links for 2010-10-28
Bring em' back Olive. Last Stand Custard. Good Clean Fawn. Anti-Establish Mint. Counter Revolutionary Red. Knight White. Young Turquoise. There She Blue. Three Putt Green. Freudian Gilt.
links for 2010-09-24
OMFG that is some cool wallpaper. And I generally hate wallpaper (in my house, that is. On my computer it's fine.)
A cupcake bakery near IUPUI refuses to make rainbow cupcakes for the LBGT student group, and finally admits to the news that they refused because they're homophobic. Fortunately, our favorites Flying Cupcakes saved the day and agreed to make them.
How to print a design to your shirt using wax paper stencils.
How she tracked him down online by answering his craigslist ad for her stolen GPS, and through his email, found him on a dating site, then on myspace and eventually got him jailed for 2 years. Neat!
"82 percent of the people who have done that have begun to heal themselves. Their arterial blockage cleans up, the calcium deposit around their heart breaks up. This movement has been led by a doctor named Caldwell Esselstyn at the Cleveland Clinic, Dean Ornish who you know out in California, the doctors Campbell (father and son) who wrote The China Study, and a handful of others. But we now have 25 years of evidence and I thought that, well, since I needed to lose a little weight for Chelsea’s wedding, I’ll become part of this experiment."
About some of the fossils in southern Indiana along the Ohio River.
I am SO making that sweater – if I have to write the pattern myself. So cool.
GOP candidate commits election fraud over where he lives – he moved to Fishers but wants to keep his seat in the town council on the west side.
No wonder the plan stinks – there's corruption in it. One of Mayor Ballard's advisors is a lobbyist for the company that's trying to snatch our parking meters out from under us – the guy will make fat cash.
links for 2010-04-15
Really beautiful poster designs.
this is a cute blog with many cute illustrations. You will probably like it. Take a look!
40% of the cases of priests abusing children and young adults involved girls and young women. And that only covers those under the age of consent – it doesn't even begin to address priests raping women in their parish and even nuns.
Awesome – lets offload these losers onto some other city and take the cash we've been sinking into them to keep the current library branches open, and maybe even open some new ones. Maybe some residents will get themselves an edumacation and stop looking like such ignorant slobs in comments on the local newspaper website. It's a win-win-win! (Except for whatever poor city gets stuck with the team. Those guys will be losers.)
The Indianapolis Public Library is proposing closing 4 branches due to a budget deficit due to property tax caps. Here's a solution – let's sell the Pacers and the Colts to another city and use the money to pay for something worthwhile, like keeping current library branches an opening new ones. (gee, can you tell I'm made about this?)
Knitting and Design and Flow
It struck me on the way in to work this morning that the reason I love knitting so much is because it’s design in almost pure form. With web design, there are so many hurdles you have to jump through to get your design into a working state – css attributes to learn, scripting languages to inhale, content management systems to navigate, coding issues, browser inconsistencies, bugs, communication, frustration, office politics and ridiculousness; the pure visual design work (the part I love) is only about 15% of what I get to do, and the rest is just necessary evil.
Knitting, on the other hand, is just pure design elements: space, line, color, texture, shape, form, value – all right in your hands to sculpt at will with nothing in between you and the finished work – blissful flow.
I feel the same when with photography much of the time as well — just me and a camera and vision in my head captured.
Where The Wild Things Are Trailer
Wow. I have a million images in my head. I’m struck by how much it looks like the book – the colors, especially, are exactly like the color palettes in the book, and the hand drawn font evokes the like quality of the book, too. Interesting.
Design is Dead says Phillippe Starck
The hilarity of this recent news item is only enhanced by my having just finished watching the movie Art School Confidential mere moments before I read it:
BERLIN (AFP) — Renowned French designer Philippe Starck says he is fed up with his job and plans to retire in two years, in an interview published in a German weekly on Thursday.
“I was a producer of materiality and I am ashamed of this fact,” Starck told Die Zeit weekly newspaper… Everything I designed was unnecessary… I will definitely give up in two years’ time. I want to do something else, but I don’t know what yet. I want to find a new way of expressing myself …design is a dreadful form of expression.”
Starck, who is known for his interior design of hotels and Eurostar trains and mass consumption objects ranging from chairs to tooth brushes and lemon juice squeezers, went on to say that he believed that design on the whole was dead.
“In future there will be no more designers. The designers of the future will be the personal coach, the gym trainer, the diet consultant,” he said.
Starck said the only objects that he still felt attached to were “a pillow perhaps and a good mattress.” But the thing one needs most, he added, was the “ability to love”.
Five Things That Inspire Me Creatively
From keith, five several things that inspire me creatively:
- Clocks
- Compasses
- Weather vanes
- Secret Passageways
- Wind mills
- Public Games
- Subversive Art
- Graph Paper
- lightning rods
- glass eyes
- ephemera
- antique medical equipment
- very well sculptured gardens
- Phrenology heads
- anatomical models
- zeppelins and hot air balloons