I got your gay reality show right here….

Apparently, Julie Millam from the Montana Family Coalition doesn’t like the “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” show on TV: “To me, that’s not a reality show about gay people. A really good reality show for gay people would be five gay men dying of AIDS.”
No… A REALLY good reality show for gay people would be a video of me flying to Montana to BEAT THE HOLY LIVING CRAP out of Julie Milliam. In fact, it could be a series. Each week I locate one anti-gay bigot and kick the ignorance right out of them on national television. I can guarantee you’d get 25 million gay Americans watching every week.

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Republicans Say Democrats are Terrorists, Wall Street Journal Agrees

From the NY Times:

“With costs and casualties rising in the war on terrorism, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld struck back today at the administration’s widening circle of critics, saying they were complicating an already difficult task. Mr. Rumsfeld did not mention any of the domestic critics by name. But he suggested that those who have been critical of the administration’s handling of the war in Iraq and its aftermath might be encouraging American foes to believe that the United States might one day walk away from the effort, as it has in past conflicts.”

[Emphasis mine.]

And Tuesday, and op/ed headline in the Wall Street Journal: “Bush Parries a Terror Attack, From the Democrats

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Bush Goes Totally Delusional

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“The military also announced the deaths of two more American soldiers, killed by makeshift bombs in Baghdad, as President Bush (news – web sites) appealed to other nations to set aside “past bickering” to help with peacekeeping and reconstruction.”
PAST BICKERING? On what planet was there preliminary events of the Iraq invasion called “past bickering?” Bush, you invaded a sovereign nation without provocation, using as an excuse fabricated information. You did this in defiance of PRACTICALLY THE ENTIRE PLANET, who knew damned well the information you were presenting was false. You didn’t achieve any of your objectives in the invasion (make the world safer, kill Sadaam Hussein) and you’ve gotten thousands of people killed in the process and trashed a country. And people are supposed to get past their feelings and help you? Good god we have a total retard in the White House.

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Another URL Lori Pointed out

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Lori sent me this Fark Photoshop contest of Ann Coulter shooting something in her backyard. See the original photo from her site here.
Several of the photoshoppers emphasized something interesting about the picture of Ann… she’s white trash. Look at the house, look at the people on the porch. Jesus if she’s really got a best-seller like she claims, why doesn’t she buy a friggin’ new house? Sittin’ around shooting stuff off the back porch… how more more of a redneck can you get?

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The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 125)

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September 8, 2003 – The Hands And Knees Edition. As in “Bush comes crawling on….” because he has to ask the UN, whom he spent months dissing, for help.
Among other things, Snopes.com admits that they were wrong, and that Osama bin Laden’s family really was gathered up by the government while the entire country was under lockdown and then whisked back to Saudia Arabia. The real question is why was this happening before we even confirmed that bin Laden was the mastermind?

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Impeach Bush

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U.S. intelligence officials now say the administration was lied to by Iraqi �migr�s. That excuse for the U.S. intelligence failure in Iraq would be laughable were the circumstances not so appalling. It means Bush ignored all the cautions of career diplomats and intelligence experts in every branch of the U.S. government over the unsubstantiated word of Iraqi renegades.
Clearly, the administration, from the president on down, did not want expert advice and intelligence that would have undermined its excuse for invading Iraq. This was a shell game from beginning to end in which Americans’ legitimate fear of terrorism after 9/11 was almost immediately and cynically exploited by the neoconservative gang that runs U.S. foreign policy.”
Say it with me now, kids: Impeachment. A criminal lie. A criminal war. Thousands dead. The world’s trust blown away. Please tell me why this man is not already on trial?

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How Democrats see George W. Bush

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Salon: Why Dean and Franken are so hot right now

And what is the temper of the Democratic Party base? They loathe Bush and everything he stands for — he’s become a lightning rod for dark and febrile passions in the same way Bill Clinton was (and is) for the GOP core. It’s not just his harebrained ideological nostrums for how to reorder America and the world. They hate him and it’s personal. They hate his frat-boy smirk, his phony fly-boy act, his cringe-inducing mangling of the language, his born-again sanctimony, even his Texas twang and his godforsaken, tumbleweed ranch where only someone as fence-post-dumb as W. would hole up in August. They hate him like their lives depended on it, lives that will certainly be unbearable if this bumbling extremist is reelected (or elected) in 2004.

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The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 124)

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This week, the Bush Administration admits there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction, but says that the information they had was planted by Iraqi agents because Saddam wanted America to invade his country and kill him. Yeah, of course. Also, Faux News (Wholly Without Merit) can’t do the math on American deaths in Iraq, Arnold gropes women against their will and laughs about it, Faux News tells it’s reporters to treat Arnold as a serious candidate (no word on whether they feel the same about Gary Coleman, who actually made a lot of sense on Crossfire) and the White House Press Corps are a bunch of whores.

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