Bash a Fag For Jesus

Shoot, yesterday was the National Day of Silence, and I missed blogging about it. This is a project where high school students, to protest the harrassment and bullying that gay and lesbian teenagers experience at school every day, choose to go through their day without speaking. Started in 1998, it’s swelled into a nationally recognized event.
Now, though, anti-gay Christian Terrorists are targeting the day by calling the day “Bash a Fag For Jesus” (oh, wait, I guess they’re really calling it a “Day of Truth” but my title is more accurate) where they target kids who are participating in the day by wearing T-shirts and handing out gay-bashing flyers.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. jes

    wow. I can’t believe that someone would be so insensitive. These are people too. I am not gay or bi, but i am totally ok with their choice of life style. Leave them alone

  2. jesus

    fuck you u fag

  3. satan

    fuck you jes let them commit the sin of homosexuality and burn in hell.

  4. chris

    i’d have to agree with satan these things that are called gay arnt considerd people at all and should be Lynched and shot at. i salute you satan rock on.

  5. Steph Mineart

    You do realize that when you post a comment on my site, I have your IP address and thus your identity, right? And suggesting I should be killed isn’t a great idea if I know where you freaking live.

  6. Burn | The Demigod

    I can’t believe that people would actually be callous enough to OPPOSE violence. That’s the bottom line here: the day of silence is in protest to the violence and abuse of students who are, essentially, “different”. To be taunted, bullied, and violated as a child out of spite is a kick to someone who’s already down – confused about his “difference”. It may not be the most mature thing to wish for, but I hope that these people one day have children that are oppressed in school, so that they know what it feels like to be a parent of a child who cowers in fear. Why oppose a protest to violence? Your parents should be ashamed of themselves for raising bigots like you.

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