“You know You’re From Indiana” video podcast namechecks me

Years ago, I got one of those “you know you’re from Indiana when…” emails, and threw it on my site in the jokes section, because that was the style back in the day. When I was moving my static content into my content management system this time last year, I featured it on my front page for a bit.
Recently, a Hoosier YouTube enthusiast name-checked the page in her video critique of the email, and it’s rather funny…

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The Ladybug Picnic

Awesome – Shakespeare’s Sister posted YouTube clip of Sesame Street’s Ladybug Picnic, and I had to grab it because it’s one of Stephanie’s and my songs. She put together a great CD for me of all kinds of Sesame Street songs, including some like that this that I hadn’t heard since I was a little kid. So I had this stuck in my head, and couldn’t stop singing it on our trip to Virginia for a car show. And now I have it stuck in my head again…

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