Four For Friday

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  • Post category:Memes

As always, courtesy of Mikal at
Q1: Which do you use the most… microwave oven, toaster oven, or conventional oven? Which do you prefer to use?
A1: use most: Microwave. Prefer: conventional oven. I like the way food tastes cooked on the stove top better, and I LOVE the smell of anything baking. I just need to spend more time on food instead of rushing.
Q2: If the NCAA Men’s or Women’s Final Four basketball tournament was played in your hometown arena or within easy driving distance from where you live, would you try to attend one the three games?
A2: Now what does NCAA stand for again?
Q3: Of all the clothes you own, what do you feel most comfortable wearing, and why?
A2: Jeans, tennis shoes, t-shirts. Last year we got some great shirts for $2 at Old Navy that are super comfortable and don’t look terrible either.
Q4: On what television show—either past or present—would you like to make to make a guest appearance, and what role would you play?
A4: Oh, wow, open that can of fan fiction worms, why don’t you? I can’t even begin to reel off the big list of TV shows I’d like to be on. Lately, Stephanie have been talking about applying to get on the Amazing Race, but it seems like that fantasy is pretty much creamed by my recent heart stuff. I may well be on anti-coagulant drugs for the rest of my life, which would mean my doctor would veto doing anything like TAR as too dangerous.

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Unconscious Mutterings 2005-02-28

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Free association–a psychoanalytic procedure in which a person is encouraged to give free rein to his or her thoughts and feelings, verbalizing whatever comes into the mind without monitoring its content–is what this post is all about. Each week, Patricia over at Luna Nina posts ten words to which anyone can respond to with the first thing that comes to mind.

Courtesy of Luna Nina, by way of my friend Mikal Belicove:

  1. You’ve got a friend:: “In me” — singing, of course
  2. Immigration:: Ellis Island
  3. Waitress:: Server
  4. Snickers:: Bar
  5. Recognize:: Face
  6. Concept:: Thought
  7. Birthday:: Belated (d’oh!)
  8. Told you so:: I am the queen of
  9. Unlikely:: Rare
  10. Extension:: Bonus
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  • Post category:MemesMusic

I haven’t been able to post lately, because I have been sicker than a dog. I’m still sick, but I’m at work anyway, because I have to get some stuff done. Anyway, courtesy of Lisa at Another Pink World, here’s a meme for you.

1. Total amount of music files on your computer?
0 files on computer. Files at home on my music server: 22,330 songs. 62.1 days, 97.53 GB.

2. The last CD you bought was…
on iTunes: Nina Simone: Anthology. On CD: Loretta Lynn, Van Lear Rose.

3. What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?
The Secret Machines /Pharoah’s Daughter

4. Write down five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
1) I’d Like That/XTC
2) Good Things/Bodeans
3) Subterranean Homesick Blues/Bob Dylan
4) Bus Stop/The Hollies
5) Dream A Little Dream of Me/Mama Cass

5. What 3 people are you going to pass this baton to and why?
Eh, anyone who happens to read this and wants to answer. My friends don’t all have blogs.

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My “Naughty or Nice” Rating

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  • Post category:What Am I?

Nice, with a few exceptions. Needs to be nice to everyone not just friends. (Ha!!!) Could try a little harder when things are tough. (Yeah, I know.) Good sense of humor. Made list last year. Needs to be good all December.
Considering that it’s a randomly generated rating, it’s scary how accurate it is, especially the second and third sentences.
Generated at Santa Clause Naughty or Nice.

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