
I discovered this via my friend Mikal has an interesting quiz on personal beliefs about faith and religion.. Here’s how I stack up:
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (96%)
3. Liberal Quakers (88%)
4. New Age (87%)
5. Mahayana Buddhism (86%)
See how the rest of my beliefs stack up below the jump…

Very odd that I have a higher score for Mormons that I do for the Catholic church.
6. Reform Judaism (72%)
7. Secular Humanism (69%)
8. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (68%)
9. Bahá’í Faith (67%)
10. Theravada Buddhism (65%)
11. Hinduism (62%)
12. Taoism (62%)
13. New Thought (59%)
14. Scientology (59%)
15. Sikhism (58%)
16. Jainism (55%)
17. Orthodox Quaker (53%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (45%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (45%)
20. Islam (41%)
21. Nontheist (40%)
22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (26%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (25%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (23%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (17%)
26. Roman Catholic (17%)
27. Jehovah’s Witness (13%)

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  1. Rachel

    OK, that is so interesting. Here are how mine stack up:
    Liberal Quakers: 100%; Unitarian Universalism: 97%; Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants: 95%; Neo-Pagan: 84%; Secular Humanism: 78%.
    And the laugh is that ranked lowest on the list, with a mere 18%, is Roman Catholic. Hee! (Sorry, Grandmother.)
    Other fun answers: Mormon: 51%; Scientology: 40%; Islam: 29%.
    I probably think of myself as a Secular Humanist most of all. I’m surprised that’s so low, and that the top three are actually Christian-tradition faiths.

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