weekend update and fan fiction
So, this weekend, I saw Minority Report on Friday with Dan and Doug, then went to the Metro softball diamond to watch the Mutual Friends softball game and hang out with Michelle, Deb, Lisa & the team. Then I went to Dan and Dougs and fell asleep watching Atlantis (very boring Disney movie).
I went to my dads on Saturday, and hung out with my family, then dropped by Sunil’s party. Met Barry’s new friend Alice; she seems nice (Hi Barry!). Talked to Joel and his wife and Jen.
On Sunday, I laid around the house and watered the lawn and basically did nothing but read a book. Although today, the guys are coming to fix the gutters, so I guess that’s progress. I did get some more of the entry window woodwork stripped, too. I think the next big investment project is going to be installing the water hook-up for the washer and dryer. Then I’ll worry about the living room. Because going to the laundry mat sucks. I’m thinking that I might want to have them installed upstairs in the back bedroom. There’s already pipes running up there through the kitchen, so it might not be as hard. Plus, then I wouldn’t have the running up and down the stairs issue. The only problem is that it would take up a lot of room in the back bedroom. I’ll have to think about it more closely.
Now here are some fun online fiction links. I may have posted some of them before, but a couple are brand new.
Nifty Archives.
Alt Fiction.
Fan Fiction on the Net.
Fan Fiction Links.
Fan Fiction by Sharon Bowers. — Sharon’s a pretty good writer.
Writers University. — Scholarly type site with legal info on online writing.
CABS: Citizens Against Bad Slash. — another scholarly type site to help people improve their writing.
Extra Flamey. — Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayer Pride. — Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Slayer’s Fanfic Archive. — Even more Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Homoeroticism Yay!. — This link is basically a fan club for people who like to fantasize about their favorite TV characters as being gay. Mostly, you just look through and see other fans websites; most of them have some fan fiction. I’m in there somewhere, although I haven’t written any Buffy fan fiction. Except in my head, of course.