I’m the luckiest girl in the world, and I have the fortune cookies to prove it.
Electrasteph’s Fortune Cookies
A rather simple site I created for my Fortune Cookies to get the basics of Expression Engine (and by special request from my girlfriend, who enjoys my snark.)
Today’s Fortune Cookie
You will enjoy good health, you will be surrounded by luxury.
I take it back fortune cookie – I believe every word you say, I swear!
Today’s Fortune Cookie
“You crave your lover when the two of you are apart.”
Ooo la la! Hawt cookie! I couldn’t read it out loud to my co-worker – I had to hand it to her to read, lest I get a case of the giggles. (But I will be reading it out loud to my girlfriend later.)
Recent Fortune Cookies
From lunch today at Changs:
Your skills will accomplish what the force of many cannot.
Damn. I better get some skills quick. Seriously, though, this is one of the better fortunes I’ve ever received. Be neater if it were true.
From lunch last week at Changs:
Everywhere you choose to go, friendly faces will greet you.
I have nothing snarky to say about this one.
From quite a while ago:
Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his own reflection.
Yeah, I think my mom stuffed this fortune cookie.
You will always be surrounded by true friends.
Protecting me from the mob of people with pitchforks, I presume.
Today’s Fortune Cookie
“Everything will now come your way.”
Um, at first I thought “Great!” because I’m waiting for the new laptop. (Is that like “Waiting for Godot“?) But then I started to worry – what if I need a helmet?
A nice cake is waiting for you: recent fortune cookies
A nice cake is waiting for you.
I’m being stalked by a cake. That’s just scary.
Your winsome smile will be your sure protection.
Um, can I have a ball bat instead? I’d feel more secure.
You are never bitter, deceptive, or petty.
Oops, I got someone else’s fortune.
A modest man never talks to himself.
What about singing in the shower? Does he do that?
There will be a happy romance for you shortly.
This one really ticked off my girlfriend
You will step on the soil of many countries.
I’d better get started soon, because we’ve all seen my “Where I’ve been” map.
Express yourself, do something creative.
Gosh, I’ll get right on that after I finish designing this website.
You will always have good luck in personals affairs.
Oh, silly fortune cookie. You are so wrong.
You will always be surrounded by true friends.
Okay, you’re not always wrong, fortune cookie.
And upward movement intiated in time can counteract fate.
Damn, this is the second time I got this ominous cookie, and the first was right before I found out about my heart surgery. Leave me alone, cookie! You’re scaring me.
To be a success in business, be daring, be first, be different.
I think I’ll start with “Be awake” and see how that goes.
Many people who have power become a deaf mute.
And then there are the power people who never shut up.
Good fortune awaits you at the end of the day.
Is it a free monkey? I like monkeys.
From your garden of dreams, many things will blossom.
Hopefully not weeds.
The next full moon will bring an enchanting evening.
With a werewolf!!
You are kind-hearted, cheerful, and well-liked.
I wish I knew which day opposite day is in Fortune CookieLand.