Vincent the Haunted Mirror

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When I was in college I had friends who lived in this house in Muncie. The friends were these three women (who we called ‘the gorgon sisters’ behind their backs, but that’s another story) and we used to go to their house and play cards all the time, because it was one of those houses with plently of room to play cards around the kitchen table. It was kind of an old house, and it had a really wierd basement. In one corner of the basement, there was a staircase that went to nowhere. The opening at the top of the stairs was blocked off. It was really creepy.
Also, there was a mirror in the basement, that everyone said was haunted. By a ghost named Vincent. Apparently Vincent would come out an night and cause trouble and make noise in the house. I have no idea how they knew the name of the ghost. But it is a cool old mirror; square, with a beveled edge, in a wooden frame. Somehow or other, I ended up with the mirror. I don’t know exactly why they gave it to me. I think there was probably alcohol involved. Like I was probably drunk and they said, “Hey, take this haunted mirror home to your house, cause we’re afraid of the ghost here.” And I probably said, “Sure, why not?”
So anyway, I’ve had this mirror ever since. Sort of. I took it with me when I moved back home to my mom’s house, and left it in the basement when I moved to an apartment. My sister adopted it somewhere along the line, and decorated it and had it in her apartment when she was in college. Then she went to England, and Vincent came back to my house. Then she came back, and he went back to her. Then she moved back to England, and he’s been in my house for the last few months. I haven’t settled on the right place to hang it, so it’s propped up against the wall on the floor in the foyer.
The reason I’m explaining all this is because Spike discovered the mirror the other day. At first he was afraid of the little doggie on the other side, and he kept running away and hiding. But then he realized the doggie on the other side was cute, and he’s been trying to play with him. He keeps trying to get the doggie to come out of the mirror into the room… he’ll run away from the mirror, with his head turned around looking at it, like he’s saying, “come on, come into the kitchen with me.” And Spike will toss his head in the direction of the kitchen, to indicate where he wants the doggie on the other side to go. And when the doggie won’t do what he wants, he’ll run up to the mirror and try to lick the doggie. This morning he was trying to walk around the side of the mirror to get the doggie from behind.
I think Vincent’s going to get hung at doggie-eye level, so he can have a friend.

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Which Firearm are you?

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Okay, I got a bunch of e-mail about the below test I took. Hostile e-mail from people who don’t believe in guns. Fortunately for me, they don’t believe in guns. Here’s the thing, we were on a site at work for one of the authors of one of our books. And he had the test linked from his site. So we all took it. And this was the gun I turned out to be. And hell, I post everything here. So I posted it. End of story. No, I’m not an advocate of submachine guns. I just happened to take the friggin’ test. So there. Take it yourself. Maybe you’ll turn out to be a peashooter or something. Sheesh.

Which Firearm are you?

brought to you byStan Ryker

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Ani DiFranco

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You know, I own one Ani DiFranco album, and I’ve never been able to listen to the whole thing all the way through. This is one of those things I’ve never admitted to anyone, because everyone seems to think she’s the shit, despite that fact that you never actually hear anyone out just humming one of her tunes. But here I am admitting it, because, hey, I just found out I’m not the only one who’s not a big fan of hers. Well, that’s a relief.

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Osama bin Laden really is alive after all

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So, it seems Osama bin Laden really is alive after all: [He’s ba-a-ck!
America’s public enemy No. 1 has suddenly reappeared — and the White House doesn’t care – JOE CONASON

Considering that we’ve totally fucked up Afghanistan and this ass is still alive, why they hell are we talking about Iraq? Please, please tell me.

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The Second Coming — W. B Yeats

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From the Book: The Collected Poems of William Butler Yeats

TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

gyre n.
1. A circular or spiral form; a vortex: “rain swirling the night into tunnels and gyres” (Anthony Hyde).
2. A circular or spiral motion, especially a circular ocean current.

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. ”

That sounds familiar.

(2014 Update: I seem to have posted this poem twice. I must have been REALLY passionate about it.)

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Weekend Update 2001-11-11

I had a fantastic three-day weekend in which I accomplished a ton of stuff around the house and otherwise, complete with photos.

  • I raked all the leaves around my house, raked them off the roof, and cleaned out the gutters.
  • I finished the cellar door and opened up the blocked off back door, trashed all of the refuse wall board and particle board, and cleaned out the new little entryway in the back.
  • I put together a storage shelf for the bathroom.
  • I put together a floor lamp for the living room.
  • I had the new floorboards for the living room delivered.
  • I did all my laundry and got my hair cut.
  • I played with my doggie and took pictures of him.
  • I set up some additional security electronics for the house.
  • I bought wall sconces for the living room, a couple of cool lights to make a lamp from, and the remaining trim pieces I need to redo all the trim for the foyer.
  • I settled on a color scheme for the living room.
  • I bought sheer curtains that will go in the living room, and curtain rods for the foyer.
  • I stripped the tile around the fireplace in the living room.
  • I organized the storage room off the kitchen.
  • I e-mailed all sorts of people.
  • I read three magazines and a started reading a new book.

Photos of all this activity will come shortly.

(2014 update: I swear I was not on crack.)

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