Bill O’Reilly’s fake “War on Christmas,” anti-semitism, and the “gay agenda”

One of the most interesting books I’ve read lately was The Plot: The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by graphic artist Will Eisner.
It’s an illustrated account of how a forged document (The Protocols) meant to demonize Jews was produced in the early part of last century using plagiarized materials, and how it became part of a massive world-wide anti-semitism campaign; one that eventually lead to the holocaust and communism, and to today’s ultra-right wing conspiracy movements. Eisner’s book is a compelling account of the history of this bloody document that just won’t seem to die.
Read this book first… then go read another book I read this year, called “Them: Adventures with Extremists.” Then go watch Fox News for a day, and you’ll begin to see all the connections– and how this debunked document lives on, as the foundation of the rhetoric of the ultra-right wing militia movements, and for much of the garbage that comes from the mouths of Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove, only adapted to attack “liberal elite” and the “gay mafia” and the new “war on Christmas.”
It’s all about adaptation.
The “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” document originally had nothing to do with the Jews; it started out as an attack on Napoleon III in France. It was called The Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu written by a French attorney. It was a fairly incendiary pamphlet about how to overthrow a government, and it’s venom was attractive to lots of people.
Eventually this pamphlet made it’s way into the hands of a Russian exile named Mathieu Golovinski, who was working with the Russian secret police to convince Czar Nicholas II that his leaning towards the liberal reform movement was wrong.
Golovinski plagiarized the Dialogues to create a fake account of mythical high-powered Jews with access to financial institutions having secret meetings to plot bringing down the Russian government and eventually taking over the world. The pamphlet “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” claimed these Jews were behind the liberal reform movement in Russia at the time.
The forged pamphlet worked wonders: Czar Nicholas veered right and squashed liberal reform movement, which lead to widespread unrest in Russia that later exploded into the Russian Revolution. Except for this document, communism would never have gained traction around the world. Nicholas also lead some viscious attacks on the innocent Jews, who took the fall for the Russian liberals, and then kept taking the fall for everything else.
The Protocols swept around the world; they made their way to Adolph Hitler, who used them to justify the holocaust (with the tacit cooperation of the German people, who had also read them) and to America, where auto maker Henry Ford reprinted them in 1921 in his home-brew paper the Dearborn Independent, where he also began publishing other anti-Jewish diatribes, including The International Jew, an account that included, among other things, a screed about how the Jews were engaging in a War on Christmas.
In 1921, scholars debunked The Protocols, illustrating that the language had been lifted verbatim from the 1894 French document and thus couldn’t have been describing an actual meeting of any Russian Jewish conspirators in 1903. The two documents were reprinted side-by-side, but even this couldn’t stop the pamphlet’s spread. It’s reprinted and distributed around the world today and is very popular in Muslim countries, contributing to the the anti-Israel movement,as well as red states. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh believed them to be real, as did Waco cult leader David Koresh, and Olympic park bomber Eric Rudolph.
Nothing seems to stop the wild idea that somewhere out there, there’s a secret plot by a group of elitists trying to keep you down.
Much of the language of the Protocols of The Elders of Zion lives on today, and reading Will Eisner’s book and seeing the words of the document is a revelation that will cause you to see politics with a new set of eye glasses.
Words from the Protocols show up not just in conspiracy theory survivalist groups who live in the wilderness and talk about the Bilderberg Group, but in in Right-wing attacks on the “liberal and hollywood elite” and the “gay Mafia” promoting the “gay agenda” and in Bill O’Reilly’s new fictional movement, the “War on Christmas” which is lifted wholesale from Henry Ford’s anti-semitic screed, and based on the methdology of the Protocols: create a fictional enemy using a scapegoat, and then attack that enemy to gain political power.

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Training the Iraqi army to do what?

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Zbigniew Brzezinski, in an interview with American Prospect makes this incredibly astute observation:

I think our course with the Iraqi forces verges on the absurd: It is all about us training them. The question arises: Training them to do what? If it is a matter of knowing how to use a Kalishnikov in order to kill other people, I think most military-aged Iraqis don’t need our training. If it is a question of training Iraqis so they behave and act like American soldiers, that’s well and good. Except that is not what is needed in the circumstances we will be bequeathing them. What is needed is motivation based on loyalty to the powers that be. That will mean loyalty to various Shiite militias with a clerical connotation and loyalty to the two major Kurdish formations. Plus, perhaps eventually, loyalty to some Sunni militias based on a tribal allegiance. The motivation is not going to be created by American sergeants who are — quote, unquote — “training” them how to behave like American soldiers.

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Monday December 5th hearing on amending the HRO

I will be at this meeting. Please, please, please come with me, or meet me there. If you’ve never been to the city-county building, it’s very easy to find parking; just east of the building, where Market Square used to stand is a parking lot that charges 3 dollars. You can park there easily. I’ll be running in because it’s after work, but meet me when you get there. Please, whether you’re gay or not, come. It’s so important.
On December 5, 2005 at 5:30pm, the Indianapolis City-County Council will hold a public committee hearing on Proposition 622 [pdf description] – the proposed update to the city’s human rights ordinance that includes sexual orientation and gender identity.
The Rules and Public Policy Committee, meeting in the Public Assembly Room (council chambers) will hear testimony on the proposed changes from the community. The meeting will be televised.

Your help is needed!

Attend Monday night’s hearing and ask your friends, family and neighbors to join you. A large public turnout will help ensure the committee’s support.
WHO: City-County Council Rules and Public Policy Committee
WHAT: Proposition 622 public testimony hearing
WHEN: December 5, 2005 5:30pm (arrive early for seating)
WHERE: City-County Building (200 E Washington St – downtown)
Take action now! Take a moment right now to contact the members of the City-County Council and ask them to support equality and fairness for all Marion County citizens.
Or if you’d feel more comfortable contacting councilors directly (just be aware that Patrice Abduallah doesn’t read any of his e-mail):

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Oh, no, they did not go there

According to the IndyStar:

Leaders from a dozen African-American churches held a prayer vigil today in the City-Council building in advance of an upcoming vote on a proposal to protect gays from discrimination — a proposal the church leaders firmly oppose.
Taking turns praying by name for each of the 29 members of the City-County Council, the church leaders asked God to help the elected leaders see the danger in the proposal, which they said threatens the very concept of a family unit.
Calling homosexuality a perverse “lifestyle choice” and an “abomination to God” that demands repentence, the church leaders also voiced anger that gay rights activists have likened their struggle to the civil rights movement.
“It is an offense to black people to be used – that the blood of our fathers and our own blood that was spilled on the pathways to civil rights should be used as a lever to get legal license to make their own choices law,” the Rev. Melvin Jackson, pastor at Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church and a participant in the civil rights marches of the 1960s, said after the vigil.
“I lived in it and it’s a lie. We are the sons and daughters of slaves who were held in chains physically and by the laws so that we could not exercise our will. These are people who can exercise their will, but they must not do it under the guise of civil rights.”
The proposal that would ban discrimination against gays in the workplace and the housing market is scheduled for a vote in mid-December.

Wow. I’m so stunned by the blatant homophobia and bigotry that I can’t even collect my thoughts. Unbelieveable that something so filled with hatred could come from the black community.
Let me repeat it so everyone can hear: YOUR RELIGION IS A CHOICE. It’s protected by the HRO, and it’s a choice — if you choose to be Buddhist, or Hindu, or Muslim, or Christian, or Jewish, it’s protected under the law, but it’s something you choose. I personally worship a giant monkey. And I can, because my choice is protected by the HRO.
My homosexuality on the other hand, is NOT A CHOICE. I didn’t pick it. I wouldn’t change it if I could, any more than any black person would deliberately go out and change the color of their skin. It’s a part of me. But I certainly didn’t choose it, any more than the color of my hair, my height, or any other part of me.
I’ve written this a billion times, and I’m writing it again. What makes me gay isn’t my behavior, it’s my feelings. Homosexuality isn’t about behavior, it’s about who you fall in love with and are attracted to. Choice has nothing to do with it.
Of course I could choose to marry a man and have a monogamous relationship with him for the rest of my life. But that wouldn’t make me heterosexual. That would make me a gay woman in a relationship with a man. A miserable relationship that I hated, he hated, and any children we had hated. It would be a destructive mess to everyone concerned. Want proof of that? If you’re heterosexual, picture yourself in a relationship with someone of your own sex. Think you could make it work? Think you would be happy? I thought not. Thousands of gay people have entered into relationships with someone of the opposite sex and can attest to the destruction and misery it causes.
I’m not even going to go into the “Abomination before God” bullshit, because, as I mentioned, I worship a giant monkey, and I don’t care what they hell these ministers are on about. They certainly shouldn’t be allowed to put their religious bullshit into law. I wonder why they got to have access to the city-county building. Can we get access to hold a prayer vigil in favor of Prop. 622? I want to pray to Hanuman about it.

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10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong

I’m completely ripping off my friend Bil.
1. Homosexuality is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their dogs because they can legally sign the marriage documents.
4. Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can’t marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if homosexual marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
6. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Homosexual couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in America.
9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
10. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

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Indianapolis’ Human Rights Ordinance

If you have a few minutes to write to your city-county councilors asking them to amend the city’s Human Rights Ordinance to include sexual orientation and gender identity protections (aka Proposition 622), please take some time to do so.
If you’ve been discriminated against, or if you know someone who has (here’s a hint I have) tell them about it and why it’s important to you.
The council needs to hear from you, because the votes to support the proposition aren’t solid, and some councilors are still making up their minds. The right-wing is enlisting support from outside of Indianapolis and Indiana for an email bombing campaign against the change.
Also, take a bit of time to read a couple of responses from councilors. Last year, city countil member Ginny Cain, sent one of her constituents this very telling remark: recounted in full on Advance Indiana: “I will never support something that is meant for destruction of human beings and our civilization.”
And just this morning, Councilor Earl Salisbury, in response to a story from a constituent about discrimination, gave this flippant reply: “So if the laws change does the abuse stop? No more suicides? Promise?”
Yes, including GLBT rights in the HRO will help prevent suicides. It will improve the quality of life for GLBT people, who will be less depressed as a result. The high suicide rate among gay and lesbian and transgendered people is because they suffer from discrimination, not because they are gay or transgendered. The way to reduce the suicide rate is to end the discrimination, and passing Prop. 622 is the first step in doing so.
Another good reason to pass to pass Prop 622 — preventing the massive brain drain that is currently going on in the state of Indiana, by making the state more attractive to people like me — technical people that the city is spending money hand over fist to attract to the city.
Tell the council about your professional field, and how passing the ordinance would make you feel about remaining in the state.

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White House planned to Bomb News Outlet

Via Stallio, I discovered this story being discussed widely in Britain and the middle east — about Bush wanting to bomb Al-Jazeera, the arab media outlet that happens to be located in Quatar, a ally nation of ours, according to a new memo leaked from No. 10 Downing Street. He was talked out of it by Tony Blair.
Yes, you read that right — Bush wanted to bomb the NEWS. In an allied country.
Okay, not only is he retarded, he’s dangerously crazy. Can we impeach him now?

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Show Up Monday Night for the Re-Introduction of the Human Rights Ordinance

From Pepper Partin:

Did you know that walking from your car to the Indianapolis City-County Building will burn 1 million calories? Enjoy a guiltless Thanksgiving and look great in your new holiday wear this year by attending the City-County Council meeting this Monday night. Why? In addition to burning calories so your body will be in a much-needed holiday calorie deficit, you will be showing support for the re-introduction of Prop 622 – the proposal that will add sexual orientation and gender identity to the Human Rights Ordinance (HRO). The added language will make discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity illegal in the areas of housing and employment. Council member Jackie Nytes plans to re-introduce Prop 622 just in time for you to get that Madonna-like body prior to filling up on turkey or tofurkey or whatever macrobiotic diet followers eat on Thanksgiving.

When: Monday, November 21st at 6:30 (be there a little earlier if you can)
Where: City-County Building downtown Indianapolis – (across the street from the City Market) Beurt Servaas Public Assembly Room

As you may know, The HRO was defeated earlier in the year when Eric Miller and Advance America led a campaign against the added language just days before the Council vote. The campaign was successful albeit unethical since Miller called upon his cronies outside of Marion County and even outside of the state to barrage the Council with e-mails and phone calls. His campaign worked, and we can’t let it happen again! If Indianapolis wants to claim that it is a world class city, our City-County Council will need to prove it by following the lead of Daniels, Brizzi and Peterson.

The road to a second vote on Prop 622 may take several weeks and Rock Indiana, along with other organizations, will be calling on YOU to help. It will take all of us to win this battle. So pay attention to calls to action as the entire community will be needed. But let’s start with Monday night.

The Council will not be voting on Prop 622 or even hearing testimony Monday. And that’s the beauty. All you have to do is stand in unison with the Indianapolis/Marion County GLBT community and other fair-minded Hoosiers. You’ll look great doing it since you will have that just-worked-out rosey glow. So show up Monday night along with HUNDREDS who support Prop 68 and know that you can enjoy a guiltless holiday and you’ll look fabu.

Don’t let Eric Miller and other right wing radicals win this time!

A special Rock Indiana thank you to Jackie Nytes for her support and to the Greater Indianapolis Fairness Alliance and IE-Region 8 for their INCREDIBLE work on getting this before the Council again.

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Not My Man

Caught sight of this over on Taking Down Words: a site dedicated to ripping on Mitch Daniels called
Now the design is a bit squidgy — aside from the big ol’ typo in a graphic on the front page and suspect rounded corners, the text doesn’t play well with CSS/web standards. And I question why the site doesn’t identify who’s behind it, although given that they’re offering up the same bumperstickers we got from the Indiana Democratic Party, I suspect there’s a connection.
But I TOTALLY dig the photo on the “Citizens for Services” page of two African-American people with their arms crossed in disgust to signify their disapproval with Mitch’s privitization schemes. Because how true is that? So true. I just love the internets.

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