Voted early

Voted early

I don’t always vote straight party, but I did this time. I knew who all the down party people were for the most part, and the few I didn’t know I looked up before I went. The lines were quite long, but the moved very quickly in the city-county building. Very much worth it to avoid longer lines on Election day, especially when rushed to go to work.

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David Sedaris on Undecided Voters

From this week’s New Yorker:

Then you’ll see this man or woman– someone, I always think, who looks very happy to be on TV. “Well, Charlie,” they say, “I’ve gone back and forth on the issues and whatnot, but I just can’t seem to make up my mind!” Some insist that there’s very little difference between candidate A and candidate B. Others claim that they’re with A on defense and health care but are leaning toward B when it comes to the economy.

I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention?

To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.

I mean, really, what’s to be confused about?

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CNN: Money Fact check: Plumber Joe’s taxes

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According to CNN Money small business owners will not see an increase in taxes.

McCain has entrepreneurs spooked about tax hikes, but fewer than 2% of small business owners (that you can check them out here) would pay more under Obama’s plan.

Should small business owners fear for their wallets if Obama is elected? Not the vast majority, business and tax experts say.

Third, even if you’re one of the rare business owners making enough money to be affected by Obama’s proposed tax increases, you still won’t see a big hike in your tax bill.

McCain’s claim that Obama “will increase taxes on 50% of small business revenue” – the line he used in the second presidential debate – is incorrect because of how income is taxed.

If a business owner falls into the top bracket, that doesn’t mean that all of his or her income is taxed at the highest level.

For example: If a small-business owner makes $210,000 in taxable income, he edges into the 33% bracket, one of the two top tax rates that Obama would like to raise.

But he would pay the higher tax only on the amount that exceeds the cutoff – in 2007, the two top tax rates applied to single filers with income of $160,850 or more and joint filers with income of at least $195,850. As a single filer, this business owner would see his federal taxes increase $1,475 under Obama’s plan, which calls for raising the 33% tax rate to 36%.

“While Obama does favor raising the top two rates, the quote is not true because not all the small business income of those in the top two rates is taxed at the 33% and 35% rates,” said Gerald Prante, a senior economist at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.

The bottom line: McCain’s claim only works by using an overly broad definition of what counts as a “small business” – and even with that definition, fewer than 2% of business owners would be hit by Obama’s proposed rate increase. For those who are affected, the increase would be levied only on a part of their earnings, not all of them.

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The Debate in 90 Seconds

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The few things that jumped out at me — John McCain does “air quotes” while talking about the health of the mother in emergency abortion situations — so apparently the health of the mother is irrelevant? Wow.

So let me get the Republican position straight here — when I get raped, I’ll be forced to give birth against my will, and if my life is in danger because of the baby I’m forced to breed, let me die so that rape baby can live? Yeah, that pretty much sums up the McCain/Palin position. Which make me want to go get a hysterectomy as a defensive measure, frankly. I don’t want kids — and I damn sure don’t want to be thrown in the McCain/Palin breeding camps when the mad max apocalypse comes here in the next couple months due to Bush/McCain economic policies.

Wow, what was I talking about? Oh, the debate. Yes. Also, did you notice this Obama moment: “I associate with” … list of people…. Dick Lugar… “and these are the people I’ll surround myself with in the White House.” — Did he just name Lugar as a cabinet member? I’m on board with that. Good On.

Also — it’s pretty clear that Walnuts hasn’t been watching YouTube, because actually said “I’m proud of all the supporters at our rallies” – despite half a dozen videos of racist fucks with monkey dolls shouting violent threats, many of which I’ve played here on my blog. You’re proud of those folks? Okay — you get to own them, then.
In general, Walnuts was angry all the time, Obama was cool and collected. Obama wins. Here’s a nice video of Walnuts rolling his eyes and gritting his teeth and being all mad and stuff. Because we need a hothead in the White House right now, ya know.

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Best of the Worst: McCain Mobs Compiled

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Brave New Films and Color of Change have compiled the “best of the worst” video footage of lynch mob-like crowds attending McCain/Palin rallies over the past several weeks, documenting the racism and violent threats.

Color of Change is sending a public letter to their campaign asking them to take responsibility for changing the tone of the rallies they’re putting together, and asking people to rethink their behavior.

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More Racist McCain Supporters

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Anyone who’s resisted the idea that there are racist McCain supporters out there won’t be able to get past this video. As Ta-nehisi Coates at the Atlantic points out — It’s not just disturbing that this guy is so obviously evil, but it’s further upsetting that the no one in the crowd around him admonishes him for his open racism. The banality of evil, indeed.

I also find it really sad and upsetting that they’re employing one of my favorite childhood book characters to make racist attacks. Poor Curious George.

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Even more crazy McCain crowds

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I updated my post from earlier this morning with even more news of death threats issued to Obama during McCain rallies this week. (Threats of “off with his head” came out this morning reported by the Wall Street Journal.)

Here are even more sidewalk interviews with angry McCain supporters who are waiting to get into a McCain/Palin rally:

It’s one thing for Malkin to throw out the meme of “Obama’s a terrorist” but when McCain is actively stoking that rhetoric at his rallies, he’s on completely immoral and unethical grounds — and it’s a really unprecedented turn in American politics and for a candidate for President. The country may be in real turmoil, but that doesn’t warrant this kind of sea change in the language of civil discourse. This may be one of the clearest signals of the end of The Great Experiment that we’ve seen.

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