Top Ten Conservative Idiots, Number 121

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From Democratic Underground. They’ve got the link to the Flightsuit George doll, too, and here’s what they have to say,

We can’t wait for Blue Box’s next authentic and historically accurate figure, Elite Force Aviator: George W. Bush – Draft Dodger and AWOL Coke Snorter 12″ Action Figure, complete with a 1:6 scale letter from George H.W. Bush to the commander of the Texas Air National Guard, fully detailed civilian clothing (including sun visor), and an authentic empty urine sample bottle.

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George Bush “Action Figure”?

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Oh, My God, Kill Me Now. Check out the latest G.I. Joe type toy… Flight Suit George W. Bush. Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhh, my brain hurts. On the other hand… Hmmmm. I wonder what my Ken Dolls and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Joe would make of flight suit George. I wonder if you can take the flight suit off. I wonder if he’s anatomically correct. Even better, I wonder what George would do if he met Billy. These are the reasons I have a digital camera. Hmmmm.

Bush Action Figure

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Police State

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According to the New York Times: A federal judge in Manhattan criticized police officials yesterday for the way demonstrators against the war in Iraq were interrogated earlier this year, and he made clear that civil liberties lawyers could seek to hold the city in contempt of court in the future if the police violate people’s rights.

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NY Apartment, 160 square feet, sells for $135,000

An interesting article on Manhattan closets… ahem… I mean co-ops, that are selling for outrageous prices in New York. The reason? “But the building is the epitome of location, location location.” What the hell could be around there that’s so damned compelling? Please.
Just a side note: I paid $74,000 for my 2,300 square foot, four bedroom, Queen Anne style Victorian home in one of the nicest historic neighborhoods in Indianapolis. My house is 14 times the size of this guy’s apartment, and I’m paying half of what he’s paying. Needless to say, I think New Yorkers are nuts.

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More on The Murdered Indianapolis Trans Teen

From the Indy Star:

An initial hearing in the case of the teen’s murder was held for an Indianapolis man who has been arrested for the murder of Gregory Johnson and his friend Brandie Coleman. According to the hearing, the gun belonging to Paul Anthony Moore, 20, was matched to the bullets that killed the two teens.

See my previous post on Nireah Johnson.

It appears that Nireah Johnson is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery in section 73, lot 509 under the name “GREGORY M. JOHNSON”

Brandie Coleman’s Obituary:

Brandie Michelle Coleman, 18, Indianapolis, died July 23, 2003. She was born March 29, 1985. She was a considerate, kindhearted, and very happy person. She was also a good singer. Brandie was a new mother. She formerly attended Northwest High School and was attending Goodwill Industries where she was working on her GED. Brandie was a member of the Church of the Living God Temple #2. Brandie was preceded in death by her father, Walter “Duke” Coleman; and grandmother, Alice Coleman. Brandie will be greatly missed by her 2 month old daughter, Brakayla; mother, Mary Ann Coleman; grandparents, George (Barbara) Coleman and Carl & Ruth Wildman; sisters Robyn Foisy and Jennifer Coleman; brother, Jason Coleman; and a host of other relatives and friends. Visitation will be from 10 to 11 a.m. Tue., July 29 at Stuart Mortuary immediately followed by Interment: New Crown Cemetery. Brandie’s death was tragic loss and during this difficult time we are leaning to The Lord Jesus for the strength that we know only he can give.

Published in the The Indianapolis Star on July 29, 2003

Related posts:

17-year-old Indianapolis Youth Killed Because She Was Trans

Two Indianapolis men sentenced for killing trans teen, friend

Nireah Johnson and Brandie Coleman

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Top Ten Conservative Idiots, Number 120

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Oops, forgot to link to this yesterday, on my designated “say shitty things about the retard in the oval office” day. So here it is, the list. Last week, little Georgie held his very own press conference with out any extra help from the grownups. They don’t let him do that very often (only 9 times so far, compared to Clinton’s 22 at this stage, and Bush senior’s 80+) because he tends to say really stupid shit when he’s not reading from a script that someone else wrote. And true to form, he did so at this press conference, too, blaming the crummy economy on the media for putting “The March to War” on their graphics back in the spring. Of course it has nothing to do with his dumbass tax cuts or the 70 billion+ that we’re spending on a unnecessary and illegal war.

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Federal Marriage Discrimination Constitutional Amendment

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First of all, I don’t believe such a thing will actually pass and become law in the United States. The amount of work it takes to pass an amendment is phenomenal, and I really believe the anti-gay hate-mongers like George Bush just don’t have the numbers. But if, on the off-chance it did pass, I would definitely leave the country. Not sure whether I’d go to Canada or Europe, but I wouldn’t stay here.

That being said, here’s why the Right-wing is supporting a constitutional amendment — basically because they know the the “Defense of Marriage Act” that they passed in 1996 is unconstitutional, and will be overturned as soon as a state passes a gay-marriage law and gay couples begin suing to get their marriages recognized.

The only thing that will prevent gay marriage at this point is an amendment. And if the government “codifies” anti-gay hatred into the United States Constitution, then, as much as I love that beautiful document, I won’t be able to call it mine anymore. Talking to a marriage counselor before having a marriage would be a great decision. Click here to learn more. Call Cynthia Lissau, M.S., LPC, LMFT couples counseling Roanoke. You may consider seeking the assistance of therapy mesa az if you and your partner are struggling with various relationship issues.

Those who decided to end their marriage should consider hiring divorce attorneys. Make sure to hire experts like Dallas divorce lawyers to be fully prepared for all the family law proceedings. A professional lawyer like this Winnetka divorce lawyer can provide expert legal assistance.

Considering the Vatican’s stance on the issue, I guess my decision to leave the Catholic Church after the priest abuse scandals was the right one.

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