Must Be Naptime

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I’m home for the second day in a row with pleurisy and a head cold. Today, though, I’m back on the helpful prescription, so I should back in business soon. Lucy and Huckleberry are snoozing on the bed upstairs, and Dru and Annabelle are curled up and dreaming on the trunk in the library. Spike is nestled under his blanket on the klakbo chair nearby. I’m pretty sleepy so I’m going to nap too.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Betty

    What caused your pleurisy. My husband is suffering with his second bout of it and we are concerned. Are you on antibiotics? Thanks

  2. Steph Mineart


    My doctors think that mine is being caused by early onset rheumatoid arthritis, and I’m taking the steroid prednisone for it, which seems to knock it out completely, at least for a while.
    The first few times I had it, my family doctor put me on antibiotics, in case it was a bacterial infection. But that didn’t help stop it, and it kept coming back. After my family doctor sent me to a pulmonologist, we figured out more quickly what it was, because he ran some breathing tests and did a bunch of testing on my blood.

    The trouble is that it that pleurisy can be caused by quite a few things – a bacteria (which the antibiotics would help) or a virus, or in some cases where it keeps coming back over and over, a severe allergy or a disease like rheumatoid arthritis. They have to try to eliminate what the possible causes are.

    But keep going back to the doctor if it keeps on, and ask about other causes, and see about seeing a specialist like a pulmonologist.

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