F" "RL."

The time it takes for your state-of-the-art computer to become obsolete.

An advanced input device to make computer errors easier to generate.

Mouse Potato:
The online generation’s answer to the couch potato.

Nickname for AOL’s less-than-full-featured Web browser.

Any computer you own.

Percussive Maintenance:
The fine art of whacking a device to get it working.

Plug and Play:
A new hire who doesn’t need any training. "The new guy John is great. He’s totally plug-and-play."

Portable Computer:
A device invented to force businessmen to work at home, on vacation, and on business trips.

Power User:
Anyone who can format a disk from DOS.

The coming convergence of movies, interactive TV, and computers, also "hollywired."

Square headed boy/girlfriend:
Your computer.

Any computer you can’t afford.

Syntax Error:
Walking into a computer store and saying, "Hi, I want to buy a computer and money is no object."

System Update:
A quick method of trashing ALL of your software.

Manuals and documentation.

Under Mouse Arrest:
Getting busted for violating an online service’s rule of conduct. "Sorry I couldn’t get back to you. AOL put me under mouse arrest."

Euphemism for being fired.

Vulcan Nerve Pinch:
The taxing hand position required to reach all the appropriate keys for certain commands. For instance, the warm re- boot for a Mac II computer involves simultaneously pressing the Control key, the Command key, the Return key and the Power On key.

World-Wide Wait:
The real meaning of WWW.

Continue ReadingComputer Definitions

College Glossary

Author Unknown

The notation generally following your name in a class record.

Where they take you to get you to admit you’ve mooned the keynote speaker during "new student weekend."

One of those classes that sounds vaguely risque until you find out what it REALLY involves.

A class located suspiciously near the cafeteria.

BOOK: (n)
A depository of knowledge which a student will try to stay awake long enough to read the night before finals.

A large container in which students store candy bars, gum, combs, little slips of paper with phone numbers on them, yo-yos, sunglasses, student I.D.s, loose change, magazines, & (occasionally)

from Latin "cafe" ("place to eat")
and "teria" ("to wretch").

One of the four basic food groups.

CALL: (v)
What you can’t do because your stupid roommate has to go over every stupid detail of every stupid day with their stupid hometown sweetheart.

COACH: (n)
A teacher who rewards successful "students" with a new Corvette.

How students in southern universities call dogs named "Laude."

D-MINUS: (n)
A pretty good grade.

DORM: (n)
Student residence located only a few convenient miles from 8 a.m. classes.

A small closet-like area inhabited by a pair of incompatible people.

Money you allocate each month for movies and magazines.

1) (n) A brainy student who studies all the time and gets straight A’s.
2) (n) That same student once you’ve dropped eggs on him from the roof of the science lab.

What you wish you had on your credit card.
F: (n)
A grade that can usually be altered to look like a "B" on a test paper.

The team that everybody supports, but nobody goes to watch.

What members of sororities or fraternities wear on their headas.

A small, thin person working in the cafeteria kitchen.

KLUTZ: (n)
What you discover your lab partner is when you ask him to slowly pour the sulfuric acid into the beaker you’re holding.

LAB: (n)
A room full of icky, funny-looking creatures and the dead frogs they dissect.

Scholarship athletes who proudly wear letter sweaters proclaiming the vowel or consonant they have mastered.

See: "Would you like fries with that?"

Any area in a dorm, union or classroom building where the only furniture that isn’t soiled, ripped or scarred is immediately stolen.

MAJOR: (n)
Area of study that no longer interests you.

What you make popcorn in.

The sinking feeling you get when introduced to the person your roomie fixed you up with because "the two of you are so much alike."

Generally, your own name with the suffix "ster" attached in a forced awkward attempt at familiarity. E.g. "Bobster," "Hankster" or "Georgester."

NO: (n)
The response that guys who will spend most of their time in the gym lifting weights might put on a true/false test.

The reason for your sudden interest in art.

Ample extra parking usually found in an adjoining county.

Unless you’re an English major, who really cares??

OUT: (n)
Where your roommate always is when one of the 35 clubs she belongs to calls with a very important message.

PAPER: (n)
Your version of Cliff Notes.

An inexpensive way to decorate a dormroom while making people think you’ve been to foreign lands and done things you never have.

PRE-LAW: (n)
The major of a person who will end up in sales.

A group of uniformed officers who seem to be under the impression that they were invited to your dorm party.

A coin operated device for dispensing breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Your football team’s weekly opponent.

A rarity; a three syllable word that cheerleaders CAN spell.

Two day period during which your growling stomach makes you really wish you’d signed up for a seven day meal plan.

Your college nickname. But not for the reason people think.

Name of the circus family you can run away and join when your parents find out how much you put on their charge card.

When the air conditioning in your dorm finally kicks in.

Two things not done by a majority of students.

That device on your arm that lets you know which class you’re currently late for.

X-RAY: (n)
A medical technique that will display cafeteria meatballs up to ten years after they’re eaten.

XYLEM: (n)
We’re not going to tell you this. You should know this. You took Biology, didn’t you? (Were you asleep that day or what?)

1) (n) A well known ivy league university.
2) (v) What southern cheerleaders do.

A book containing student pictures that will keep getting nerdier as the years go by.

When the 12 page paper you started tonight was due.

Dormitory wall decoration you "purchased" around 3 in the morning with the help of two buddies and a hammer.

1) (n) A large blimp.
2) (n) Still the best band for playing air guitar in one’s underwear.

ZERO: (n)
The number of times you’ve gotten to eat most of the pizza you ordered.

ZOO: (n)
What dorms would look like if they were a little neater.

The study of animal life (See: "Frat boys at Homecoming").

Continue ReadingCollege Glossary

Cheddarhead Dictionary

Author Unknown

If you think you can deck yourself out in green and gold and walk around occasionally bellowing "Go-Pack-Go!" and qualify as a Wisconsin native… you’re dead wrong. Youse gotta know the lingo too, ya-know, hey. For your enjoyment, here’s an updated list of Wisconsinisms. This stuff drives a spell checker crazy.

placed at the end of a profound statement; as in "isn’t It?"

a Green Bay institution who doesn’t need a last name; (see "Vince").

attached to the beginning or end a statement make it more credible; as in, "really!"

Blaze orange:
what deer hunters and cold-weather Packers fans wear at Lambeau.

Born in a barn?:
a sarcastic question which usually means you left the door open.

used in place of "lend," as in, "could youse borrow me a couple two-tree bucks?"

a sausage; a Wisconsin tailgate favorite; doesn’t have anything to do with a spoiled kid.

to the rest of the world outside Wisconsin’s borders, it is known as a drinking fountain.

to merge without permission; cut in; as in "Don’t you budge in line for a brat, I was here first!"

to or near; as in "Let’s go by One Eyed Jack’s,"or "She’ll come by Froggers tonight." It has nothing to do with a purchase.

someone from Wisconsin; see, "Cheesehead."

someone from Wisconsin; see, "Cheddarhead."

Cheese curd:
small pieces of fresh cheese that squeak when you bite into them; a parish picnic favorite when deep fried.

a beckoning call to another Cheddarhead.

more than one; as in "Delmer and I drank a couple-two-tree beers."

a Wisconsin expletive. Cripes-sake: a mild Wisconsin expletive.

a wild Wisconsin expletive.

a substitute for words beginning with "TH;" as in"Dat guy over dere in dah Bears shirt is a FIB."

what your mom called the sofa; a couch.

not bad or great, just "O.K."

an acronym; (F***in’ Illinois Bastard)

Fish fry:
a Friday night dining ritual in Wisconsin.

Fleet Farm:
a Cheddarhead’s answer to Bloomingdales.

Frozen tundra:
Lambeau Field.

Another Wisconsin expletive.

Go ahead:
proceed; as in, "go ahead and back up your car."

used in place of "have;" as in, "I gots my tickets to watch da Packers play on da Frozen Tundra."

another Wisconsin expletive.

placed at the beginning or end of phrases for emphasis, as in "Hey, how ’bout them Packers?" or "How ’bout them Packers, hey?"

as in, "wow!"

a greeting; the same as, "How’s everything?"

a beauty; as in "dat crappy youse caughtup-nort is a real humdinger."

John Deere:
a Cheddarhead’s other vehicle.

Wisconsin’s largest city; located just down the lake from Trivers and Mantwoc.

a word inserted at the end of a statement; used as a substitute for "right?" or "correct?"

Oh, yah:
depending on emphasis, it’s either used as acknowledgment (as"That’s correct") or skepticism (That’s bull!).

Parish picnics:
social events of the summer up-nort.

near; in close proximity; just about.

what you do at parish picnics.

a non-alcoholic drink.

protection for your shoes; also known as "galoshes."

the state where Cheeseheads are from.

a card game; also a term used when someone gets beat in a game of Sheepshead

another card game.

used instead of, "next to each other."

Wisconsin state bird.

Start wit me last:
to forfeit your turn.

Stop-and-go lights:
what everyone else refers to as traffic signals.

affirmative; as in "that’s right!"

to defrost.

locality; proximity; as in, "where-abouts are youse guys from?"

Up nort:
where Wisconsinites go on vacation.

Up-side right:
right side up.

the other Green Bay icon who doesn’t need a last name for recognition; (see "Bart").

affirmative; as in "uff-dah."

affirmative; as in "Yah-hey."

pronounced "YOOS;" it means "you" as in "are youse guys goin’ up nort?"

someone from ever further up-nort than you.

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