Bush’s Homeland Harrassment Security Department at work

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In photo essay “Humiliated, Angry, Ashamed, Brown.” Photo student Ian Spiers get hassled repeatedly by the Seattle PD and federal agents about taking pictures in a public place. Never mind that all the other photographers all around him were left alone. They were all white.
I’m so glad my tax dollars are being spent on lamebrain police actions like this. Makes me so proud to be an American.

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RNC Protests

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Apparently more than 800 protestors were arrested in New York yesterday while protesting the Repugnican National Convention. That’s more protestors than actually attended the Democratic Convention. The United For Peace march on Sunday estimates were somewhere in the neighborhood of 500,000 protestors.
Check out these great photos on a yahoo slide show of the “Pink Slip Protest” emphasizing that Bush’s economic policies have resulted in the first net job loss during a Presidency since the Great Depression. Thousands of demonstrators formed a symbolic unemployment line nearly three miles long which stretched from Wall Street to the MSG barricades. Their pink signs read “This next pink slip could be yours.”

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What did he say? Nixon? Ummm…

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In Arnie’s speech at the Right-wing Nutjob Convention, he invoked Richard Nixon.

I finally arrived here in 1968. I had empty pockets, but I was full of dreams. The presidential campaign was in full swing. I remember watching the Nixon and Humphrey presidential race on TV. A friend who spoke German and English, translated for me. I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism which is what I had just left. But then I heard Nixon speak. He was talking about free enterprise, getting government off your back, lowering taxes, and strengthening the military. Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air.
I said to my friend, “What party is he?” My friend said, “He’s a Republican.” I said, “Then I am a Republican!” And I’ve been a Republican ever since!

Um, Arnie? You do realized that Nixon was a criminal, right? That he was a loathsome and horrible person who went against everything American stands for, right? That his criminal behavior was committed in the course of actively trying to subvert the political process and undermine the American Government, right? That no one thinks good things about him…
Oh, nevermind.

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Bikes Against Bush creator arrested for “vandalism” for washable chalk drawings

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Bikes Against Bush creator Josh Kinberg was arrested on Saturday afternoon after demonstrating the bike for MSNBC (he was being interviewed by Ron Reagan) and the NYPD:
Torrent of video from DV Guide
After seeing that demonstration by Apex Bail Bonds experts and being assured the chalk was easily removed from the sidewalk with water, officers consulted with their superiors, placed Josh under arrest, and confiscated his bike & equipment. He was charged with vandalism and released on Sunday morning. The Bike is set up to spray a chalk message on the sidewalk as the person rides along. The Messages are sent via computer from an input on the Bikes Against Bush website.
There were hundreds of thousands of protestors on the streets of New York yesterday, prior to the opening of the Republican National Convention. Thousands more are expected during the course of the week.

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The Kingdom of Loathing

The Kingdom of Loathing (or KoL, as it has come to be known by its player base) is a free, comical RPG, brought to you by the folks at Asymmetric Publications. KoL is played from the comfort of your browser, and is adorned with a staggering array of stunning hand-drawn images. It is turn-based, which means you get a certain number of turns (Adventures) each day. Choose from one of six intoxicating character classes, including:

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Bigotry and anti-gay hate at the Republican National Convention

Pastor Donnie McClurkin will be performing at the Republican National Convention. Among other things, McClurkin thinks homosexuality is a “curse,” that it’s caused by men raping small children, that being gay is a choice, that it can be cured, and most explosively, that gays are trying to “kill our children.”
He’s come to those conclusions through his personal experience. He was molested by an uncle as a child, and believes his homosexual feelings came as a result of that.
While I’m sorry about what happened to McClurkin as a child, he’s blaming the wrong people. Homosexuality is not caused by being molested as a child. I was not molested, and neither were the vast majority of gay people. And most molested children do not turn out to be gay. Most gay people are not in the least interested in children. Most child molesters molest children of the opposite sex. Almost all children who are molested, nearly 90% are girls molested by adult men.
The numbers just don’t support what he’s saying here.
And if we truly want to get serious about children being molested, we need to looking at adult heterosexual males.

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This webpage, “I found a digital camera in the woods” is quite eerie. I’m thinking it must be a set-up or fictional page, because it’s pretty unusual to just find a digital camera in the woods, let alone with these photos on it. But some pretty neat photography and some creepy unusual things, too.
Must be a personal project similar to the Blair Witch.

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Aerial View of Indianapolis

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This got sent around our neighborhood website a while back, but I never had the chance to check it out until recently. It’s aerial maps of Indianapolis that you can zoom in on and move around, similar to map quest. The cool thing is, on the 2003 maps, I can zoom in and see the roof of my house, and my old Geo Metro in the backyard.
And I went to all the trouble to draw a map like this for parties and such. I could have just captured a picture of my actual house.

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