links for 2009-09-08

  • The conclusion is that exercise makes you crave more calories than you just expended. Better to walk around the block several times per day and garden & play outside to burn calories than to get on the elliptical. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, take a walk at lunch time.
Continue Readinglinks for 2009-09-08

links for 2009-09-07

  • Miley Cyrus explains to us why we should read "The Catcher in the Rye": "It’s a really good story. Plus, when I was reading the book, I thought that I was a little similar to the main character. He over-thinks everything and I’m like that. In the book, this guy is obsessed with a girl called Jane – and I can be exactly like that when it comes to boys. I’ll be thinking, ‘I really hope they like me.’ And I’ll stress and stress and stress about it. "
  • Female journalist in the Sudan was arrested for wearing trousers and charged with public indecency. Punishment for this "crime" is often 40 lashings.
Continue Readinglinks for 2009-09-07


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  • Post category:Health

According to WebMD:

Costochondritis is an inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone or sternum. The condition causes localized chest pain that you can reproduce by pushing on the cartilage in the front of your ribcage. Costochondritis is a relatively harmless condition and usually goes away without treatment. The cause is usually unknown.

Relatively harmless? Perhaps, but it hurts like bloody hell. This is the current working theory for the health issues I’m having lately. It feels a bit different than the pleurisy that I previously had reoccurring over and over, although when I look back at a couple of those blog entries, I realize some of them were this instead.

And it’s a bit maddening because the symptoms closely resemble a heart attack or heart difficulties, so the first couple times I went to the emergency room (believe me, if I could have avoided out of going, I would have) both I and the doctors freaked the hell right out until it became apparent that my heart is just fine. More from WebMD:

Costochondritis is also considered as a possible diagnosis for adults who have chest pain. Chest pain in adults is considered a potentially serious sign of a heart problem by most doctors until proven otherwise. Chest pain in adults usually leads to a battery of tests to rule out heart disease. If those tests are normal and your physical exam is consistent with costochondritis, your doctor will diagnose costochondritis as the cause of your chest pain. It is important, however, for adults with chest pain to be examined and tested for heart disease before being diagnosed with costochondritis. Often it is difficult to distinguish between the two without further testing. The condition affects females more than males (70% versus 30%). Costochondritis may also occur as the result of an infection or as a complication of surgery on your sternum.

(Emphasis mine.)

This is the fourth time I’ve had this occur, and each time, the emergency room doctors spring to action, and then when they realize I’m not having a heart attack (my EKG is normal, and subsequent testing shows I’m fine) they act kind of disgusted with me for causing a fuss, and then send me home referring me to follow up care with my primary care physician. You may learn more about vein conditions and treatment here.

By the time I can get in to see my physician, the pain has subsided, and they don’t do a whole lot to try to figure out what the issue was. This time around, I decided to change the game and made an appointment with the doctor first. My regular PCP wasn’t in, but the on call doctor got to see first hand how much pain I was in; enough to want to send me to the emergency room. I explained to him I had had this happen 3 times before and they decided there was nothing wrong with my heart (the most recent time, my cardiologist actually eventually ordered a cardiac catheterization that definitively proved the issue wasn’t my heart.)

This time, the on-call doctor was able to see all that in my charts and put it together. He made me go to the emergency room to rule out a blood clot in my lungs, and once they did that, I went right home, but the emergency room suggested this “Costochondritis” or “chest wall syndrome” as the cause. I need to follow up again with – my PCP.

The gap in my health care is between my Primary Care Physician and the hospital – they like to play a game of hot potato with me. The PCP wants me to go to the hospital for anything they can’t figure out, but the hospital only wants to rule out anything life threatening and send me home without further investigation, so no one ever solves the problem or follows up on anything.

And as far as I’m concerned, I’m so sick of doctors and hospitals and gowns and waiting around with Stephanie — who is as stressed out as I am about the whole business — that I want to avoid the whole thing unless I absolutely can’t function, so I’m not motivated to figure out what the hell is going on, either.

At least this time I’m closer to understanding what’s going on, but no closer to getting anything resolved. I’m loath to keep asking for pain medication because I don’t want to be dependent on it, but without it, I’m completely dysfunctional.

All of this is driving me completely crazy, too. I’m just tired of the whole mess.

Continue ReadingCostochondritis

links for 2009-09-05

Continue Readinglinks for 2009-09-05

2009 Fall TV Season

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  • Post category:Television

Checking out EW’s cheat sheet of when the fall TV shows premiere, — either they left shows off here (Lost is the only one I noticed missing) or I just don’t watch that much TV anymore. My selections this year:

Wednesday, September 9:
Glee, 9 p.m. (Fox)

Thursday, September 17:
Bones, 8 p.m. (Fox)
The Office, 9 p.m. (NBC)
Parks and Recreation, 8:30 p.m. (NBC)

Monday, September 21:
Castle, 10 p.m. (ABC)
How I Met Your Mother, 8 p.m. (CBS)

Thursday, September 24:
The Mentalist, 10 p.m. (CBS)

Sunday, September 27:
Desperate Housewives, 9 p.m. (ABC)

Thursday, October 15:
30 Rock, 9:30 p.m. (NBC)

7 hours of TV a week (8 with Lost)? That’s tame compared to years previous. Ah, I notice Ugly Betty is missing, too. How ever will I get all my knitting done? I guess I’ll have to go read books.

Continue Reading2009 Fall TV Season

My commitment to healthcare reform

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  • Post category:Politics

According to the current political forecasting, it appears that health care reform efforts in congress are failing, and that a health care reform bill will not pass this year.

I’m writing to all of my elected officials to let them know that I expect a health care reform bill to pass this fall. If it doesn’t, I will actively campaign against current officeholders — especially if they vote against a bill, but even if they vote for it and it doesn’t pass.

This is the most important piece of legislation of my lifetime- this change will make a massive difference in my life, and in the economic and health recovery of millions of Americans. It’s not a bill that can be let go or set aside for the future. It needs to be done now and it needs to be done right. Without it, economic recovery isn’t possible, and without it, the broken system currently in place will worsen.

Without health care reform, I will most assuredly not live to old age.

This is personal to me, a critical issue – and I really hope it is to you, as well. Please contact your elected officials and demand that they pass this legislation, and that they do so with the well-being of all Americans foremost in their thoughts.

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