links for 2006-12-05

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Christmas Decora… er, Organizing

We’re having people over to watch Christmas specials on Saturday, so Stephanie and I spent the whole weekend trying to get the house ready. We didn’t get around to starting the Christmas decor yet; we spent hours making a significant dent in the boxes we still haven’t unpacked and sorted out after the move. I’d say we sorted through about 2/3rds of it, including getting all the office supplies sorted out, separating much of the craft projects and storing them, and making a significant dent in the piles of paperwork and files. We also got the office/spare bedroom in excellent shape, and we pretty much know what’s in the boxes that are left.
Tonight we’re going to square the rest of that away so we can concentrate on cleaning, recycling and decorating. We both have vacation days on Friday, so we think we can get everything done in time. I hope. If not, those of you coming over – well, don’t peek in the closets.

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A Rather Blustery Day

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I had to run around this morning gathering stuff we had on the front porch from the neighbors yards, and bringing in the flag pole and some of our outdoor decorations before they blew away. The cats were all jumpy because the wind was howling. Seems like tomorrow might be a good day to stay indoors, light the fireplace, make some hot chocolate, organize our stuff and start Christmas decorating.

A Rather Blustery Day
A Rather Blustery Day
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links for 2006-12-01

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links for 2006-11-30

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links for 2006-11-29

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Bio information on the internet

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Several of my favorite websites are noting that when it comes to searching for information on Martin Luther King, Jr., there’s a site run by white supremacists that ranks rather high in search engine results. I won’t link to it to avoid adding to the problem, but the site sits at martinlutherkingdotorg if you feel like checking it out. Please don’t do it via a search engine, however.
In response, they’re linking to more reliable, accurate sources of information on Dr. King to try to bump them up further on search results, and asking others to do the same.

Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King

And while we’re at it:
For good measure.

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Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino: 2007 Route 66 caravan to Roswell

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As you may know, Stephanie like to drive her New Beetle to Roswell, New Mexico in the summertime for a large New Beetle car show called Roswell2K. It’s been going on since 2000, and Stephanie usually joins a caravan of cars from the east coast to attend the show, and they drive together.
Roswell Museum
Stephanie’s friend Lisa has even rigged up a live webcam of the caravan in transit, which is pretty effing awsome to say the least. The last couple of years, though, Stephanie hasn’t been able to go (Shhhh, don’t tell that to Phoebe. She can’t tell time and thinks she’s been every year) due to our surgeries and to moving.
Next year, they’re having a Route 66 caravan. It’ll start in Chicago and follow old Route 66 to New Mexico, where it will break off and go to Roswell for the event. Then it will finish up the last leg of Route 66 and head home, I believe. We’re hoping, if all goes well, to join in next year.
U Drop Inn Cafe
I’m really excited by the idea. I got to drive part of Route 66 when I helped my friends move to Arizona 9 years ago, but we didn’t have much time to stop and gander at Roadside Attractions because we were driving a big, frickin’ uncooperative moving van. On this trip, they’re apparently building in some time to see sites, which should be fun.

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Ah, sweet internet, how I love you

Our router was acting up at home, so we’ve been offline all weekend since we returned home from Thanksgiving. I finally isolated the problem as the router’s power source, and fixed the problem and reset everything this morning. So our home network is back online, thank goodness. Sort of ironic, given that I was so excited about the Super 8 Motel finally having wireless.
So here’s what you missed:
1. We had a great Thanksgiving weekend and saw the family, and on Friday visited a private museum of antique farm equipment owned by Steve Weeber on his farm outside of Iowa City. Weeber has been collecting and restoring the equipment for years. I took a ton of pictures; those are forthcoming. Much of what he’s collected was produced by Louden Machinery Company, which is where my grandfather worked in addition to farming. We later went shopping in Pella, Iowa, home of the Jaarsma Bakery, one of our childhood favorite places to visit.
2. We arrived home, and Stephanie took me on a carriage ride around downtown. While we were riding around the circle admiring the Christmas lights, she asked me to marry her. I said yes, of course. Our planned wedding date is May 31, 2008. I know that seems far away, but we want to have time to plan without stress. And given that 2005 was the Year of Surgery and 2006 was the Year of Moving, we sort of want 2007 to be the Year that Not Much Happened.
3. Then we went out to eat at Hot Tuna in the Omni Severin Hotel – highly recommended.
3a. Oops – forgot: Stephanie had some renters sign a lease for her house on Sunday. Yay!!
4. I spent all day Monday raking leaves.
So, you’re pretty much up to date on our stuff. What’s up with you?

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