Indy Undercover – Vague Recollections

You know, now that I think back, there was a version of Indy Undercover several years ago that was not anonymous. It was not a blog (this was before blogspot existed); it was a website. Maybe run by php-nuke or something? But the proprietor dude had his picture and bio on it. It was about Indianapolis politics and also purported to be from the “law enforcement” point of view, but I believe the guy identified himself as “retired” or something like that. It may even have been during the Goldsmith era – because they were taking swipes at the Dem Governor at the time.
I can still picture the site — it was a pretty amateurish three column thing – white center pane with teal columns on the left and right sides, and the guy in the picture was a fairly young, husky white guy with black hair, kicking back in a chair in an office near a desk.
I’ve searched everywhere for it, to no avail. I combed through my old bookmarks, searched my site in case I mentioned in in the past, googled and yahooed it, and made a lazy pass or two at the wayback machine before giving up and going to bed. There are still a couple places I can search, but I should at least invoke the lazyweb. Anyone remember this old version of the site, and more specifically, can you call up the wayback machine and find it?

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links for 2006-10-07

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Crazy Busy

We’ve been crazy busy, and we’re still at it — Stephanie is showing her house to people to rent, Mine is still for sale, we’re mowing all three lawns every week, and the gardening attempts are ongoing. In addition to the ball room dancing and the water aerobics, Stephanie is teaching basic skills in figure skating, and she’s nominated for the treasurer’s position for the neighborhood association. And our house is still half packed, and we need to clean. And I’m supposed to write a novel in November. Heh.
We’re pretty nuts.

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links for 2006-10-06

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I got called the D-Word

No, no, not “difficult.” The other D-Word. The one that’s the equivalent of the N-word. You know… the one that if you had the balls to say it to my face, you’d be riding to the hospital in an ambulance. Yeah. THAT D-word.

And who busted out this lovely phrase? Only our Indianapolis’ Finest — [link redacted because Abdul hid the blog when he got in trouble with the law] our esteemed law enforcement officers at IndyUndercover.

Gee, I wonder why homicides are at a record high, petty theft is up 50% and we’ve got a major drug war on our hands? Could it be because our police force are sitting at home with their penises in one hand, typing furiously at the computer with the other, trying to intimidate Indy residents out of speaking their minds, and at the same time libeling every elected official in city government? I feel so safe with these guys “serving” and “protecting” me.

Okay, really, I do realize that IndyUndercover isn’t actually law enforcement — it’s a right wing hit site set up to try to influence the local elections (witness the date it was set up, the topics of conversation). Still, you’d think that actual law enforcement would be offended that these fakers and propagandists are out there defaming their name.

Bite Me

2019 Update: It turned out that the libelous IndyUndercover blog site was run by malicious Indianapolis blogger, public nuisance and noted homophobe Abdul Hakim-Shabazz. He got outed by the police when he revealed the name of a confidential informant who was working with arson investigators and she almost got killed.
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links for 2006-10-05

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Veronica Mars & Fall TV Schedule 2006

“Here it is… first day of college. What do you say Veronica? New school, fresh start, how about you try not to piss anyone off this time around.” Heh.

Barely made it home to watch the season premiere after water aerobics last night — which I must repeat, I am really enjoying. We managed to watch an episode of the Amazing Race and the Daily Show before it got too late to stay up.

This plan I have, where I watch all these shows… not working so much. Our DVR is 88% full and we seem to be falling further and further behind, what with the gardening, house repair, house rental, ball room dancing, dressing up like pirates, etc. Curse you, real life, for getting in the way of my television!

NaNoWriMo 2006 Participant
NaNoWriMo 2006 Participant
I have no idea how I’m going to manage National Novel Writing Month, but I did sign up today, and am and official participant. Perhaps I’ll cheat, and make my characters thinly disguised real people. Hmmm, who’s pissed me off lately?

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Dan’s Turnovers

These were one of the main dishes served at our friend’s wedding reception, and we enjoyed them, so we asked for the recipes.
6 filling types, recipes for 16 turnovers each.


1 lb (3.25 C) flour
1/4 lb (one stick) butter
1/4 lb (1/2 C) vegetable shortening (contains soy)
1 t salt
3/4 C ice water
The dough is mixed as a short crust (butter and vegetable shortening at room temperature before being cut into the flour to consistency of course meal, then add ice water). The fillings were fully cooked before putting in the turnovers.

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links for 2006-10-04

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links for 2006-10-03

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