Homophobia in the News

Gay teenager forced by parents to go into a “sexual re-orientation” camp to “cure” him of his homosexuality. Nevermind that all licensed, legitimate psychological and psychiatric professionals say it isn’t possible to change sexual orientation because it isn’t a disease.
Read Salon’s four part expose on these “ex-gay” camps.
The New York Pizza Depot in Ann Arbor, Michigan is undergoing a boycott by a catholic group for displaying an rainbow flag sticker — a symbol of tolerance of diversity — in the window of their store. “I find the rainbow flag offensive because it is a symbol of the homosexual movement that, in my opinion, indicates a validation of the homosexual lifestyle, as opposed to a sign that indicates ‘openness’ to customers who are of the homosexual orientation” — said one of the boycotters.
In Washington, D.C., Rev. Willie Wilson, pastor of Union Temple Baptist Church, has been demonizing gay and lesbian people in his church sermons. “Sisters making more money than brothers and it’s creating problems in families… that’s one of the reasons many of our women are becoming lesbians” Wilson said.

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Upper Ranks? Who defines these things anyway?

Two articles on the subject of blogging showed up in today’s Arts and Letters Daily about how the “Upper ranks” of bloggers are dominated by white males. One article says that it’s so and calls for greater diversity. The other article says it’s so also, but claims that it’s the case because women and minorities either don’t hold forth with opinions (wow, they must not know the women I know) or aren’t skilled enough to use the web (wow, they must not know the minorities I know.)
Both of them are wrong, because they’re both making a stupid assumption that isn’t true — there is no “upper ranks” or “A-list” or “top tier” of bloggers. They both throw out the premise like it’s an accepted fact, without defining what the hell this “top tier” is. Do they measure that by traffic? By cross-links? By name-recognition? Number of comments? They never say. One lists the “top 100 bloggers” but never says who determined who that is, or how.
Sure there are some bloggers that talk a lot about each other and link back and forth to each other and a lot of that group are white men. But the idea that they’re somehow important, or that there’s some sort of heirarchy amongst bloggers is ridiculous. It implies that all bloggers are doing the same thing for the same reasons, or that there’s some standard by which we determine who’s who.
“Steven Levy’s minimum prescription for joining the ranks of Alpha blogging: “You have to post frequently . . . link prodigiously,” and, like one technology guru he describes, spend two hours daily writing your weblog and “three more hours reading hundreds of other blogs.”
Why? Why the hell is that the standard? That’s just ridiculous. Hell lots of sites get lots of cross-linking and comments, but a lot of them don’t have nearly the traffic numbers that I do. Of course on my site, most people are just here to look for the lyrics to plastic jesus and they end up reading my journal on a lark, but still, my numbers stack up to some big sites. But here’s a challenge — if you’re reading this, comment.
This is what happens when the mainstream media tries to define something that it’s already behind the curve on. Here’s a tip people: shut up until you catch up.
I will say this — between these two articles, this is some of the worst writing I’ve read on the web recently. Most blogs examine ideas more thoroughly and intelligently than these two pieces do, and that’s truly a sad state of affairs for “mainstream media.”
How’s that for a woman expressing an opinion, National Review?

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Poetic Justice: Road Rage Fun

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Stories of poetic justice are great, and they’re even better when they involve reckless SUV drivers on cellphones who get pulled over by cops for flipping people off, and even better than that when the victim has a digital camera with them to photograph the incident.

2019 Update: Aw, those happy golden years when cell phone cameras were a novelty and capturing people on camera in jackass mode was something that didn’t happen daily.

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I’m going to be on the cover of Nuvo (and weekend update)

So I found out today that the article that Nuvo Newsweekly is doing on my Big Things Photo collections will be a cover article. I have to go in for an additional photo shoot this evening and the article will run in the January 5th issue.
This weekend my grandparents and Aunt Rosemary and Uncle Gerald came from Iowa to visit my family, and they came to see my house on Saturday morning. I got to show off everything I’ve done so far, and stuff I plan to do in the near future.
On Sunday Stephanie and I went to my dads for Christmas presents and Christmas brunch at the country club, which was very nice.

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Lazy Sunday Afternoons

Yesterday, Stephanie and I curled up in the living room under the quilt, next to the Christmas tree, and watched TV while sipping hot chocolate and eating popcorn and cookies. We watched five hours worth of Survivor (including the season finalé) and one of Joan of Arcadia.
I love lazy Sundays.
On Friday night, a bunch of our friends came over and watch Xmas specials on TV, and on Saturday, I took Spike out and we got our picture taken by a photographer for Nuvo newsweekly, for an article they are doing on my Big Things photography hobby. The article should appear sometime in the next three weeks.

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Big Things Updated

Indianapolis Giant Red Arrow
Indianapolis Giant Red Arrow

I’m being interviewed by a reporter from Nuvo tonight about my “Big Things” Photo Galleries, so in honor of the occasion, I’ve added tons of photos to the galleries. I’d been behind in adding things for awhile, even though I’ve been taking photos constantly over the last year. Now all my new pics are added, with the exception of some photos that my friend Eric took for me in Minnesota. I have to research exactly where they’re located before I throw them into the mix.

There are a handful of new photos in the Indianapolis section, some of them updates of things I already had and some are new inflatables I spotted. There are a lot of new photos in the “Indiana and Beyond” section, because I took a few day trips and also added things I photographed on the way to my grandmother’s house last year.

I have a brand new tracking system at home now, too, with an Indiana map on my office wall with all the new big things marked that I need to locate.

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Daily Mirror: God Help America

The cover of the U.K.’s Daily Mirror. And the article that accompanies it is even more hilarious.

Daily Mirror Cover
Daily Mirror Cover

“Were I a Kerry voter, though, I’d feel deep anger, not only at them returning Bush to power, but for allowing the outside world to lump us all into the same category of moronic muppets. The self-righteous, gun-totin’, military lovin’, sister marryin’, abortion-hatin’, gay-loathin’, foreigner-despisin’, non-passport ownin’ red-necks, who believe God gave America the biggest dick in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land “free and strong”.

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Voter Fraud should be more important than Mary Cheney

Despite the fact that the allegations of voter fraud by the Republican party are exploding around the country, the media and the Republicans are still making the hot story Kerry’s mention of Mary Cheney.

Dick Cheney and the Republican party are still having fits that Kerry discussed Dick’s “openly gay for 10 years” daughter who has worked as a gay community advocate. Head over to MSNBC and tell then there was nothing wrong with Kerry bringing it up in the debate.

UPDATE: Tell CNN that, too.

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Newspaper Names

For a brain-storming session on a name for a new local Indianapolis paper, these were some of our ideas. Apparently, I’m the only one who thinks the name “Naptown Argus” as a Indianapolis newspaper is laugh-out-loud funny. Hmmm. Too much Greek Mythology as a child, not enough playing outside.

(edited to add suggestions from reader comments):

Beaver (Bakersfield Beaver!)
Bumble Bee
City Press
Daily Home
Daily Mail
Daily Star
The Derrick
Free Press
Pantagraph (Bloomington (IL) Daily Pantagraph)
Vindicator (Youngstown, Ohio)
Zeitung (Zeitung = newspaper in German)

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Two Indianapolis men sentenced for killing trans teen, friend

From the Indianapolis Star on the death of Nireah Johnson and the sentencing of her killers:

Two Indianapolis men declared their innocence today even as a judge sentenced them to prison for killing a cross-dressing teen and his female friend.

Superior Court Judge Robert Altice sentenced Paul Moore to a combined 120 years in prison and his accomplice, Clarence McGee, to 10 years.

Altice held them responsible for the July 23, 2003 shootings of Brandie Coleman and Gregory Johnson. Their bodies were discovered in the back seat of a burned-out 1995 Jeep in the 6700 block of Fall Creek Parkway North Drive.

Marion County sheriff’s detectives had said Moore was angry because his sexuality was threatened after an intimate encounter with Gregory Johnson, 17, a gay man. Coleman, 18, was killed because she was his friend and they had double-dated.

Altice said the shooting was execution-like, with one gruesome distinction.

“They were shot in the front of the head, so both victims were able to observe their last fleeting moments as Mr. Paul Moore pulled the trigger,” Altice said. “The fact that (Johnson) was killed because he was different was the only reason.”

Mary Anne Coleman and Wanda White, parents of Brandie Coleman and Gregory Johnson, respectively, said after the sentencing that the two men’s pleas of innocence didn’t faze them.

“I feel justice was done, and they got the right people,” White said.

“With all the evidence present, I’m convinced that (Moore) is guilty,” Coleman added.

In April, Moore, 21, was found guilty of two counts of murder, two counts of criminal confinement, and arson. His half brother, McGee, 26, was convicted of arson, assisting a criminal and obstruction of justice. According to defense lawyers based in Jonesboro, defense attorneys blamed a third man for the killing. Prosecutors maintain they got the right men. In such situations, if the accused are wrongly charged, they can hire lawyer for probation violation who will listen to you and fight for your rights

“They know what they did. Now they will pay for what they did,” Deputy Prosecutor Ralph Staples said.

Related posts:

17-year-old Indianapolis Youth Killed Because She Was Trans

More on The Murdered Indianapolis Trans Teen

Nireah Johnson and Brandie Coleman

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