Louisville, Kentucky

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It’s been a couple of weeks, but I finally got my pictures edited from our Big Things photography trip to Louisville, Kentucky. I love this city! In a lot of ways it’s more sophisticated that Indianapolis. Much better arts. Their historic areas are huge and much better preserved than in Indianapolis, and their downtown is in way better shape than here. There seems to be a lot more to do there, too.
And I’d like to point out that one of the many things that I adore about my wonderful girlfriend is that she’s willing to jump into my “big things” photos to show perspective. Check out the cute picture of her inside the giant baseball glove.

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Big Things Louisville Trip

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Stephanie and I took a trip to Louisville this weekend to take some Big Things pictures. On Saturday, we visited the giant Colgate clock, the giant bat at Louisville Slugger Museum (another giant bat at the costume shop down the street) and a huge coffee pot at the Lynn’s Paradise Cafe.
We also went to the Louisville Zoo to see Gorilla Forest, the huge exhibit of gorillas. The zoo is really huge and very pretty and the weather was perfect for a visit. Gorillas are cool.
Once we got back Saturday night, I discovered I’d left my cell phone at the restaurant, so we drove back down yesterday to retrieve it. We ate again at the Paradise Cafe, which has really cool decor and a neat gift shop. We took pictures of a giant stone statue of hands, too. On the way back, we started brainstorming creating an art car, which Stephanie wants to do, with my help. We have a very fun idea. Also, I want to make a dining room table. It sounds silly, but we have a fun idea for one.
I like Louisville; it’s very pretty.

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Big Things Updates

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In preparation for the Nuvo article coming out this week, I’ve been working on and updating my Big Things web pages. I added photos of the big things I took in Valparaiso over the holidays, and updated and added some other photos. The only thing I haven’t added are the pictures my brother Todd gave me a while back, which had shots of Adventureland from Iowa and other stuff. I’ll try to get those in sometime soon.

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I’m going to be on the cover of Nuvo (and weekend update)

So I found out today that the article that Nuvo Newsweekly is doing on my Big Things Photo collections will be a cover article. I have to go in for an additional photo shoot this evening and the article will run in the January 5th issue.
This weekend my grandparents and Aunt Rosemary and Uncle Gerald came from Iowa to visit my family, and they came to see my house on Saturday morning. I got to show off everything I’ve done so far, and stuff I plan to do in the near future.
On Sunday Stephanie and I went to my dads for Christmas presents and Christmas brunch at the country club, which was very nice.

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Lazy Sunday Afternoons

Yesterday, Stephanie and I curled up in the living room under the quilt, next to the Christmas tree, and watched TV while sipping hot chocolate and eating popcorn and cookies. We watched five hours worth of Survivor (including the season finalé) and one of Joan of Arcadia.
I love lazy Sundays.
On Friday night, a bunch of our friends came over and watch Xmas specials on TV, and on Saturday, I took Spike out and we got our picture taken by a photographer for Nuvo newsweekly, for an article they are doing on my Big Things photography hobby. The article should appear sometime in the next three weeks.

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Big Things Updated

Indianapolis Giant Red Arrow
Indianapolis Giant Red Arrow

I’m being interviewed by a reporter from Nuvo tonight about my “Big Things” Photo Galleries, so in honor of the occasion, I’ve added tons of photos to the galleries. I’d been behind in adding things for awhile, even though I’ve been taking photos constantly over the last year. Now all my new pics are added, with the exception of some photos that my friend Eric took for me in Minnesota. I have to research exactly where they’re located before I throw them into the mix.

There are a handful of new photos in the Indianapolis section, some of them updates of things I already had and some are new inflatables I spotted. There are a lot of new photos in the “Indiana and Beyond” section, because I took a few day trips and also added things I photographed on the way to my grandmother’s house last year.

I have a brand new tracking system at home now, too, with an Indiana map on my office wall with all the new big things marked that I need to locate.

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Mildred’s House of Signage

Tracy Jo Seneca has been roaming the streets of Chicago with a camera in search of interesting, unusual and strange signs. My favorite so far: The Mexican Pagoda Sign. Kind of reminds me of a restaurant here in Indianapolis called the “Oriental Smorgasbord.” Also, Rosario’s Italian Sausage, where the pigs just happily jump into the meat grinder. Mmmmm. Sausage.

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Sexist Billboard

So when I drive down Keystone, there’s a billboard I pass every day, advertising a brand of beer, which I won’t mention. “Never interrupt a man who might buy you a beer” the billboard says, with a picture of a man and a woman in a bar. The man is holding forth on some subject, and the woman is standing with her hand on his arm, looking adoringly up at him, rapt at his very words.

Fuck that! I’d rather buy my own god damned beer and talk all I want. And I *will*, too.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who hated this billboard, because here’s an account of someone who vandalized a similar one.

Sexist Billboard

Interestingly, this is a different name of beer than the billboard I saw.

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Product Slogans That Never Quite Caught On

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Author Unknown

Charmin: "Butt… Wipe… Err."

Microsoft: "How much are you going to pay today?"

Eggs: "The Incredible Edible Ovum."

MTV: "Loud and easy to spell."

Saks Fifth Avenue: "You Could Shop Here if You’re Poor, But That Would be Stupid."

Iguana: "The other green meat."

Penis Enlargement Specialists: "It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing!"

Nike: "Just buy the damn shoes, you flabby spineless lump!"

Daisy Air Rifles: "Keeping kids off your lawn for over forty years."

Canon Photocopiers: "Quit calling them Xeroxes, dammit!"

Pepto Bismol: "Squash the Squirts!"

Trojans: "Just add meat."

Apple Macintosh: "Hey, we thought of it first!"

Radio Shack: "You’ve got questions, we’ve got geek losers!"

Professional Bowling on NBC: "Oh, why don’t you just go ahead and kill yourself instead?"

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