The NSA has your phone records

I’m sure you’ve heard the news, but in case you haven’t — as USA Today and hundreds of other media outlets are reporting, several major phone companies, including AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, turned over all of their customer phone records to the NSA — affecting tens of millions of Americans.
They turned over ALL their records — not just records of people who had contact with terrorists. They turned over your records. They turned over mine. The government has a massive database of all of your phone calls.
And the bullshit response they’re coming out with about why this is all okay is that they’re not actually tapping anyone’s phones (that we know of) but just looking at who you made calls to and who you received calls from. So, yeah, that’s supposed to be alright.
Um, no. Who I call and who calls me is NONE OF THE GOVERMENT’S F$%#ING BUSINESS.
If this is not a clear message to you that our government is out of control, and we need to clean house in both congress and the White House, then you’re either not paying attention, or you just to sad for words.

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Study: Lesbians’ Brains React Differently

Via Yahoo News:

Lesbians’ brains react differently to sex hormones than those of heterosexual women, new research indicates. That’s in line with an earlier study that had indicated gay men’s brain responses were different from straight men — though the difference for men was more pronounced than has now been found in women.
Lesbians’ brains reacted somewhat, though not completely, like those of heterosexual men, a team of Swedish researchers said in Tuesday’s edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
A year ago, the same group reported findings for gay men that showed their brain response to hormones was similar to that of heterosexual women.
In both cases the findings add weight to the idea that homosexuality has a physical basis and is not learned behavior.

Yeah, no kidding. I like how we have to have science continually research and spell out the obvious just to refute rabid homophobes.

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Alabama needs better sex ed classes. Seriously.

The website pointed out an anti-gay “sex-ed” (no actual education included) pamphlet distributed by an Alabama Middle School that has a quote that literally made me snort soda out of my nose a few minutes ago.

These same sex “unions” cannot provide an adequate means of achieving a genuine physical relationship with another human being because this type of “union” is contrary to the laws of nature. There can be no real union because same sex bodies do not even fit together.

Somebody seems to have a lack of imagination, there. Apparently, they’ve never read my post on intelligent design, or they’d know better than that.

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Julia Carson and Fall Creek Place

I can’t believe that I forgot, in my endorsement of Julia Carson, to mention her involvement with developing Fall Creek Place neighborhood — the now thriving neighborhood just north of mine, that is the threshold of an urban renaissance for downtown Indianapolis. Julia was instrumental not only in getting the federal funding to revitalized the neighborhood of Fall Creek Place, but in ensuring that the subsidies went to people of a variety of incomes — that the neighborhood would be affordable to the people who already lived there, and not just to the wealthy people who wanted to move into historic neighborhoods downtown.

Drive down Pennsylvania Street today, and you’ll see row after row of beautifully designed houses in keeping with the character of the original neighborhood. And you see the people living in those houses and walking their dogs and children on the streets, are from a diverse set of cultures and backgrounds. For those of us who live in nearby neighborhoods downtown, the change to our own areas as a result has been breathtaking as well.

You have both Julia Carson and Bart Peterson to thank for that.

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Anti-Gay Threat Graffiti at Michigan University

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Michigan Technological University had an anti-gay graffiti problem during it’s Pride Week recently. This sort of thing happens fairly often, and it’s easy to gloss over it for that reason… but when you see the language used in the graffiti in these photos, it leaps out as something fairly extreme, and worth calling attention to.

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Ectopic Pregnancies and Pro Life Stances

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The New York Times covers the state of affairs in El Salvador, where ectopic pregancies (where the egg becomes embedded in the fallopian tube, rather than the uterus) cannot be terminated “until fetal death or a rupture of the fallopian tube.”
When you read a bit more about them, it becomes apparent that ectopic pregnancies are not viable. The babie will die, and the danger to the mother’s life is very high, especially with a fallopian tube rupture. So the idea that you can’t terminate a such a dangerous situation is just crazed.

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Stuff we could have bought with Iraq War money

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Courtesy my friend Lori — this link to Something Awful’s list of stuff we could have purchased with the money we’ve spend blowing the crap out of Iraq. Like….
454 of the Tallest Building in the United States
more than 80,000 of the world’s biggest truck
156,250 episodes of Arrested Development
298,412,466 Sony Wega 23″ LCD HDTVs (one for every person in America)
Full ride 4-year college scholarships for 7,260,000 students
They forgot one, though — a future for your kids.

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How to Evaluate Candidate’s Stands on the issues

On Bilerico, Sheila Kennedy provides a great checklist of things to think about when candidates start talking about their pet issue this campaign season. Read the whole post (it’s great!) but here are the highlights:

when Congressional candidate A unveils his “Major Initiative to Solve the Boll Weevil Problem,” I suggest the following four questions to help you evaluate the candidates and their proposals:
Question One: Is there general agreement that Boll Weevils are a problem?
Question Two: Is there agreement on how to solve that problem?
Question Three: Is this a problem only government can solve?
Question Four: Does the proposed solution pass the ‘smell test’? (Does our earnest candidate demonstrate knowledge of available evidence on this issue? )

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Salon’s Election 2008 analysis of Clinton and other democrats

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Salon’s interesting article “The Hillary Juggernaut” gives some strong reasons why Clinton will be the democratic candidate to beat in 2008:

But otherwise, you will face in Hillary the most formidable presidential front-runner in modern political history. (And, yes, I am counting George W. Bush in 2000.) Here are 10 reasons why the junior senator from New York will be a daunting foe:
1) Universal name recognition. (In contrast, JPW, only 3 percent of likely Democratic primary voters know that you were originally the president in the Gershwin classic “Of Thee I Sing.”)
2) Her capacity to raise $100 million without once working late into the night cold-calling strangers to beg and grovel for money.
3) The ability to dominate the free media. Hillary will never make a public appearance in this campaign without being tracked by 100 reporters. (In contrast, JPW, imagine how much coverage you will get for your first press conference bragging about your gubernatorial record and the “Tennetucky Miracle.”)
4) Her emotional support from a significant percentage of women voters out to make history.
5) Nostalgia for the Clinton era of peace and prosperity in the 1990s.
6) Continuing Democratic resentment over impeachment.
7) Hillary’s over-cautious political style that avoids risk and, quite likely, deliberate mistakes.
8) The most potent candidate surrogate in political history in the form of Bill Clinton.
9) The ability of the Clinton name and legacy to attract 75 percent of the African-American vote and a large slice of the Hispanic vote.
10) At least a half-dozen candidates (including JPW) who will divide the anti-Hillary Democrats, so that she could win major primaries with just her hardcore base of, say, 35 percent of the vote.

And they round up who they think the other democratic candidates will be:

The Non-Hillary Field: Start with Mark Warner and 2004 V.P. candidate John Edwards, who are unabashedly running. Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh has privately put his own odds at 90 percent, and the latest word from Iowa is that Gov. Tom Vilsack is similarly poised to run. Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold — who wins headlines every other week with an anti-Bush gambit like a censure resolution — has to be counted among the likeliest contenders. And finally, Sen. Joe Biden, the Delaware motor-mouth who performed so garrulously during the Alito confirmation hearings, keeps insisting that he’s definitely running.
Depending on whom you talk to, John Kerry is either running or merely keeping his options open for a mid-2007 decision by maintaining his visibility and e-mail list. (An e-mail appeal from Kerry raised over $100,000 for Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran running for the House in Illinois.) Al Gore represents another puzzle; his wife, Tipper, is said to be definitely opposed, while his politically active daughter Karenna seems severely tempted. Bill Richardson is seriously mulling his chances, while former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle is also playing the maybe game. And don’t forget former Gen. Wesley Clark, who has never lacked ambition or self-confidence.

The have some other great analysis of how to examine the candidates and compare them — and who stands for what, which is very interesting preliminary research for democrats who are studying up on the whole thing. They analyze them from the “electability” versus “left-wing purist” standpoints and throw in a few other ideas as well. This article is a great read.
Personally, I don’t think Clinton has been enough of a friend to GLBT issues to win my heart and soul, and her tendency to play to the middle on bullshit issues is disturbing as well. I honestly don’t know where I am on the “electability” versus “left-wing purist” issue; I go back and forth, which is why I haven’t decided yet. And when it comes to the hometown boy, I’m more of a fan of Vilsack than Bayh, who is only a Democrat because in Indiana the political spectrum is skewed so far to the right — in any other state he’s a middle of the road Republican.
I have to do a lot more research before I can pick my horse for this race. But in the end, it will probably just come down to “Whoever’s running against the retard in the White House.” Same as the last election.
If you’re planning to comment, please read the article beforehand, ’cause it’s tiresome to hash out all the issues that have already been examined in the piece.

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