Book Review: Indiana Curiosities

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Indiana Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities, and Other Offbeat Stuff, by local media celebrity Dick Wolfsie. You’ll enjoy this book even if you don’t live in Indiana — and you’ll definitely enjoy it if you do. Packed with the odd and unusual, this book was filled with surprises even for me, and I’ve lived in Indiana for almost 20 years. Strange things you’ll see along the road, folks who collect or build weird stuff, bizarre legends and history… Dick Wolfsie explains them all with both wit and respect, and turns in a first-rate book that you should have with you on any daytrip you take around the Hoosier state.

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Giant Red Arrow Coming to Indianapolis

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A 750-pound, 10-foot-high, 18-foot-long and 8-foot-wide red arrow will travel around Indianapolis to major events throughout the year, to highlight arts and sporting events, building projects and other big attractions, according to Grant County’s Chronicle Tribune, which provides a list of events where the giant red arrow is scheduled to appear. There’s also a list on the Indianapolis Convention and Visitor’s Association site.

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Indy Star’s “2005 hotlist” is really not that hot

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The Indianapolis Star put together a list of “what and who will be noteworthy in the Indianapolis arts scene this year.” And it’s a big yawner, to say the least. My favorite noteworthy event is that Deer Creek (I refuse to use the corporate name for the concert facility, and you can’t make me) is getting another gateway and expanded roads to ease traffic snarls at the venue north of Indianapolis. I’m not denying that it needs to happen, but is it one of the hot events of 2005?

We’re getting some new movie theaters, a couple of Broadway shows are coming to town, Herron Art School is moving, geeks are coming to town for a Star Wars convention, blah blah blah.

Honestly, I think it’s the Star’s fault. I know that Indianapolis isn’t this boring.

The only thing I thought was really interesting is that we have a public arts program (headed by Mindy Taylor Ross) that works with Indy’s Cultural Development Commission to plan and fund public art projects. Last year they increased their funding by $200,000, put together an artist’s registry, and created an arts competition that will put create a public arts project for this year. Nice.

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IMA Closes for 4 Months

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The Indianapolis Museum of Art will be closed through May 5th while the ongoing $74 million construction project is completed. The project includes a three-story gallery pavilion, a special events pavilion and a glass-enclosed entry pavilion, as well as new and expanded galleries and a fine-dining restaurant.
The Lilly House & Gardens will remain open through the spring on Wednesdays through Sundays, so for those of you who love to picnic on the grounds or enjoy the beautiful 26-acre gardens in the spring time, you will still be able to visit.
On May 6th, the Museum will re-open with a three day celebration including special exhibits and galleries.

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Aid for the victims of the Asian Tsunamis

Sorry — I’ve been away from the computer for a few days and haven’t had a chance to blog anything….
Tsunami Relief – An 9.0-magnitude earthquake and destructive tsunami has caused massive damage in many countries in South and Southeast Asia. USAID is assisting in the relief and recovery effort. Find out how you can help.
Support the American Red Cross by donating to the International Response Fund.
The will certainly need the money, because Bush is pledging only $35 million in aid. Of course, he is spending $40 Million for his Inauguration.

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Ten Things President Bush Doesn’t Want You To Know About Scalia and Thomas

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According to FindLaw’s US Supreme Court Awareness Survey, two thirds of Americans cannot name any of the Supreme Court Justices. And I was surprised that 51% of Americans were moronic enough to vote for Bush. How did this country get so stupid? And since when is ignorance an American value?
Even if Americans can’t name a Supreme Court Justice, Bush will be doing so this year. For more about his two current favorite nominees, a list of things that Bush doesn’t want you to know about Scalia and Thomas, from the center for American Progress.

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My “Naughty or Nice” Rating

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Nice, with a few exceptions. Needs to be nice to everyone not just friends. (Ha!!!) Could try a little harder when things are tough. (Yeah, I know.) Good sense of humor. Made list last year. Needs to be good all December.
Considering that it’s a randomly generated rating, it’s scary how accurate it is, especially the second and third sentences.
Generated at Santa Clause Naughty or Nice.

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