Enron investigation

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Okay, politics: We need a special investigator looking into Enron and examining the involvement of the current presidential administration in the company. War aside, this isn’t the kind of thing that can be overlooked.
And the other thing we need is some explanation of the election reform process that will be in place before the next election. How are we going to ensure that everyone’s vote is counted and that everyone’s vote counts?

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My Hobbit Name: Peony Smallburrows of Sandydowns

Okay, so my Hobbit name is: Peony Smallburrows of Sandydowns. Cool.

I didn’t get the house, so I guess I’m going to build after all. Should be fun. (2014 update: I didn’t build. Spoilers)

Also, here is the comedy website/magazine that hosts my favorite movie reviewer ever, The Self-Made Critic: The Brunching Shuttlecocks. They have a great review of Vanilla Sky.Plus they have a bunch of other good comedy as well. You should check it out. And go through the archives and read all the movie reviews by The Self-Made Critic, especially the one for Josie and the Pussycats. It sounds like something I would have written.

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Items on Osama’s Christmas List

11. My First Chemist’s Weapon of Mass Destruction.
10. My Pretty Pony Glue Factory
9. Fisher Price Particle Accelerator
8. Mountain Mike’s Cave Digger Kit
7. sandbox
6. Ali Aibo, electronic pet camel
5. Easy Bake Falafel Oven
4. Sesame Street’s Torture Me Bert
3. Wham-o Exploding Frisbee
2. Bedazzler Beard Decorator
1. Kabul Barbie Car Bomb

Nevermind that he probably doesn’t actually celebrate Christmas, you know?

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war in afghanistan

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I’m not against war against the al-Qaida or against Afghanistan. I only hope that we’re waging war in a way we can win, and not ending up in another Vietnam. I wonder whether ground troops are the right answer.
2010 UPDATE: Isn’t this cute that I thought I had any idea about how to conduct a war? I can’t believe I actually wrote that in public and everything.

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Local Political Organizing

I got an e-mail yesterday from a woman I know who’s on the board of directors of an organization I used to do volunteer work for. She was objecting to something I wrote here in my journal. The e-mail was titled “I’m disappointed” and in it, she chastised me for expressing some opinions about some local political activists in the gay community, then she ordered me to stop expressing such opinions, because “we already have too much of that sort of thing.” THEN, she proceeded to ask me to volunteer some time helping her learn website editing so she could do my former volunteer position.

I actually responded with a relatively polite e-mail explaining (again) that I don’t have the time to volunteer for her organization, as I have other organizations I already work for. Can you believe how mature I was? ME NEITHER. But, hey, I’m safely back on my own website, so here’s what I really think:

If you don’t like something you read here, FUCK OFF. FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF. Also, BITE ME. Plus, how fucking clueless are you to try to order me around on my own website, then to ask me to give my time(=money) to help you out?

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