Which political stereotype are you?

From a now-defunct quiz on Quizilla:
Which political stereotype are you?

Democrat – You believe that there should be a free market which is reigned in by a modest state bureaucracy. You think that capitalism has some good things, but that those it helps should be obliged to help out their fellow man a little. Your historical role model is Franklin Roosevelt.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
2022-03-12 Update:
Edited to remove borked link to dysfunctional quiz. No duh on the Roosevelt thing.
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What advice would you give your twelve-year-old self?

Here’s a question courtesy of two sites I read every day, slash dot and also Wil Wheaton: What advice would you give your twelve-year-old self?
1. Take more computer science classes.
2. You already know this, Steph, but it’s perfectly okay to have a crush on that girl Jamie down the street. What you don’t know is that she might also have a crush on you.
3. You’re not at all fat — don’t listen to what your brothers are saying.
4. Take an I.Q. test — you’ll be astonished at how smart you really are.
5. Those tennis shoes and jeans your classmates are teasing you about wearing will come into style years from now as “geek chic.”
6. If anyone threatens to hit you, hit them first. Really hard.
7. Follow your instincts — if they tell you not to do something, DON’T DO IT.
8. Stock Market: Microsoft.

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What’s Your Professor Poopypants New Name?

Follow the instructions to find your new name. The following is an excerpt from a children’s book, “Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants” by Dave Pilkey: The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names…

Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:

A = poopsie
B = lumpy
C = buttercup
D = gidget
E = crusty
F = greasy
G = fluffy
H = cheeseball
I = chim-chim
J = stinky
K = flunky
L = boobie
M = pinky
N = zippy
O = goober
P = doofus
Q = slimy
R = loopy
S = snotty
T = tulefel
U = dorkey
V = squeezit
W = oprah
X = skipper
Y = dinky
Z = zsa-zsa

Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
A = apple
B = toilet
C = giggle
D = burger
E = girdle
F = barf
G = lizard
H = waffle
I = cootie
J = monkey
K = potty
L = liver
M = banana
N = rhino
O = bubble
P = hamster
Q = toad
R = gizzard
S = pizza
T = gerbil
U = chicken
V = pickle
W = chuckle
X = tofu
Y = gorilla
Z = stinker

Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
A = head
B = mouth
C = face
D = nose
E = tush
F = breath
G = pants
H = shorts
I = lips
J = honker
K = b utt
L = brain
M = tushie
N = chunks
O = hiney
P = biscuits
Q = toes
R = buns
S = fanny
T = sniffer
U = sprinkles
V = kisser
W = squirt
X = humperdinck
Y = brains
Z = juice

Thus, for example, George W. Bush’s new name is Goober Chicken shorts. What’s My name, you ask? Oprah Gerbiltush Tushie. Any of you call me that, you’re dead. I’m not kidding. And don’t laugh too hard if you’re related to me — your last name is Gerbiltush too.

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Which Firearm are you?

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Okay, I got a bunch of e-mail about the below test I took. Hostile e-mail from people who don’t believe in guns. Fortunately for me, they don’t believe in guns. Here’s the thing, we were on a site at work for one of the authors of one of our books. And he had the test linked from his site. So we all took it. And this was the gun I turned out to be. And hell, I post everything here. So I posted it. End of story. No, I’m not an advocate of submachine guns. I just happened to take the friggin’ test. So there. Take it yourself. Maybe you’ll turn out to be a peashooter or something. Sheesh.

Which Firearm are you?

brought to you byStan Ryker

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My Hobbit Name: Peony Smallburrows of Sandydowns

Okay, so my Hobbit name is: Peony Smallburrows of Sandydowns. Cool.

I didn’t get the house, so I guess I’m going to build after all. Should be fun. (2014 update: I didn’t build. Spoilers)

Also, here is the comedy website/magazine that hosts my favorite movie reviewer ever, The Self-Made Critic: The Brunching Shuttlecocks. They have a great review of Vanilla Sky.Plus they have a bunch of other good comedy as well. You should check it out. And go through the archives and read all the movie reviews by The Self-Made Critic, especially the one for Josie and the Pussycats. It sounds like something I would have written.

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D & D Online Alignment Test

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D&D Online Alignment Test
Your Character’s Alignment: Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Good.
Neutral Good

A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is “true good.” Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order.
–excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6

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