Give it up, George

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You’ve probably all heard the story by now of how our esteemed elected officials decided to change the name of french fries and toast (“House cafeterias change names for ‘french’ fries and ‘french’ toast”) to “freedom fries” and “freedom toast” on the house menu because the French are opposed to us starting an unjustified war with Iraq and then profiteering from it.

Well, check out all the shit at the White House that was given to us by the French. I could use some of that stuff… hand it over, George. Come to think of it, they gave us the Statue of Liberty, too. Geez, I hope that since we’re no longer a free country, they don’t decide to ask for it back.

Washington Clock
Washington Clock Gift from France
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More proof of the dangers of the Patriot Act

The FBI seized and opened, without warrant or legal right, a package being exchange between two reporters containing unclassified information about terrorism. The exciting thing about it is that the government’s illegal seizure occurred right here in Indianapolis at the FedEx hub, and the jackass FBI guy who made the bonehead decision to snatch the package was our own local guy, Doug Garrison. Sure, our government isn’t out of control. And sure, we aren’t a bunch of rubes out here in Indy.

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Which political stereotype are you?

From a now-defunct quiz on Quizilla:
Which political stereotype are you?

Democrat – You believe that there should be a free market which is reigned in by a modest state bureaucracy. You think that capitalism has some good things, but that those it helps should be obliged to help out their fellow man a little. Your historical role model is Franklin Roosevelt.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
2022-03-12 Update:
Edited to remove borked link to dysfunctional quiz. No duh on the Roosevelt thing.
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It’s a Minstrel Show, Folks.

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My friend Lori posted some thoughts on the new season of Queer As Folk, and this caught my eye:

interesting – the showtime website has a question in the FAQ – “Which of the cast members are gay in real life?” Showtime’s answer: “Some of the actors are gay, and some of them are straight.” – not mentioning who’s who….i found a larry king interview with the cast, and it turns out only two of em, Randy Harrison and Peter Paige are truly fags…just seems a bit strange that there’s this huge queer show and only 2 of em are really gay… not good strange, not bad strange, just strange….

Here’s my two cents: it’s bad strange. I challenge you to go to any restaurant in Califor-ni-ay and not have your food served by a gay actor. There are thousands of them out there, if not hundreds of thousands. So it’s not just strange that 98% of all gay characters on TV and in the movies are played by straight actors, while the gay actors wait tables. It’s happening because of discrimination, for the same reason that Amos and Andy used to have black characters played by white people in black face. Because people aren’t comfortable knowing the the guy playing the gay role is actually gay. But it’s okay if it’s all pretend.

Case in point: Several years ago, Spin City has a gay male character kiss a straight male character as a joke. It got huge laughs, and played in prime time with no objections. That same night, Ellen Degeneres’ character kissed a straight female character as a joke. It did not get huge laughs. It was pushed back to a later time slot, and it got a parental advisory warning. What was the difference between the two? On Ellen, the actor playing the part was gay. On Spin City, the actor playing the gay character was straight.

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Weekend Update 2003-03-10

I fixed the wall above the window in the living room, and I put smaller sections of drywall on the two walls that Kathy and I started, so I have two walls finished. Now I just have two living room walls left to put drywall on, and the corner surrounding the fireplace, as well. I think I need about two sheets of drywall for that, and perhaps three for the back entry hall… maybe a little more. So if I can get six sheets of drywall, I should have enough for everything. I’ll still need to get wood for the baseboards in the living room… but we’ll see when that rolls around. I don’t have a mitre saw yet, so I can’t do baseboards anyway, yet. I think when April rolls around, I’ll know better how far I’ll be in regards to having the party I want to have. But I think I can do it. I’m feeling better about things, after Sunday getting some stuff done. Tonight I’m going to the gym, and after that, I want to get some more stuff done.

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I’ll be a fireman when the floods roll back

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I’ve been going through my web links and bookmarks and compiling everything/weeding it all out to just the sites I think are really cool. It’s gonna be a long process. I also have some ideas for redesigning the entire site. Yikes. Wonder when I’ll have time to do that? (update: march 2005) Hmmm. I keep reminding myself I have to work on the living room before I start anything new. Looks like I might not get the room done in time to have the party I want to have. Or I’ll just have the damned party with the room half done. Hmmm.

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