Indiana Democrats Admit They Have No Principles

In response to criticism that several local Democratic candidates took money from gay rights organizations in Indiana, and then came out with policy stances against gay rights during the election, Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Kip Tew had this to say:

“The race was about winning. I will not allow us to go down without a fight, nor will I allow us to take a stand on principle that will cause us to go backwards and diminish our chance for success for many years.”

Interesting. If the race is about winning, and not about having a set of principles, then how the hell are Democrats different than Republicans? And what’s the point of running at all?

Fuck you, Kip Tew. And that “democratic” horse you rode in on.

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Republicans want to take away your birth control pills

According to USA Today: Generally,it is always best to prevent pregnant women from any kind of hazards especially when it comes to fire. Hence, pregnant women can also avail fire door services here as it not against the moral values.In addition to preventing you from having an abortion, Christians/Republicans are also interested in preventing you from getting birth control pills or other contraception because it’s against their “moral values.”

For a year, Julee Lacey stopped in a CVS pharmacy near her home in a Fort Worth suburb to get refills of her birth-control pills. Then one day last March, the pharmacist refused to fill Lacey’s prescription because she did not believe in birth control.

“I was shocked,” says Lacey, 33, who was not able to get her prescription until the next day and missed taking one of her pills. “Their job is not to regulate what people take or do. It’s just to fill the prescription that was ordered by my physician.”

Some pharmacists, however, disagree and refuse on moral grounds to fill prescriptions for contraceptives. And states from Rhode Island to Washington have proposed laws that would protect such decisions.

Mississippi enacted a sweeping statute that went into effect in July that allows health care providers, including pharmacists, to not participate in procedures that go against their conscience. South Dakota and Arkansas already had laws that protect a pharmacist’s right to refuse to dispense medicines. Ten other states considered similar bills this year.

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We Are Fucked.

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Alberto Gonzales is the new Attorney General? Oh, god. We are fucked now. This is the guy who used to write up the cases notes for death penalty cases for Texas Governor Bush to read before he decided whether to pardon them or not. And in all of the case notes, he would never put any information about the defense arguments. Which is part of the reason why people believe that Bush executed a number of innocent people.
And in other news… Fuck the South. Yeah, what he said.

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Sorry Everybody

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Sorry Everybody is a hilarous site that posts pictures of the sane 49% of America that voted for John Kerry, with notes of apology to the rest of the planet for the load of totally crap that’s about to hit them because Moron Bush was re-elected. I haven’t had a chance to submit a photo yet…

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Big Things Updated

Indianapolis Giant Red Arrow
Indianapolis Giant Red Arrow

I’m being interviewed by a reporter from Nuvo tonight about my “Big Things” Photo Galleries, so in honor of the occasion, I’ve added tons of photos to the galleries. I’d been behind in adding things for awhile, even though I’ve been taking photos constantly over the last year. Now all my new pics are added, with the exception of some photos that my friend Eric took for me in Minnesota. I have to research exactly where they’re located before I throw them into the mix.

There are a handful of new photos in the Indianapolis section, some of them updates of things I already had and some are new inflatables I spotted. There are a lot of new photos in the “Indiana and Beyond” section, because I took a few day trips and also added things I photographed on the way to my grandmother’s house last year.

I have a brand new tracking system at home now, too, with an Indiana map on my office wall with all the new big things marked that I need to locate.

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Daily Mirror: God Help America

The cover of the U.K.’s Daily Mirror. And the article that accompanies it is even more hilarious.

Daily Mirror Cover
Daily Mirror Cover

“Were I a Kerry voter, though, I’d feel deep anger, not only at them returning Bush to power, but for allowing the outside world to lump us all into the same category of moronic muppets. The self-righteous, gun-totin’, military lovin’, sister marryin’, abortion-hatin’, gay-loathin’, foreigner-despisin’, non-passport ownin’ red-necks, who believe God gave America the biggest dick in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land “free and strong”.

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Democracy by Langston Hughes

Democracy will not come
Today, this year
Nor ever
Through compromise and fear.
I have as much right
As the other fellow has
To stand
On my two feet
And own the land.
I tire so of hearing people say,
Let things take their course.
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom when I’m dead.
I cannot live on tomorrow’s bread.
Is a strong seed
In a great need.
I live here, too.
I want freedom
Just as you.

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Weekend Update 2004-11-08

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On Saturday, Stephanie and I drove to Cincinnati early in the morning for a figure skating competition that Stephanie was competing in. She won a fourth, third and first place medal in her three competitions. I got to meet several members of her former synchro skating team and other friends of hers, which was really cool. She knows some really nice people. On Saturday afternoon, we spend time recovering from the trip (she was worn out, and I’ve been fighting a cold).
On Sunday, we did some work around her house, including cleaning out her garage, hanging all her gardening tools in the garage, weeding, and replacing outdoor lights. We also checked and worked on all her storm windows. We’re pretty close to being done with seasonal work at both our houses. At hers, we need to rake and mow, and put her planting pots away. At my house I have to put away the hose, rake & mow, put stuff in the basement, and do some more insulation work.

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