Games Kids Play

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A fun site of kids tag and other games. So far, all the ones I can remember are there. If there are some that you remember, e-mail and let them know. I wish they’d do a site of all the goofy song lyrics we used to sing as kids — like “jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg….” I looked around for a site like that, but haven’t found one.

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Weekend Update 2003-03-03

So this weekend I spent Saturday stripping wallpaper off the walls in the living room, and doing some cleaning in the living room and throughout the house. I finished two walls, have two to go. I felt kind of funny/ill all day, dunno why.
Saturday night Kathy and I went out to the final evening of Utopia, which is now closed. Kim Archer was singing, and Jess Curtis, and others. It was an interesting evening, but I have to say, I didn’t really feel all that sad about the closing. It was a decent club, but I’ve kind of moved on in a lot of ways from going out all the time. And I have to say it was never as much fun as going to the Ten. The crowd at the Ten is just more fun and accessible and doesn’t seem to be made up of people who would blow you off if you spoke to them. The crowd at Talbott Street seems pretty snotty too, come to think of it. Interesting — Talbott Street used to have a website up, but when I searched for it to link to, it’s no longer there. Hmmmm.
Sunday I went shopping for stuff to help organize my house. Then later Kathy came over and we put up two sections of drywall. Then we accidentally bumped the good hammer, and it fell through the hole in the floor down into the crawl space. So Kathy figured out how to fish it out of the hole while I took a break to relax and ummm… de-stress. Then we showered, and she gave me a backrub, and when I fell asleep, she did her laundry and also washed all my dishes, so when I came downstairs, all my dishes were done. Isn’t that the coolest thing? She’s pretty thoughtful.

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Hello, Big Brother!

I’ve had several people close to me recently express dismay at the political ideas I’ve been writing in this weblog lately. Actually, I’ve been writing the same things in this log for over three years, and on my website in essays and other writing since 1994. But just recently, people have asked me if I wasn’t being a bit too liberal. Sort of as if I just started writing this way. It’s seriously creeping me out. Because what the hell is coming over people? Suddenly I should watch what I say? Why?

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What advice would you give your twelve-year-old self?

Here’s a question courtesy of two sites I read every day, slash dot and also Wil Wheaton: What advice would you give your twelve-year-old self?
1. Take more computer science classes.
2. You already know this, Steph, but it’s perfectly okay to have a crush on that girl Jamie down the street. What you don’t know is that she might also have a crush on you.
3. You’re not at all fat — don’t listen to what your brothers are saying.
4. Take an I.Q. test — you’ll be astonished at how smart you really are.
5. Those tennis shoes and jeans your classmates are teasing you about wearing will come into style years from now as “geek chic.”
6. If anyone threatens to hit you, hit them first. Really hard.
7. Follow your instincts — if they tell you not to do something, DON’T DO IT.
8. Stock Market: Microsoft.

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