Fake Band / Album Cover Meme

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via (original link, no longer active -http://www.xtra-rant.com/2008/01/06/2331/) Xtrarant…

Generate a fake band and its first album:

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first article title on the page is the name of your band. (Reference Ellipsoid)

2. (original link, no longer active -http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3) Quotations Random (one which is funnier)

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

3. http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. (Like Jason, I also chose the third creative commons license picture by wmbreedveld rather than just the third picture.)


Reference Ellipsoid: One Which Is Funnier
Reference Ellipsoid: One Which Is Funnier

2022-03-17 Update:
I’m sad this one broke with the quotations link page, because it was fun. And was appropriate given how random many cover album names seem.
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Oh! that my young life were a lasting meme!

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Maxine Dangerous has tagged me with a meme! Oh, noez! Here’s the plot:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Hmmm. Given that I talk about myself endlessly, I can’t think of seven things I haven’t already disclosed. So, lets ask the little woman. Hey, honey, what are seven weird things about me? She’s got nuthin’. Damn, I have to do this all myself.

  1. I have a weird obsession with buttons, dating back to my childhood, when I would play with the pearl-like buttons on the pillow cases my grandmother made while I tried to fall asleep. I now have a giant jar of buttons that I bought at a flea market and plan to do something with. Every now and then I open the jar and play with the buttons. (hey, you asked for weird. We’re in Proust/madeleines territory here.)
  2. One of the highlights of my day is watching my dog poop – he balances on his front feet, and his back feet come up off the ground. It’s hysterical. (I think technically this may be a weird thing about my dog more so than me.)

  3. For the past ten years or so, my underwear are boxer shorts. They’re just more comfortable. And I have some gender identity things I don’t talk about much.

  4. I love tapioca, cottage cheese and lumpy mashed potatoes because of the lumpy texture. I can’t stand tomatoes, grapes, or peaches, because biting them makes me think I’m biting human flesh.

  5. The other day, I had the Metal Typer Souvenir Coin site make me a good luck coin that says “you are the master of your fate” because the irony was just too much not to.

  6. I’m very particular about how the icons are arranged on my desktop, and I constantly realign them so they’re straight in line with one another, and arranged alphabetically by category.

  7. I’m also very picky about how my sheets are arranged at night, and if the sheet hangs down further than the comforter, I’ll lay awake at night worrying about it.

Tagging seven people? Oh crap. That will be as hard as writing this. And I’ll bet some of them won’t do it.
Stephanie. Lisa. Matt. MJ. Lori B. Davodd. And Marti.

Continue ReadingOh! that my young life were a lasting meme!

What Kind of Nerd Am I?

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What Be Your Nerd Type?

Your Result: Literature Nerd

Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it’s eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today’s society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works.
It’s okay. I understand.

Gamer/Computer Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Social Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Drama Nerd
Anime Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace
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The name “Stephanie” on Babynamer.com

One of the blogs I read regularly pointed out the site babynamer.com in a blog post, because it’s a nicely-designed and interesting site on baby names. They include a long definition and origin of each name, a section on famous people with that name, a long list of related alternate names, and then a funny feature – “drawbacks” for any given name (all the mean things people will call your kid). The drawbacks page is definitely the selling point that sets this apart from other baby name sites.

Here’s what babynamer.com says about the name Stephanie:

Meaning: Its source is Stephanos, a Greek name meaning “Crown or garland.”

In French, this name is spelled with an accent — Stéphanie.

Languages: This girl’s name is used in German, English and French.

Nicknames: Fanny, Steffi, Steffie, Stefi, Stevey, Stevie and Stepha

Alternative Spellings: Stefaney, Stefani, Stefanie, Stefany, Steffanie, Steffany, Stepfanie, Stephaine, Stephaney, Stephani, Stephannie, Stephany, Stephenie, Stephyne and Stephney

Variant Forms: Estephanie, Stepanie, Stephane, Stephine, Stephnie and Stefne

Non-English Forms: Estefana, Estefania, Stefania, Estebana, Stefanida, Étiennette, Stefana, Stepána and Stepanida

Popularity: The name Stephanie ranked 41st in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics, 41st in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census and 10th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1994 US Census.

This name is highly rated both on the 1990 U.S. Census list and in state data recording the most popular baby names.

Narrative: According to Christian scripture, Stephen was the first martyr, and the influence of this saint accounts for the popularity of both male and female variations of his name in many Western languages.
The Bible describes Stephen as a righteous and compassionate person who refused to disguise his beliefs, even though his frankness cost him his life. (How apropo!)

He was condemned to death by stoning, and the cloaks of those commissioned to do the bloody work were held by a fellow persecutor of the Christians, Saul of Tarsus.

In time, Saul became Paul the Apostle, shaper of Christian doctrine and Christian missionary to the entire ancient world.

That last two lines – where Paul the Apostle held the cloaks of the people who stoned Stephen to death, and then went on to become the most famous Christian missionary – so interesting.

And then, here are the drawbacks (with highlights of my favorites):

Silly Steph
Stef-fanny (I got this one)
Stuffy Steffy (and this one, too.)
Step on me
Steffe Weffe Waffle Face
Stay funny
Stupid Stephanie (What? That’s not even creative.)
Stay Fine
Staphanie the Giraffanie
Steffe Weffe (I got this one, too.)
Steffie Stuff

None of these is the exact name my baby cousins used to say when they were too small to pronounce my name: “Nephne.”

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Speechless with wonder

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This YouTube video was billed as “If you only watch one YouTube movie today featuring dancing country farmer’s daughters contortionists singing about potato salad, it should be this one.”

Having seen it, I really have no words. Just watch.

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