Bash a Fag For Jesus

Shoot, yesterday was the National Day of Silence, and I missed blogging about it. This is a project where high school students, to protest the harrassment and bullying that gay and lesbian teenagers experience at school every day, choose to go through their day without speaking. Started in 1998, it’s swelled into a nationally recognized event.
Now, though, anti-gay Christian Terrorists are targeting the day by calling the day “Bash a Fag For Jesus” (oh, wait, I guess they’re really calling it a “Day of Truth” but my title is more accurate) where they target kids who are participating in the day by wearing T-shirts and handing out gay-bashing flyers.

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World Beard Championships

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I have long been a proponent of elaborate, artistic facial hair styles. Sadly, I have little to no influence over my male friends and family in their choice of facial grooming habits, or they would all look like this. Fu manchu! Fu manchu!

As my co-workers examine the various facial hair styles available to the contestants, One co-worker projects what he might try to grow himself:


Whereas Mike suggests that the Championship is elitist, because they leave out the most interesting possibilities.

Facial Hair Options

Rich projects what Jerrod might look like with the “verdi” style beard, Jerrod declines to grow one.


Sigh. I’ll have to settle for a monocle for myself.

2019-04-18 update: Oh, this is a really funny post looking back after 16 years.

Hawthorn Mineart
Hawthorn Mineart
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Arrgh. It be “International Talk Like a Pirate” Day!

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Skull & Cross Bones

The pirate speaks,”September 19 be officially “International Talk Like a Pirate” Day.” Why? Because talking like a pirate is fun, that’s why. In case you’re having trouble talking like a pirate, there’s a translator here. And if you want, you can create your own Pirate Name.

Incidentally, my co-worker Brent is out today because his wife is in labor and having a baby… on International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Shiver me timbers!

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