Hey Hey, Which Monkee Are You? Quiz

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Congratulations, You’re Davy Jones!

You’re famous for being the cute little Brit with a ‘tude. You’ve gotten into your fair share of spats with your bandmates but you always seems to make up. You were going to be a jockey if this whole music thing didn’t work out and still like to ride as a hobby.
You really did play your own instruments, even though there were just maracas and tamborines. Hey, you have tamborine a whole new meaning! You belted out sappy love songs like “Daydream Believer” and “Valleri” and made little girls hearts flutter. They even bought tons of toy tamborines just to be like you!
You were on hundreds of young girls walls and you’re still milking it today. You’re the only one who never really stopped being a Monkee and who still embraces your Monkee roots! Go you!
Take the Hey Hey, Which Monkee Are You? Quiz.

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Which Greek Goddess Are You?

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She was the Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Military Victory (war with good tactics and winning strategies, not just fighting, like Ares), and Goddess of Crafts. Athena invented the flute, the trumpet, the earthenware pot, the plough, the rake, the ox-yoke, the horse-bridle, the chariot, and the ship. She was also the first teacher of the science of numbers, and all women’s arts: weaving, cooking, and spinning. Here is some of her iconography: the aegis (shield/fringed cloak, sometimes with the head of Medusa on it), a shield (again, sometimes with the head of Medusa), bronze armor, a helmet (this is very common), and a spear (also very common). Athena was also one of the three Virgin Goddesses on Olympus.
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What Pre-1985 Video Game Character Am I?

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What Video Game Character Are You? I am Kong.
I am Kong.
Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don’t want to fight, I don’t want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don’t get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever’s stopping me. What Video Game Character Are You?

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Which Horrible Affliction are you?

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Congratulations, you’re rabies!
Transmitted by rabid animals, you’re most commonly found infecting creatures such as raccoons, skunks, bats and foxes. But don’t worry, you affect humans too, causing either paralysis or hyperactivity in your advanced stages, and ultimately death. Your most famous symptom is hypersalviation – that delightful foaming at the mouth that we have come to know and indeed love. However, you can also cause hallucination; think of the fun you could have at parties!
I am Rabies. Grrrrrrrr!
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.

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The Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz

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You Are: Fool In The Rain
You are a very bizarre person, to say the least. You don’t think the way most other people do.  And you probably don’t really care. You defy convention, and probably really like burritos.  And you’re very content with your life.  You’re a ray of sunshine.  Piercing, bizarre end-of-the-world sunshine, but sunshine nonetheless.  While most people are going to college to be lawyers or accountants or something, you’d be just as happy working at Tippy’s Taco Stand in San Dimas, CA.
You probably have a really interesting car.  You definitely do not drive a Honda Civic.  There’s a good chance that you smoke weed.  There’s a good chance you sell it. Everybody worth anything likes you a lot.
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