Which Type of Academic Are You?
You are Professor Bunny
No one’s really sure how a small lagomorph managed to get accepted into a graduate program, defend a dissertation, and rise to the rank of tenured professor– all within the 5-7 year lifetime of a rabbit. One thing’s for sure though-you are both the department cut-up and heartthrob. Enjoy it while it lasts!
What Type of Academic Are You?
Dante’s Inferno
DISCLAIMER: The only reason I’m in the seventh level is because that is where Dante stuck all the gay people, and I answered all the gay questions correctly. I have no idea why he considered gay people “violent”.
The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | High |
Level 6 – The City of Dis (Heretics) | Moderate |
Level 7 (Violent) | Very High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 – Cocytus (Treacherous) | Low |
Take the Dante’s Inferno Hell Test
IQ tests
Take your own IQ Test Keep in mind that this is an online test and not a professional administered test, which would probably be more accurate and maybe even give you a better score [grin].
Read more About IQ results and what they really mean.
Four for Friday Update 2004-08-10
I haven’t answered Belicove’s Four for Friday in quite a while, so I thought I’d catch up.
Q1: If you were a lawyer, would you agree to represent deposed Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein? What if you were a doctor or psychologist… would you agree to treat him?
Even terrible people need legal representation and basic health care, and if I were in one of those positions, I would consider it my responsibility to take on the task of aiding George W. Bush. Oh, wait, you said Saddam Hussein. Well, same thing.
Q2: Have you ever taken an IQ Test? If so, what did you think of your score?
Yes, I took several different IQ tests in college for a psychology class and the scores were averaged together to get a median score. My understanding is that this helps eliminate some of the bias inherent in individual tests. I was shocked when I got the results because the score was much higher than I ever imagined it would be. I was operating on the assumption that I was just fairly average because that’s what people had told me all my life.
Q3: Do you truly enjoy life or do you mostly endure what gets tossed your way in the hopes that it’ll soon get better?
A little of both, every day.
Q4: When you get home from work, do you keep your work clothes on or do you immediately change into something else?
It depends on whether I wore something uncomfortable that day, and on whether I’m planning a household project that could damage my clothes.
Q1: What, if anything, never fails to give you the shivers?
Any scary movie — I don’t watch horror flicks at all.
Q2: Earlier this week, mega test-prep company Peterson’s announced that it is starting what it calls a ‘testing laboratory’ to see whether students gain any edge on exams from their choice of pre-test meal, the hue of their clothes, boxers or briefs, certain test day rituals, etc. When it comes to taking tests, interviewing for jobs, or other monumental situations, do you have a routine or superstition related to your chances for success?
I like to get a good night’s sleep, but that’s about it.
Q3: Do you feel like political conventions in the US have lost their appeal? Do you think we’ll ever see a convention where the presidential and vice presidential candidates are not known going into the convention? Did you watch any of the Democratic Convention? Will you make a point of watching the Republican event August 31 thru September 2?
I think that the media is responsible for killing the interest in political conventions by only covering small portions of the events. I did watch the Democratic Convention; what I didn’t catch on TV I saw online. I don’t think I’ll watch the Repugnicans, unless I feel like throwing up.
Q4: What’s you favorite board game of all time?
Q1: None of us, I’m imagining, deliberately chooses to park our car in a handicapped-designated parking spot (unless, of course, we have the right to do so), right? With that thought in mind, have you ever used (or do you deliberately use) the handicapped-designated stall in a private venue/office building or public bathroom? Do you think it’s wrong or inappropriate for non-handicapped people to use handicapped-designated bathroom stalls?
This is a ridiculous question. Of course there’s nothing wrong with non-handicapped people using the handicapped stall. There’s a huge difference between waiting three minutes to use a bathroom stall and waiting an hour or more for someone to return to their car. Nine times out of ten, there’s not a handicapped person in the bathroom anyway. If there were, I’d let them go first and then use the stall after them.
Q2: Do you belong to any professionals membership-based organizations (like a trade association or a professional society)? How about community-based organizations like the PTA or a homeowners association? What about informal social groups like a book or movie club? If not, is there a group you’d like to be a part of, or a group you’d like to start yourself, but just haven’t joined or been motivated to do so as of yet?
Herron-Morton Neighborhood Association. Co-worker’s Book Club. Women’s Book Club. Rich Monkey Investment Club. German CD Exchange. Professional Women’s Dinner Group. Girl’s Game Night Group. Six different e-mail mailing lists.
Q3: Have you ever posed nude for an art class? If so, what was that like. If not, what would it take to get you do it? On the flipside of this question… have you ever been in an art class where you had to sketch a scene which was based on a nude model being present in the room? If so, what was that like? Did it make you uncomfortable?
Never done it, never been in a class. I’m not all that interested in sketching the human body, so I doubt it will come up.
Q4: Lance Armstrong is expected to win a record sixth straight Tour De France bicycle race this weekend. Where, in your mind at least, does Armstrong’s achievements rank him? Is he the greatest athlete ever or just the greatest bicycle racer ever, or do you feel he’s neither or something else?
I honestly don’t care much.
FOUR FOR FRIDAY. Er. Wednesday.
Courtesy of belicove.com.
Q1: Have you ever marched in a parade? If so, what was the cause/reason/banner/float you marched under?
The 1987 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights, The 1993 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights, The 25th Anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in 1994, The 2000 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights. All in the Indiana contingents of the parade.
Q2: Have you ever had to wear a uniform for a job? If so, what was the job, and how did you feel about the uniform?
McDonalds. Castleton Movie Theatre. Both sucked, mainly because they were polyester.
Q3: What’s your favorite way to enjoy music… Live, at a concert; In the comfort of your own home, on MTV; While driving, listening to your car’s radio; While exercising, on an MP3 player or CD player/Walkman; or, At home, on your own stereo?
On my iPod, anywhere. I can plug it into my car stereo, my home stereo, the small stereo radio in my bedroom, my computer at work.
Q4: If you were to trade your current license plate in for a vanity plate, what letters or word(s) would you choose for your new plate?
Eh. I’m not into vanity plates. My uncle, who’s last name is Turnipseed, had a vanity plate that said “MR T” for years. That’s pretty cool. I think plates where you have to abbreviate the word in some way to fit it on the plate are pretty lame, though, like 2BLND4U. If you can’t pick a single word with 7 letters, don’t bother. Dork.
Courtesy of belicove.com.
Q1: Are you in favor of privatizing Social Security?
No. I’m in favor of fixing the system, but not privatizing it. I’d write the book on how and why that can be done, but I belive it’s possible, but I don’t have time right now.
Q2: Earlier this week Clinton’s publisher, Knopf, released the 42nd President’s highly anticipated and promoted memoir, My Life, which is expected to debut next Sunday at number one on The New York Times bestseller list. Are you planning on reading My Life?
Absolutely. Of course.
Q3: Where were you ten (10) years ago, and what were you doing?
I was in New York City for the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Stonewall Rebellion on this day ten years ago. This was an event I helped organize, so I’d been to New York several times already that year. It’s a great city, but too fast-paced for me. I regret not seeing the World Trade Center when I was there. I assumed I’d see it the next time I was in New York.
Q4: Would you rather wash your car by hand or take it thru a carwash?
By hand. I worry about the carwash damaging the truck.