I am so tired

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I just want to go home and sleep. But even if I did that, I would have to change the sheets and sweep the floor for cat hair before I could, because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to breathe. 🙁

Next weekend I’m sleeping the whole weekend.

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Nuvo Article about the house across the street

A Nuvo article about the house being built across the street from me. I have some photos but I haven’t got them on the site yet. I know that they have torn up the newly-landscaped right of way in front of my house because they were searching for the water-lines. Other than that, very nice house. It’s going up really quickly.

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Children: I’m against them. Really, they’re loud and annoying and they seem kind of retarded. Except those of my family members. Children in my family are beautiful geniuses who are charming. And any children I have will of course be tiny little gods or goddesses. But other people’s children, the kind you run into in Target, or who sit at the restaurant table near you, are gross. Please stop bringing out in public. That “seen and not heard” thing just doesn’t go far enough.

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The Appendix: a Colorful Guide

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Appendix DiagramThe appendix (A) is a small worm-like pouch attached to the large bowel (B) right after the small intestine (C). The function of the appendix is uncertain and there seems to be no long-term problems in living without it.

Which is a darn good thing, because I’m going to be living without mine after Thursday, August 14. Unless they accidentally kill me on the operating table, or something, in which case, you’ll have to fight amongst yourselves for my stuff, because I have no will and testament. Heh. I guess that’s not very funny, is it?

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Positively Singular: Who Are the Quirky Alones?

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A couple of years ago, Utne Magazine ran an article on “Quirky Alones”: a brave breed of single people who resist the tyranny of coupledom in favor of independent self-expression. The article’s writer, Sasha Cagen, started something with this idea, and an article in this month’s San Francisco Gate follows up on her and her concept today.
Here is Sasha’s definition of a Quirky Alone. it’s different than being a loner, which is someone who really doesn’t have many friends. A Quirky Alone has lots of friends and is very social, but prefers their own space and free time. Think you might be a Quirkly Alone? I probably am, I guess.

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So, Kathy has four kittens that were abandoned by someone near her house. There’s no mommy, but they are old enough to be on their own — about six weeks old. There’s a calico girl, a tortoise-shell colored girl, an orange boy, and an orange and white boy. They are as cute as a button. I went to her house last night to see them. I forgot to take my camera, or you’d be able to see them too. I’m going to adopt the two girls, unless someone else really wants to adopt one of the girls, in which case I’ll probably get a girl and a boy.
UPDATE: I adopted a boy and girl, and mom took the calico kitty.
Baby Huck
Baby Annabelle

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My Sister’s “Gay” Husband

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Several years ago, my sister Stacy brought her then-boyfriend (now husband) Roger to a party I threw. Roger is English, speaks with a British accent, and was visiting my sister here in the US (Stacy and Roger now live in England). Of course, it was one of my parties, so there were plenty of gay people there as well as straight friends. And Roger, being British, and having trendy facial hair and clothes, set off several people’s gaydar. At one point, Dan and Doug whispered to me “are you sure he’s not gay?” and I replied, “no, he’s not gay, he’s European” which caused hysterical laughter and spawned the catch phrase “do you think he’s European?” in reference to anyone who trips off the gaydar. Ever since, Dan and Doug have referred to Roger as “your sister’s gay boyfriend” until Stacy and Roger got married, at which time he became “your sister’s gay husband.”
Well, apparently, the “Gay or European?” Question is a widespread phenomenon. Take the test; can you tell the difference?

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I so just want to go home and go to bed. Last night I went home, fell asleep on the couch without actually watching The Amazing Race (dvr’ed it) and then went to bed at nine. Have I mentioned that I love my DVR?
I’m a little worried about Kathy. She’s having a bad week. I hope we can figure some stuff out for her.

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