As heart disease reaches epidemic proportions worldwide, researchers are moving away from the old “clogged-pipes” model to search for triggers lurking in our genes.
“Here it is… first day of college. What do you say Veronica? New school, fresh start, how about you try not to piss anyone off this time around.” Heh.
Barely made it home to watch the season premiere after water aerobics last night — which I must repeat, I am really enjoying. We managed to watch an episode of the Amazing Race and the Daily Show before it got too late to stay up.
This plan I have, where I watch all these shows… not working so much. Our DVR is 88% full and we seem to be falling further and further behind, what with the gardening, house repair, house rental, ball room dancing, dressing up like pirates, etc. Curse you, real life, for getting in the way of my television!
NaNoWriMo 2006 ParticipantI have no idea how I’m going to manage National Novel Writing Month, but I did sign up today, and am and official participant. Perhaps I’ll cheat, and make my characters thinly disguised real people. Hmmm, who’s pissed me off lately?
According to, UPN is delaying airing new episodes of Veronica Mars until March due to poor ratings. Huh. This is the best show on TV, people. It airs Wednesday nights opposite Lost. I expect each and every one of you to start watching, pronto.