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Courtesy of Mikal Belicove:

  1. Books or Magazines? Books.
  2. Disneyland or Disney World? Don’t know the difference.
  3. Laptop Computer or Desktop Computer? laptop. I like to work all over the house.
  4. Chronicles of Narnia or King Kong? Oh, come on. Really.
  5. Skateboards or Rollerblades? Skateboards.
  6. Robert De Niro or Al Pacino? Neither.
  7. House Plants or Gardening? Gardening.
  8. Pen or Pencil? Pen.
  9. Road Trip or Cruise Ship? Road trip. Nothing sounds more boring than a cruise.
  10. I Love Lucy or I Dream of Jeannie? Lucy is classic.
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I’m catching up on a backlog of Either/Or memes from Mikal… Courtesy of Mikal Belicove:

  1. Trampoline or Ping-Pong Table? . Trampoline; more fun due to possibility of injury.
  2. Maple or Oak? Maple. Prettier leaves.
  3. Thanksgiving or Christmas? Christmas!
  4. Strip Mall or Shopping Mall? Shopping.
  5. Mornings or Evenings? Mornings.
  6. Sunday’s Newspaper Cartoons or Saturday’s Television Cartoons? Saturday TV.
  7. Prints or Paintings? Paintings. If I could afford any.
  8. New Carpeting or Refinished Wood Floors? Wood floors!!!!!
  9. Cushy Corporate Job or Running Your Own Struggling Business? Cushy corporate job.
  10. Skiing or Sledding? Sledding. I have no sense of balance.
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Either Or

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Courtesy of Mikal Belicove:

  1. Cats or Dogs? I can’t answer: I have both and don’t want to get in trouble at home.
  2. Beer or Wine? Beer.
  3. Sunday paper: In bed or On the couch? On the couch. Too messy for bed.
  4. Baked Potatoes or Mashed Potatoes? Baked; I like the skin
  5. Target or Wal-Mart. Normally Target, but since the prescription thing, neither. Fuckers.
  6. Rain or Snow? Rain. Snow is too messy.
  7. Board Games or Computer Games? Oh, man. I dunno.
  8. Friday nights or Saturday mornings? Saturday mornings.
  9. Land Line or Cell Phone? Cell. I like to go places and talk.
  10. Elevators or Escalators? Escalators are more fun, and don’t lead to as many personal space issues.
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If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy – your life appeals to a select few.
But if someone’s obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

Showgirls? Ahem. No.

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Four For Friday 2005-05-20

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Courtesy of Mikal Belicove:

Q1: How do you feel about television, newspaper, magazine, or web site news reports that rely wholly or in part on ‘unnamed’ sources?

It’s acceptable in many cases, if there is follow-up reporting that supports the information from the source. The exception would be where the unnamed source does something illegal, like exposing Valerie Plame as a CIA operative, which compromised her ability to do her job and placed dozens of other CIA operatives in danger. In that case, the source should have been revealed and prosecuted, along with the reporter who helped commit the crime.

Q2: Do you think there should be government-mandated drug-testing for anyone who plays sports professionally?

Not at all. If the people who own and run the sports teams want to test their players, it should be up to them to do so. There’s no reason whatsoever that the government should have anything to do with it. Why on earth should the government care about testing sports figures, any more than they should care about testing me for drug use? Really, who gives a crap if some baseball player’s on steroids? It’s not as though the fate of the free world rests on whether Jose Conseco hit a homer or not. (He is a baseball player, right?)

Q3: When you prepare to eat a hamburger or a sandwich, do you prefer to cut the burger or sandwich in half before eating it, or are you okay eating it whole?

I eat them whole, unless I feel like they’re too big and are going to fall apart in my hands.

Q4: Restaurants are notorious for charging a 15-18% gratuity on groups of eight or more. Are you in favor of this practice or would you prefer to tip the wait staff yourself based on how you feel they handled your table/group?

It’s okay by me; I can understand why they do it… I used to be roommates with a waiter, so I know how hard they work and how easily they get screwed over by assholes who don’t bother to leave tips. Large parties make it very easy for jerks to get away with that sort of thing. You would not believe some of the tipping horror stories my roommate suffered through. The best were the ones on Sundays: no one ever wanted to work on Sunday lunches, because the Christians were terrible tippers. They’d come in after church with their strollers and children in tow, create mess, noise, havoc and broken dishes wherever they went, and then leave a religious pamphlet on the table as a “tip” instead of money. What would Jesus do, indeed. He wouldn’t do that.

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