Today – 2023-01-29

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1:35 pm – I’ve had a headache this morning, so I’m reading in the library with Baxter hoping it will go away. I’m on page 260 of Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver and I’m still enjoying it. I have plans to run to Midland Antique Mall and see how many empty spaces we have to fill. I’ll probably do that soon. I mailed two of Stephanie’s mom’s paperback books to their new owners (sold on eBay). Incredible Hulk and The Electric Company.

2:30 pm – Midland Antique Mall. I added a couple books to our booth. Walked around and took photos of fun stuff.

They had all these large ledger books from Indiana counties for sale. Fun to look at.

5:25 pm – Potato Leek Soup made.


TV Shows Watched
Art of Vintage
Good Doctor

Continue ReadingToday – 2023-01-29

eBay: Unfortunate Leather Pants

Check out this eBay entry from a guy selling leather pants; it’s hilarious:

You are bidding on a mistake.

We all make mistakes. We date the wrong people for too long. We chew gum with our mouths open. We say inappropriate things in front of the wrong people.

And we buy leather pants.

I can explain these pants and why they are in my possession. I bought them many, many years ago under the spell of a woman whom I believed to have taste. She suggested I try them on. I did. She said they looked good. I wanted to have a relationship of sorts with her. I’m stupid and prone to impulsive decisions. I bought the pants.

The relationship, probably for better, never materialized. The girl, whose name I can’t even recall, is a distant memory. I think she was short.

Ultimately the pants were placed in the closet where they have remained, unworn, for nearly a decade. I would like to emphasize that: Aside from trying these pants on, they have never, ever been worn. In public or private.

I have not worn these leather pants for the following reasons:

  • I am not a member of Queen.
  • I do not like motorcycles.
  • I am not Rod Stewart.
  • I am not French.
  • I do not cruise for transvestites in an expensive sports car.

These were not cheap leather pants. They are Donna Karan leather pants. They’re for men. Brave men, I would think. Perhaps tattooed, pierced men. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say you either have to be very tough, very gay, or very famous to wear these pants and get away with it.

Again, they’re men’s pants, but they’d probably look great on the right lady. Ladies can get away with leather pants much more often than men can. It’s a sad fact that men who own leather pants will have to come to terms with.

They are size 34×34. I am no longer size 34×34, so even were I to suddenly decide I was a famous gay biker I would not be able to wear these pants. These pants are destined for someone else. For reasons unknown – perhaps to keep my options open, in case I wanted to become a pirate – I shuffled these unworn pants from house to house, closet to closet. Alas, it is now time to part ways so that I may use the extra room for any rhinestone-studded jeans I may purchase in the future.

These pants are in excellent condition. They were never taken on pirate expeditions. They weren’t worn onstage. They didn’t straddle a Harley, or a guy named Harley. They just hung there, sad and ignored, for a few presidencies.

Someone, somewhere, will look great in these pants. I’m hoping that someone is you, or that you can be suckered into buying them by a girl you’re trying to bed.

Please buy these leather pants.

There is more to the entry, including a Q & A session worth reading for the humor.

And if you really want to get into the eBay spirit, here’s a bunch of stuff I’m selling on eBay for my mom. You’ve always wanted a beer stein, haven’t you? Come on, you know you do.

Stuff we don't own anymore
Continue ReadingeBay: Unfortunate Leather Pants

Stuff I haven’t blogged about

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I realized that for some reason, there are always major things going on in my life that I for one reason or another fail to mention in my weblog. Why? Hmmm. Major things:
1) I’ve been buying lots ($$$$) of things on eBay. What? Not telling; don’t want to encourage people to bid against me. But I have a kick ass collection. Someday you’ll all see it. I love eBay. eBay rocks. Here’s some eBay purchases I can tell you about….

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