Holy crap, that’s a cute dog! (lol version)

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A couple weeks ago, I was reading articles on line about dog food for Spike, and one of them was on the petfinder.com site, where there was an ad for an adorably cute dog named Chip who needed a home. I twittered “holy crap, that’s a cute dog!” with a link to his page, and three days later the shelter emailed me, saying that they had received over 30 applications from people who came to their site either through my twitter post or through my site.

Oh, the power of the internets. They are lovely, aren’t they? I figured since Chip has a nice home, some other dogs should get one, too. Like Pedro.

Pedro sez:

And Biscuit, a pomeranian/chihuahua mix who lives in Marion, Indiana with his sister Flower, who also needs a home:

Petfinder.com works with animal shelters all over the country to post pictures and bios of adoptable pets who are in shelters and need loving homes. It’s a great way to find a loving animal without going to a puppy mill or irresponsible breeder.

I have to say I really prefer mixed breed doggies like my own adorable sweet dog Spike.

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Spike’s Birthday Fence

We’re having the backyard fenced in for Spike for his (belated) Fifth birthday present, since I promised him when he was a puppy that he could have a fenced in yard. I called around a few months ago and got estimates from a surveying company to do a boundary survey, and we eventually hired Site Line surveying, who just finished up setting the corner markers on Friday.
Of course, Saturday our neighbor came over to point out my flowerbed edging was encroaching on his line and he was planning to remove it. I immediately dug it out and filled in the edge. The surveying company noted to me on the phone this morning that part of that same neighbor’s sidewalk is encroaching on our yard in the back. I will choose not to be a dickhead in return for his jerkish behavior. Although I did move his trashcan off our side of the line. “Now that we’ve established the boundary lines” as he noted to me. Yes, lets establish some boundaries.
We also got estimates from several fence companies, and Glidden Fencing is coming out to begin the work this week. We have to do a wood picket fence because of the historic neighborhood, so we chose a “gothic” style with pickets set fairly close together so he can’t squeeze out between them. So Spike will finally have the fence I promised him 5 years ago.

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Weekend Update 2007-10-15

We managed to get a lot done this weekend, and not kill ourselves in the process, which is pretty good for us. Saturday, I put 7 sets of Avon bottles on eBay, which was pretty huge. I have somewhat of an assembly line going on for getting this done, because there are lots of steps and detail to capture. When it comes to selling stuff on eBay, these particular items are a pretty big pain in the butt. You have to gather together several bottles that have something similar about them, unbox them, determine whether the bottles are full or empty, write down the item and information about it, photography the set, box them back up, and find a shipping box that will fit the set, which can be like playing tetris. Then you have download the pictures from the camera, write up descriptions of the set including all pertinent detail, upload the photo and write up the sales description. Then several potential bidders will ask a million questions about the items, some of which will require you to go back and unbox the items, recount them, weigh them, etc. The question they ask is always the one that I didn’t think to write down. Then when the items sell, you have to figure out how to combine shipping if required, pack the shipping box so nothing breaks, address it to the correct person, and haul it all to the post office. Yeah.
Listing items on eBay is no small task, and honestly, when you’re managing lots of different products, it can start feeling like a full-blown logistics operation. This is where container hire, or even exploring shipping containers for sale, can make a world of difference, especially if you’re dealing with larger volumes. Imagine having a dedicated space to store your inventory—somewhere that’s safe, organized, and accessible without having to rearrange your entire garage every time you need to find a specific item. By using a shipping container for storage, you can create a streamlined process, almost like having a mini-warehouse at your disposal, which makes it easier to keep track of your inventory and avoid the headache of sifting through boxes every time a buyer sends a follow-up question. Plus, it’s a lot less stressful knowing that everything is in one place, protected from the elements, and ready to be pulled out, photographed, and shipped when needed. Having a space dedicated just for your eBay operations helps keep things flowing, turning what can be a chaotic process into something a bit more manageable.
I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel on this project – which is to say, all the remaining bottles are unpacked and grouped on a table ready to start in on the process. I think I have about 10 more sets to run through the whole line, which will take perhaps one or two more weekends. I’m hoping to have it all cleaned up and finished before Halloween.
On Sunday we did a lot of organizing upstairs of the bathroom, hallway, etc. I’m very happy with what we accomplished there, too. There’s still a lot to do, but we’ve made progress. I think we’ll have cleaning and organizing most of the winter, but by spring I hope we’ll be done and ready to spend most of our free time with friends instead of around the house trying to manage our stuff.
UPDATE: I re-read this post and realized I sound like giant whiner, and that it sounds like we did nothing but work all weekend, and that I plan to do nothing but work for the rest of the winter.
When it comes to the Avon bottles – I volunteered for this project, so I’m not complaining about doing it at all. I’m just noting that there are lots more steps than I originally thought, and more steps than other eBay sales, so it’s hard to keep track of all the detail. Also, we did do fun stuff this weekend. We ate at Elbow Room and shopped at the mall, among other things. We just also managed to get a lot done, which I’m very happy about. And we’re going to be doing lots of fun stuff this winter, too.

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Weekend Update/eBay Listings

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Friday night: picked Stephanie up from Tune Tech after work because the clutch on the Honda is having problems again. Fortunately, it appears to be under warranty. With Phoebe’s battery dead, we’re down to one vehicle – the trusty truck.
Saturday: Spent the morning helping with neighborhood cleanup by driving the truck up and down the alleys picking up branches and trash and hauling to the designated area for wood chipping and disposal. Then sped up to Bonge’s Tavern to meet the family for dinner, since Dad’s getting ready to head out to Payson. Stopped by his house, which is now Todd and Denise’s house. Then sped back downtown to pick up presents for our friend Lori’s birthday party, then sped down to Southport for said party, where we had a blast and stayed until 1:30 a.m.
Sunday: I got up and puttered around the house cleaning while letting Stephanie sleep in because we were out so late. At 11, we went back out and helped finish up the tree branch gathering for wood chipping. Went to Elbow Room for lunch, then came home.
To continue the ongoing decluttering efforts, I decided I’d try to finally get finished the stuff I promised mom I’d do four years ago and sell the rest of her vintage Avon collectable bottles on eBay. (The 200+ bottles I’ve been carting around since then.) I photographed and put together 5 different lots of Avon for sale and posted them, which took about 5 hours to do, although while posting the actual items, we watched
Lot of vintage Avon Bath Toys (Disney/Peanuts)
Lot of vintage Avon Kids Soap Sets & Soap on a Rope
Lot of vintage Avon Bottles Guns & Western
Lot of 13 vintage Avon Bottles Cars/Vehicles
Lot of 9 vintage Avon Bottles Cars/Vehicles

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visiting with grandma g

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We spent the afternoon with grandma and talked to her. She was very sick but is getting better. She’s in a temporary care facility here in Des Moines until a spot can open up in the Perry Nursing Home that she’s visited before. They’re hoping she’ll continue to improve, possibly enough to be able to go back to her own apartment. She seems pretty upbeat, although she had dialysis today and was very tired. I liked the place she’s staying in; both the nurses we talked to were smart and positive and seemed quite caring. I’m really glad we drove out to see her. She seems much more frail than when I saw her last, but that was in 2001. She did make a joke or two during the day, despite being so tired, which makes me worry a little less.

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visiting with grandma g

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We spent the afternoon with grandma and talked to her. She was very sick but is getting better. She’s in a temporary care facility here in Des Moines until a spot can open up in the Perry Nursing Home that she’s visited before. They’re hoping she’ll continue to improve, possibly enough to be able to go back to her own apartment. She seems pretty upbeat, although she had dialysis today and was very tired. I liked the place she’s staying in; both the nurses we talked to were smart and positive and seemed quite caring. I’m really glad we drove out to see her. She seems much more frail than when I saw her last, but that was in 2001. She did make a joke or two during the day, despite being so tired, which makes me worry a little less.

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Taking a quick trip to Iowa

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I’m headed to Iowa after work today, with my mom. We’re going to visit my Grandma Groenwoldt, who is in the hospital and not feeling well. I haven’t seen her since my road trip in 2001, when I stopped to see her at her little retirement village apartment. It’s sort of a rush trip so I’m feeling somewhat frazzled; like I’ve forgotten lots of things. I’ll also be missing Jennifer and Patrick’s wedding, which I feel really bad about. Stephanie will be going, though, so hopefully she’s take lots of photos.

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