Alexandria Burning, part 2: Oil better protected by U. S. than Iraqi people, world culture

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Although repeatedly warned of it’s importance to world history, the military failed to prevent looting at the Iraqi National Museum, leaving 5,000 years of written records, irreplaceable cultural history, to be destroyed. The oldest examples of human writing, clay tablets containing cuneiform are gone.
“It’s extraordinary,” says Joan Aruz, curator in charge of the Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. “It’s of the utmost significance, not only for the cultural heritage of Iraq, but also for the rest of the world. The museum contained the greatest work of art created in the first cities. The loss is just outstanding. I haven’t gotten over the shock.”
Rumsfeld’s response:”The images you are seeing on television you are seeing over and over and over,” he said, “and it’s the same picture of some person walking out of some building with a vase, and you see it 20 times, and you think, ‘My goodness, were there that many vases? Is it possible that there were that many vases in the whole country?'”
Of course, this is overlooking the fact that that vase is probably the oldest object created by man and worth over a billion dollars.
Apparently, the military is stationed to defend Iraq’s oil wells, leaving it’s people, hospitals and civic infrastructure to be looted and destroyed. “Protecting people should be a primary responsibility of any power that expects to enter a country and justifies its intervention on the basis of liberating the people or protecting their rights.”

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“A bully can be stopped. So can a mob”

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Tim Robbins gives an excellent speech to the National Press Corp on the war, civil liberties, and the current media climate. Excerpt:

A chill wind is blowing in this nation. A message is being sent through the White House and its allies in talk radio and Clear Channel and Cooperstown. ‘If you oppose this administration there can and will be ramifications.’ Every day the airwaves are filled with warnings, veiled and unveiled threats, spewed invective and hatred directed at any voice of dissent. And the public, like so many relatives and friends I saw this weekend, sit in mute opposition and in fear.
It takes one person with the courage and a resolute voice. The journalists in this country can battle back at those who would re-write our Constitution in the Patriot Act II (or Patriot, the sequel, as we would call it in Hollywood). We are counting on you to star in that movie. Journalists can insist that they not be used as publicists by this administration.

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Urban Legends Around Iraq War Vets

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It’s easy to tell how demented and irrational the country is right now regarding the war in Iraq… check out the urban legends that have sprung up lately on, the site that investigates and determines the truth about the e-mails you get forwarded to you by your not-too-internet-savvy friends and family members.

There are a bunch of apocryphal legends about military service members getting “denied service” or otherwise treated badly by “anti-war protesters.” It’s all a load of crap, folks. Ask any anti-war protester (hell, ask me, I’m one) and they’ll tell you they support the service people but hate the war they’re fighting in.

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“It’s not my job to stop them”

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“Is this your liberation?” one frustrated shopkeeper screamed at the crew of a U.S. tank as a gang of youths helped themselves to everything in his small hardware store and carted booty off in the wheelbarrows that had also been on sale.
Hell, it ain’t my job to stop them,” drawled one young marine, lighting a cigarette as he looked on. “Goddamn Iraqis will steal anything if you let them. Look at them.”

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Beautiful Spring Day

Due to the fact that I have a new outlet near the back door, and a wireless router (and, come to think of it, I have a back door that I didn’t have last year at this time) I’m sitting out on the back porch enjoying the sunshine & watching the dog play in the yard while working on my website. Cool, huh? Unfortunately, I have to go back in and do more drywall stuff in the living room, so enjoying the fruits of my labor will have to wait until I get more labor done.

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I’ll never have a career in drywall

I don’t think working with wallboard is a calling for me. I pretty much hated this part of the work. I’m getting better at mudding and taping, but I’m just so sick of working on it that I can’t stand to continue. I still have small amounts of taping to do, and then sanding/mudding/sanding/smoothing. I don’t know that I’ll have priming done by the end of the weekend. I was hoping to, but I played hooky yesterday afternoon after getting up and working six hours straight.
Spike is doing better after his vet visit. He was one unhappy puppy when he came home. Turns out he had an undescended testicle, so they had to make two incision to neuter him. Poor little baby. He’s had so many treats he should be sick. What a sweetie.

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Vacation (?)

I’ve working on the house all week. So far — there’s a new outside water spigot. There’s lighting and an outlet on the back hallway. There’s some initial mudding and taping on the living room walls. Spike is going to the vet today to get neutered, and the electrician is coming back to wire the lighting and outlets in the living room. Then more mudding/taping/sanding in the living room, and hopefully, at the end of the weekend, priming the finished walls.
Then the only things left to do in the living room will be:
priming and painting the ceiling
painting the walls
repairing the floor
sanding and finishing the floor
baseboards and trim around the windows
move everything into the room

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Latest GOP Astroturf

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Start looking for this letter to the editor in your local papers, witten by the Republicans and distributed to their troops for seeding in the local press:
“Dear XXX,
Yesterday, John Kerry shocked many Americans when he called for “regime change” right here in the U.S. By comparing our commander-in-chief to Saddam Hussein’s brutal regime at a time of war, Kerry showed just what he is willing to say to appeal to liberal Democrat primary voters.
RNC, Chairman Marc Racicot quickly responded saying, ‘Senator Kerry crossed a grave line when he dared to suggest the replacement of America’s commander-in- chief at a time when America is at war. Critical analysis offered in the best interests of the country is part of a healthy democracy. But this use of self- serving rhetoric designed to further Senator Kerry’s political ambitions at a time when the lives of America’s sons and daughters are at stake reflects a complete lack of judgment.’ ”
In a couple of days, Google on the bold phrase and you see how this letter spread. It will appear signed by different people in different papers.
But let me point out the substance of the letter… um, is this a suggestion that we suspend elections until after the war is over? Because that’s certainly what it sounds like. If so, let me be be pre-emptive in my response: IMPEACH BUSH!

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